Comments on: Palm Updates Facebook for webOS to v1.2
Facebook v1.2 is a free download from Palm's app catalog. The app is built and maintained by Palm's own developer relations team. The version also includes some other updates such as support for Facebook videos, keyboard shortcuts and more. In addition, Palm says they have "polished" up the user experience.
Article Comments
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RE: Not gonna cut it.
RE: Not gonna cut it.
The last known classic PDA user.
RE: Not gonna cut it.
well - we just released all our games on web os - using the PDK :) i'm still around *g*
Aaron Ardiri
PalmOS Certified Developer
RE: Not gonna cut it.
RE: Not gonna cut it.
If you jailbreak the Touch, you could add StyleTap.
'bout time
It's nicely done too. Notifications work like a charm. All they need to do is properly integrate FB chat into webOS messaging now. And maybe provide a way to delete the useless items in the news feed (i.e. Farmville...)
RE: 'bout time
No Bejeweled, no Backgammon.
One good thing - I have ported all of my info out of Palm specific format (iSilo, jFile (database), Memos, To Do, Contacts) into Palm independent profile. So now I can jump ship anytime to another platform after 11 years with Palm. Smart move.
By the way, can I NOT include my social Facebook app info with my business contacts. This was the reason I deleted the old Facebook app.
RE: Apps
Are you listening HP?
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Not gonna cut it.
What did the Palm OS diehard do? I got 3 TX's from ebay to augment my pile of new old-stock palms. I downloaded all the software I would ever need and saved it to CDs, got passcodes for the new Palms and bought an LG Lotus from Sprint. My new TX is a beautiful hand-held computer with all the software I could want with a great calendar app running fast on a beautiful screen. The phone does it's job well but the internet is painful. I just resigned myself to carrying 2 devices.
I don't know what will save WebOS, but it would have helped if they had not pooped on all the developers who then rightly abandoned them. Palm OS had a HUGE catalog. WebOS has a 1-page catalog. Palm no longer has that advantage. I don;t know what they can do without all the Dmitri's and Ardiri's that they lost.