Comments on: Quickies: Screen Repairs, Fonts, Plucker
International Typeface Corporation has released the ITC eBook Font Pack for the Palm Reader Pro. It includes ITC Charter, ITC Kabel, and ITC Officina Sans and there are five sizes for each bitmapped font. It costs $15. -PR
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RE: Pay for fonts for the Palm?
i bought the extra useless agfa fontpack with palmreader pro.
i higly recommend the free "alpha fonts" which you can use with 160x160 res and "lubak´s clie hires fonts" for use with hires(+).
RE: Pay for fonts for the Palm?
For now I am content with my Palm default font. Well, just for curiosity purposes, I might as well ask where one can obtain these free "Alpha" fonts?
Carry the web in the Palm® of your hand...
Plucker is an offline HTML viewer for PalmOS® devices packaged with UNIX and Linux conduits and a Windows installer in Virtual Pascal. An included set of scripts will spider HTML pages which you specify to a supplied depth, and parse them on your desktop machine. Those webpages are processed there and transferred to the Palm for viewing by Plucker.
Plucker supports clickable images, italics, multiple databases, configurable display parameters and stylus options, compression, Perl and Python conduits and parsers, a Windows fully-integrated installer, and a whole lot more!
This new version of Plucker includes quite a few advancedments, including JogDial support (in the HiRes branch), VFS support, colored text, a faster parser, and more.
RE: Plucker
Plucker is like Avantgo EXCEPT:
1) You don;t have this MONSTER viewer file to install
2) It will scarf down almost ANY webpage
3) Compresses documents using ZLib (builtin) so documents are actually smaller than Avantgo
I use it in conjunction with sitescooper (more open source! Yay!) and I have a batch file on my Windows box
that is scheduled to run everyday at 0600 and 1800 (6am and 6pm) that automatically downloads all my newsfeeds and throws them into the Install directory so that all I have to do is sync my m505 and I have all my news there. All free. And since Plucker for Windows installs components into your right-click menu, if you have a .txt or .htm(l) file stored on your local machine, you can right click on it, select "Convert to Plucker" and it will create a Plucker .pdb file that you can hotsync to carry the content with you. I have been using it for years to store docs on my various handhelds (PalmIII, Vx, m505).
Once I get my Zaurus, I will probably try to compile a viewer for that too. Great little program. Of course, you can't go online with it and use it as a browser, but there are many more apps out there that do it better.
NOTE: Plucker only reads Plucker-formatted docs. Not DOC standard files or iSilo-formatted files. Although since it is all open source, someone COULD throw those capabilities in there. There is even a online PDF to Plucker formatter on their website somewhere....
David A. McLemore
RE: Plucker
David A. McLemore
RE: Plucker
What I like about Plucker is that it uses your own PC as server, so while it's slower than AvantGo, you don't have to worry that it will ever become a paysite like Mazingo for Pocket PC.
RE: Plucker
I'd like to see a software shoot-out between Plucker, iSilo and AvantGo.
RE: Plucker
Avantgo: For people new to offline web browsing on the PalmOS. Easy to use. Gotta use THEIR sitelist though (last time I looked, years ago)
iSilo: For Avantgo users who tire of Avantgo...and want a nice easy desktop app (shareware). And want MORE choice over what sites to download.
Plucker: For the hardcore user. Command line driven, but desktop is being worked on. Considered beta, but I have had no problems.
Once again, try 'em all, pick the one that suits you best.
RE: Plucker 1.2 is a BETA, not RELEASE
Plucker 1.2 has NOT BEEN RELEASED so please don't consider it as such. It is a BETA, and is there for the purposes of testing. There have been new releases and code committed to the cvs almost daily, even if the website hasn't been updated.
There's a new website being redesigned, as well as a bunch of other tools to use for this new revision of Plucker. Nobody on the team is "dormant", and in fact, we've been cranking hard at code and bug fixes and new features. Are you not on the mailing lists?
RE: Plucker
However, some users might not know what to do with a tar.gz or .bzip2 file, so if the website people could just slap a .zip file on there with the latest beta in it, you could get more input from the Windows users....although, personally, I prefer Linux...just wish I could get that &*@$ desktop to compile...oh well.
David A. McLemore
RE: Plucker
RE: Plucker
and download the bzip2 program. I have already posted to the Plucker buglist site a request to also post a regular .zip file of the latest BETA release.
Keep at's a good program. And the price is just right :)
David A. McLemore
Plucker Desktop
RE: Plucker
Now let's just see how it is on Windows and Linux.
I know it's beta software and Not Yet Ready For Prime Time(tm) but it is still a good program.
David A. McLemore
RE: Plucker
If you install under Windows, Plucker adds a Convert to Plucker choice to the context menu for text files and HTML documents. Select that choice, and the Plucker parser will convert the text file of HTML document to a Plucker format PDB file in the same directory, which you can hotsync to your PDA using whatever tools you normally use. (I like PInstall for that.)
My big use of Plucker is as a reference tool. I'm a SysAdmin for a living, and most of the documentation for systems I deal with is available in HTML format. I use Plucker to create PDA versions, and carry the equivalent of about ten karge paper manuals around in my pocket, with full search capability. (Among other things, the complete set of Linux HOW-TOs is available in Plucker format.) The Plucker docs live happily on my expansion module, saving precious RAM. At this point, my Visor Pro is largely a Plucker engine.
One correction to an earlier comment here by mclemored however: Plucker does not require Perl. The Plucker parser is written in Python, another free, open source language, and the full Windows installer includes a version of Python, so you don't need it already installed. Sitescooper _does_ require perl.
The increased compression from Zlib is also a boon, but that is provided by sysZlib, yet another open source product. Zlib uses the same compression algorithm as the gzip utility from Unix. If you normally use Zlib compression on your Plucker documents, you'll need to beam sysZlib _and_ Plucker to folks who you would like to share Plucker files with.
plucker hires not ready yet
Support will include 320x320 res for sony, 240x320 for handera. Plus the ability to display the toolbar from within the silkscreen, and raise/lower it accordingly (handera only, for now)
GetHighTech parts
RE: GetHighTech parts
Logo out of place?
I look forward to what these guys can do with this software in the near future.
"If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight." - George Gobol.
RE: Logo out of place?
Stay tuned for more...
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Pay for fonts for the Palm?