Comments on: Opera Announces PDA Optimized Web Browser

Opera has announced they have developed a new medium screen resolution, or MSR, optimized browser, based on their existing technology. The company says it will ship with several as of yet unannounced products in the near future.
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First Prediction fullfilled :-)

rened @ 1/21/2004 12:40:24 PM #
What can I say; just great!

RE: First Prediction fullfilled :-)
MarcosV @ 1/21/2004 7:35:22 PM #

I use Opera for Windows and I must say it's a really slick browser..

Glad to see them move into the PDA space.

RE: First Prediction fullfilled :-)
southbound747 @ 1/21/2004 8:54:42 PM #
movng into pda space? maybe moving into palm spcae. if i am not mistaken, the linnux-based sharp zaurus uses an opera browser for the internet. no?

RE: First Prediction fullfilled :-)
southbound747 @ 1/21/2004 8:54:42 PM #
moving into pda space? maybe moving into palm space. if i am not mistaken, the linnux-based sharp zaurus uses an opera browser for the internet. no?

RE: First Prediction fullfilled :-)
johnwin @ 1/22/2004 8:30:40 AM #
The Psion 5 had an Opera browser about 3 years ago also - It was good then this should be awsome - long live Opera :-)
RE: First Prediction fullfilled :-)
ardiri @ 1/24/2004 8:02:06 AM #
it has been on symbian/zaurus pc for a while - palm wasn't mentioned at all; and based on what they need to do to make it happen it'll probably be done way after OS6 is developed.

porting to symbian/zaurus is a piece of cake.

Aaron Ardiri
PalmOS Certified Developer

I'm ready for a test drive now!

Altema @ 1/21/2004 12:41:00 PM #
Where is that beta sign up sheet?

No indication of Palm OS support

bcombee @ 1/21/2004 1:13:48 PM #
This announcement isn't really about Opera supporting Palm OS -- they just have new technology that lets them optimize sites for medium-size screen. Before, they had small-size screen optimization technology. Notice that Palm OS wasn't in their port list. This is a nice announcement, but there's no reason for Palm OS users to go crazy just yet.

Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: No indication of Palm OS support
a3 @ 1/21/2004 2:05:58 PM #

I have to agree with you to some extent. Palm is not mentioned indeed but it seems intriguing (to say the less) that they have drawn a TT3 shaped deice in opera's web page. It becomes even more intriguing if we take notice of the TT4 rumours which say that Wi-Fi is included. Anyway, only time will tell us the complete story...

Former Tapwave's Helix fan, now a T|T3 fan.

RE: No indication of Palm OS support
ozz @ 1/21/2004 3:55:52 PM #
What other rumors have you heard about TT4? Inquiring minds want to know! :-)

Lord, help me become the person my dog thinks I am!
RE: No indication of Palm OS support
dboehme @ 1/21/2004 3:57:24 PM #
If you read the Opera forums, the Opera people have said several times that they would never consider the PDA market unless they fealt there would be acceptable sales in that market and they also needed a financial sponsor for going after the PDA market. It seems they've decided...

I use my Opera browser on my PC except when visiting various MS websites (ms, msdn, xsn, etc) and it's the best I've used. I would definitely buy a copy!

RE: No indication of Palm OS support
Wollombi @ 1/22/2004 12:51:24 AM #
Uh... the PDA market is pretty much the only market that would require MSR. If they weren't going to go that direction, we wouldn't be hearing about MSR right now.


Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.

RE: No indication of Palm OS support
Token User @ 1/22/2004 10:11:32 AM #
PDA Market the only one for MSR? Cellphone screens are getting bigger (well, bigger resolution if not physical size), televisions aregetting larger in size, but their resolution isn't getting any better (without jumping to HDTV), and web designers are assuming that everyone wants to see their latest site in 1600x1200 with flash animation.

MSR is an attempt to scale back the websites to a size that devices that can't handle the larger screen sizes can render.

Still no PalmOS support? I am posting this from the Windoes Opera 7 release, and the lack of PalmOS is terrible - but Opera is based in Norway, where Symbian is (was?) a dominating force. Palm is king in the US, but the internet has no geographic borders. Opera is coded to their market.

~ "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." - DV ~

RE: No indication of Palm OS support
Wollombi @ 1/26/2004 7:19:37 PM #
They already have Small Screen Resolution for cellphones and the like, and Opera has previously been seen on PDA platforms. Symbian is dying, Linux on the PDA is still a niche. Palm (and PPC) aren't only big in the US. In fact, PalmOS based units are experiencing strong sales in Europe as well, where Opera Software would find a compelling reason to develop for the platform. Due to MS "breaking" MSN so that it wouldn't display correctly on Opera, I don't expect to see a PPC version anytime soon.


Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.

A Mike Cane Prediction Comes True!

Lucky Bob @ 1/21/2004 5:47:09 PM #
"7) Opera for PalmOS
Never, ever announced or even hinted at for PalmOS, the best palmtop web browser will be the surprise release of 2004."

Wow, and it's still January! Did you have inside info... ;)

(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)

RE: A Mike Cane Prediction Comes True!
Hal2000 @ 1/21/2004 7:06:41 PM #
Good one Mike!


Ready, willing, and able

Galley_SimRacer @ 1/22/2004 1:56:46 AM #
Where do I sign up? ;-)

"Life is what you experience between racing games"

This ought to be irrelevant really...

Alex White @ 1/22/2004 6:00:15 AM #
If all websites moved over to CSS for layout/positioning instead of tables, and were built with accessibility in mind, this kind of announcement would be irrelevant.

Any PDA browser could then ignore the positioning CSS and simply allow the text to flow across its smaller screen in unhindered fashion. Too many people forget the original glory of HTML... that it can be rendered by theoretically any kind of device, and that design can (and should) be separated from content.

If you've not seen the possibilities of CSS for design I suggest you check out for inspiration.


RE: This ought to be irrelevant really...
viqsi @ 3/5/2004 9:49:28 AM #
Small quibble: There's an existing standard (well, Candidate Reccomendation) for what bits of CSS to accept and what to ignore for mobile systems. It's called the CSS Mobile Profile (

Seeing a PDA web browser that paid attention to such things would be so very very nice. (Heck, maybe NetFront does already; I'd never even heard of it before today.)

tip from Bosco?!!?

mikecane @ 1/22/2004 11:03:16 AM #
I posted this damned thing in a Comment *yesterday* on PIC. (Ryan, *you* go search; searching PIC is a joke...)

As for it fulfilling one of my predictions, I'll mark it down as done when I can actually *use* it on a PalmOS device (TH55?).

RE: tip from Bosco?!!?
abosco @ 1/22/2004 11:41:34 AM #
>>I posted this damned thing in a Comment *yesterday* on PIC. (Ryan, *you* go search; searching PIC is a joke...)

Hit the link on the left side of the page that says "Contribute News" and write whatever it is you have.

You posted this yesterday 15 minutes before I sent the article, and I first read it elsewhere. You posted it to your Opinion article, and I replied half an hour later as well. Check it, last thread.

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616

RE: tip from Bosco?!!?
mikecane @ 1/22/2004 11:51:54 AM #
Geez, the link, the link...!

Damned kid makes us old people do all the work ourselves.

I have a bad back, dammit!

RE: tip from Bosco?!!?
abosco @ 1/22/2004 12:28:16 PM #
Oh wow, I just realized you started capitalizing my name. Is this a sign of things to come!? :D

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: tip from Bosco?!!?
Scott R @ 1/24/2004 11:56:45 AM #
Considering you're wonderfully insightful articles have been published formally here at PIC, I guess I would have assumed that you had some sort of relationship with Ryan and had access to his email address. At the very least, why rag on him publically out in the open?

- Tapwave Zodiac News, Reviews, & Discussion -

RE: tip from Bosco?!!?
mikecane @ 1/24/2004 12:55:22 PM #
Oh go play with your Z, Scott.

I find it very stange that people who have their OWN sites come here to comment.

Not enough hits on your site, huh? Have to come here to have some readers?



RE: tip from Bosco?!!?
abosco @ 1/24/2004 9:56:37 PM #
>>I guess I would have assumed that you had some sort of relationship with Ryan and had access to his email address.

Mike is having relations with Ryan, what? What's going on? I'm confused..

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

>>Not enough hits on your site, huh? Have to come here to have some readers?

Sheesh, lay off. Just because he has a site doesn't mean he can't visit elsewhere.

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616

RE: tip from Bosco?!!?
Wollombi @ 1/26/2004 7:26:09 PM #
Jeez, Mike, chill! I think it's time you got the ol' meds adjusted again... =)


Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.

RE: tip from Bosco?!!?
mikecane @ 1/27/2004 11:09:41 AM #
Bugger off, troll. This is inside joke stuff, moron.



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