Comments on: Classic Arcade Emulator for Palm OS 5
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RE: Only for Palm OS 5?
RE: Only for Palm OS 5?
While the slow CPU speed is also a major issue, there are older arcade games which could be emulated at decent speed on a Palm OS 3+ PDA.
RE: Only for Palm OS 5?
The Shadow knows!
RE: Only for Palm OS 5?
RE: Only for Palm OS 5?
RE: Only for Palm OS 5?
For a new ARM processor emulating an older 8-bit processor (such as the 68k emulator in the new ARM devices) the number could be slightly lower.
To run a 4-MHz GameBoy and graphics chip on an 8-bit 68k processor, the ratio is about 16-to-1, meaning you need a 64 MHz Palm device for full speed with no frame skipping.
Is that more information than you wanted to know? ;)
RE: Only for Palm OS 5?
The 68K was far more advanced than the 8-bit chips that came before it; it is probably most similar to the Intel 80386 in power and speed, although lacking the 386's better memory management hardware.
Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
Where is the requiered source code ?
- If you distribute the binary (compiled) version of MAME, you should also distribute the source code. If you can't do that, you must provide a link to a site where the source can be obtained.
- MAME must be distributed only in the original archives. You are not allowed to distribute a modified version, nor to remove and/or add files to the archive.
- The source code cannot be used in a commercial product without the written authorization of the authors. Use in non-commercial products is allowed, and indeed encouraged. If you use portions of the MAME source code in your program, however, you must make the full source code freely available as well.
And I've seen a link to buy this software, but this is not allowed by the license:
- MAME is free. Its source code is free. Selling either is not allowed.
I hope that will comply *shortly* with the distribution license !!!
Anyway If you want really free software, please visit
RE: Where is the requiered source code ?
RE: Where is the requiered source code ?
The Shadow knows!
RE: Where is the requiered source code ?
NES emulator?
technically, is there enough horsepower (i am guessing there is more than plenty), and are there any plans in the works?
for me i know, this would be a killer app.
RE: NES emulator?
Generally in the world of emulators, you need hardware at least 3x as powerful as the hardware you are trying to emulate.
RE: NES emulator?
RE: NES emulator?
FYI - The SNES ran it's processor at 2.68 and 3.58 Mhz
The emulation of the graphics chips require much hardware though
Eagles may soar but at least weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.
Nice start...
None of the games has sound, I hope this will be fixed in the release version.
RE: Nice start...
I'll be investigating sound after I get a few more games in there and things settle down in the core a little. I'll be addressing sprite flicker soon as Iv'e got to make my renderer a little more intelligent for it (its complex on a small platform like Palm units :)
Ms. Pacman crashes though? At what point? Befoer the game, or after you exit the application?
The Shadow knows!
RE: Nice start...
On the third try it worked :-) And the forth and fifth... it works nicely now.
RE: Nice start...
The Shadow knows!
RE: Nice start...
RE: Nice start...
The Shadow knows!
RE: Nice start...
Where can I get ROMS for XCade?
Thanks very much in advance.
I'd love to see a Commodore 64 emulator
All roms work great on my Tungsten !
Would be great to have at least 3-5 mins of full power to complete a level or two...
Great job anyway !
Atari 2600 emulator
Mobile Digital Media
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Only for Palm OS 5?
I hope they release a backward compatible version someday in the future. I don't expect to run recent arcade titles on a pre-OS 5 device, but the old ones should be playable.