Comments on: Palm Owners Against Belt Carrying Cases

POALBCC (Palm Owners Against Leather Belt Carrying Cases) has been officially launched. POALBCC is a non-profit organization to influence Palm owners to stop the madness and quit buying leather belt carrying cases. If you look in Palm Graveyard, you can see that many of the incidents happed because of a leather belt carrying cases.
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Belt carrying case

TD @ 1/23/2000 6:02:29 PM #
With the right belt carrying is the BEST solution to carrying the Palm, at least for sanyone wearing pants. Why? The alternatives to a belt case are:

1-No case, just put it in your Shirt pocket- It will take a week, Max, before it tumbles out.
2-Pants pocket- You got a bulge where you don,t want to have a bulge. At least for all the wrong reasons.
3-Purse- Now which purse that I put that in?
4-Leather portfolio, Planner size-OK if you prefer to always have something in your hand.
5-Small leather portfolio which slips into a coat pocket. OK if you are ALWAYS wearing a jacket.
6-Palm leather belt clip case-If it doesn't swivel, it wont be long before it breaks AND the fit is so tight, it's frustrating to get the unit out.
7-All other cases-Have pluses and minuses.

Which are my recommended cases:

1-The Covertec case with a snap in module similar to the ones used by cell phones. This case has a large opening with an sturdy elastic strap which securily straps in the Palm. I have used mine for the last 3 years. Since it also swivels, it is great when sitting down, especially in a car. I NEVER dropped it when either putting it in or taking it out of the case because of it's large opening. The unit is available through mail order at The site is out of the UK but there is a Canadin site linked to it. The US site seems to have gone under. Cost $49.00 Cdn, about $30.00 US

2-E&B case. I just ordered one for the Palm Vx, from, looks great but I have not yet received it.



Patrick Stack @ 1/24/2000 7:29:50 AM #
I've used a belt clip through 3 generations of Palm Pilots, since 1996. I could'nt imagine carrying it any other way. I never know it's there until I need to use it. The way it should be.... As with any other high tech device you carry to stay "connected" should you not conduct yourself in a manner appropriate to your mission? I would'nt consider wearing it while working up a sweat. But for everyday "civil" activities? It's "Hip" to have it on your Hip.

belt clip is fine!

robseth @ 1/24/2000 8:45:15 AM #
I'm a computer tech and I have had my Palm Pilot Pro for several years and my leather belt clip for just as long. It works fine. I wear it all the time no matter what except when I'm playing sports or some other heavy physical activity. Wearing it on your hip is not the problem. If you want your Palm to last as long as mine, the answer is simple: BE CAREFUL.

Why would you WANT a belt clip???

Kurt @ 1/24/2000 9:23:44 AM #
Hey, go ahead and deal with these problems if you want to, but I don't know why you would:
1. Easy to steal; a theif just grabs it and runs.
2. Your arm will keep brushing against it as it sticks out from your belt.
3. Too easy to drop.
4. Additional, unnecessary cost of the belt clip.
5. Just what ARE you using your front left pants pocket for anyway?

My Palm V has been in my left front pocket since I bought it and there's no problem at all. It avoids every problem listed above. Seems a no-brainer!


How do you think I lost my Palm3 ?

Michael Fetbrod @ 1/25/2000 10:58:01 AM #
Wending my way home by train after a 14-hour day, I woke with a start to find the train about to leave my station. I grabbed my backpack and rushed off the train. Halfway home (I walk to/from the train) I noticed a familiar bulge was no longer at my waist. Now I (1) own a Visor deluxe, (2) always use the password protection, (3) use a belt case (an old PalmPilot 5000 model) only within my workplace.

Love my E&B swivel leather belt case!

Pfloyd @ 1/25/2000 11:29:45 PM #
I dropped my first palm out of my shirt pocket and ruined the screen. No problems at all with the E&B Slipper III. I leave it in the case to sync; I have dropped it quite a few times in the case with no damage. I couldn't sync in the case with the first case and their friendly customer service department swapped it out with no complaints. Spare belt clips are $7.

Palm Owners Against Ugliness

Adam Codega @ 1/27/2000 8:26:02 AM #
The only reason I don't like most belt clips is because they're ugly,or don't keep they're ''easy access'' factor. Iant a cellphone style clip. (I saw the link above, will check whn I get to a desktop computer.)

High Geek Factor/High Availability Factor

Drew Carmichael @ 1/31/2000 3:45:08 PM #
I've been using the leather belt-clip case for a year
and a half now and, with the exception of the velcro
starting to peel off, I'm completly happy with it.
I use the belt-loop instead of the clip as I find it

The only down side it the high geek factor
but, hey, even that's cool these days.

Belt case is a must

Esa @ 11/10/2002 11:02:19 PM #
I have always carried my palm in a belt clip case. I have never dropped or damaged it in any way. But without a belt case I just wouldn't have the Palm when I need it. The whole idea of a PDA, to me, is that It's ALWAYS with me. It fits nicely on the belt right next to cellular phone case.


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