Comments on: SnapperMail v1.8 and AcidImage Pro Released
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RE: $49.95 to view a fax with AI Pro . . . I think not.
Have to agree with you on the fax viewer. It would be nice... IF anyone ever sent me faxes, but I'm not ready to double the cost for ocassional use. Of course, the situation would be different for a business user who does so on a regular basis. In that case, $50 for a fax machine that fits in your pocket is great.
PDF Attachment
Attachment support in desktop format with partner applications. Supported filetypes include MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Zip, Jpeg, BMP, GIF, PNG, vCard, vCalender, Text, HTML, CSV, WAV, and Midi.
The PDF attach is not supported?, bad.
RE: PDF Attachment
Email Adobe and tell them to get off their butts and make a decent PDF viewer that can render native PDFs.
*Then* you'll see it supported.
SnapperMail is *AN EMAIL CLIENT*, not a file viewer. All it does is dish out the attachment to external apps easily for you.
RE: PDF Attachment
RE: PDF Attachment
Acid Image goes the wrong way
What is wrong with the whole universe that the Palm OS world has 8 PDA models with cameras included and no third party photo editor or hi-res paint program worth a lick?
Anyway, I recently upgraded to Resco Photo Viewer and highly recommend it. The editing features are few but at least there is something there and we can hope for the rest of the features from the PPC version.
I also was overwhelmingly happy to find that Resco allows me to keep thumbnails in a cache. It takes up a whopping 3 meg altogether, but this feature allows me to actually show people the photos on my Clie again! With every other program, I waited and waited and waited. No one is going to stand there for 4 minutes while I try to show them the picture of the Longaberger home office I took two Summers ago, sorting through the 600+ photos on my memory stink card. The cache makes this a delight again. About the only think AI still has over Resco is the ability to view GIFs. With all the desktop software I have to convert virtually everything and anything to JPEGs, there is not much need for that.
When I saw Acid Image Pro I dreamed of all the features of AI plus those of TealPaint in high res. Now, that would get me to shake loose $50. Viewing faxes? It may be worth a lot to someone, but not for me.
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
webmaster at aardvarko dot com
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
> wirh the author of resco viewer and he said since
> there is such a high demand for the gif viewing
> capability. they decided to implement it asap. the
> only think they have to solve is licencing of the
> gif technology (it's not an open format). so stay
> tuned :-)
um.. gif 'decoding' is 100% legal, and, there is plenty of documentation out there to explain how to do it. the LZW patent expired early this year (just over two months ago), so, now gif 'encoding' is legal :) i dont see why gif decoding/encoding is such a difficult task?
we use gif for storing graphics in our newest games, as it gives great compression ratios. it isn't the fastest to 'decode', but, speed isn't much of an issue these days.
tiff format is either raw data, or a 24-bit LZW (ie: 24-bit gif). its not the hardest of formats to decode on the palmos - its actually one of the easiest. there are a few contraints, all well documented (color spaces etc). jpg is probably the most complex, in my opinion.
^^ read up on TIFF.
once you have jpg, you can do progressive updates to get mpg. but, moving into the 'movie' formats is a new kettle of fish entirely.
// az
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
AcidImage has cached thumbnails for, uh, FOREVER.
webmaster at aardvarko dot com
I have checked the preferences box in Acid Image that tells it to "save thumbnails....always" but whatever it is doing it is not doing what Resco is.
I waited forever (well, for way too long) for AcidImage to load the names, even just the names without any thumbs, from the memory stick.
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
The other possibility is that AI has problems with caching more than a few hundred image thumbs, as I only have about 250 images on the card. Have you checked with AI support? Not many people have 600 images on their device, and that may be the issue.
Still, if the product you use does what you want, I don't see any reason to switch :)
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
> plenty of documentation out there to explain how to
> do it. the LZW patent expired early this year (just
> over two months ago), so, now gif 'encoding' is
> legal :) i dont see why gif decoding/encoding is
> such a difficult task?
Only in the U.S.. The European, Canadian, and Japanese patents are still effective for another year. (You of all people, Aaron, should know that!)
> tiff format is either raw data, or a 24-bit LZW
Not necessarily. TIFF supports 16-bit channels, different colorspaces, more than three color channels, JPEG compression, and big- and little-endian formats.
> once you have jpg, you can do progressive updates to
> get mpg
MPG is not MJPEG.
> I have checked the preferences box in Acid Image
> that tells it to "save thumbnails....always" but
> whatever it is doing it is not doing what Resco is.
I believe Resco by default stores the thumbnails in internal RAM, whereas AcidImage stores the thumbnails on the memory card itself.
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
Then too, my NR has only a 66MZ VX. That could be why yours is so much zippier. Mine won't open a 1 meg JPEG in less than 4+ seconds if at all.
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
RE: Acid Image goes the wrong way
Palm m505 User
neeeeeed IMAP
RE: neeeeeed IMAP
RE: neeeeeed IMAP
I'm in the opposite situation, as I need POP and Snapper is great for me. More reliable than our corporate email system and Outlook ;)
RE: neeeeeed IMAP
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$49.95 to view a fax with AI Pro . . . I think not.
I was enthusiastic to read about the possibility of viewing native TIFF files (for fax viewing, primarily), but that capability is not worth the $49.95 price tag for Acid Image Pro. Wonder if they'll offer a lite (TIFF only) version substantially less money . . . ?