Comments on: 2TwitMe - New Twitter App for Palm OS

twitter palm os garnet app centro Palm OS Garnet users finally have a decent Twitter application to check out thanks to MetaViewSoft. 2TwitMe is a full featured Twitter client for Palm OS 5 and above. The app enables all the usual things such as the ability to read tweets, post messages, DM and TwitPic support, link previews, background operation and the ability to use multiple accounts. Aside from the usual Treo's and Palm Centro, the application is also compatible with PDA's such as the Palm TX and can even be used in landscape mode.

2TwitMe v1.0 is available now. It is compatible with Palm OS Garnet 5.0 and above and also works on Classic. It costs $7.00 and comes with a free trial period. It is currently on sale in the PalmInfocenter Store for $5 until Sept 19th.

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linds @ 9/14/2009 11:18:59 AM # Q
Someone needed to do this, I tried it and it works pretty good!
RE: Finally
CFreymarc @ 9/14/2009 2:26:33 PM # Q
Good app. I have a felling this was supposed to be out years ago but someone at Palm refused to bundle it. Glad to see it is out.
RE: Finally
justauser @ 9/14/2009 2:59:22 PM # Q
Any idea what the 'POLL' button does in the bottom right hand corner? Background mode?
RE: Finally
freakout @ 9/14/2009 4:01:25 PM # M Q
Been wondering that myself... doesn't seem to do anything...
RE: Finally
metaview @ 9/15/2009 1:57:59 AM # Q
Enable "Poll" and leave the app. It will notify you about new tweets.
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About time

martymankins @ 9/14/2009 2:47:22 PM # Q
A nice app. And for only $5. I registered it 10 mins after installing it. Works great here.
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Inane Daily Minutiae

Gekko @ 9/14/2009 2:56:44 PM # Q

- rolled out of bed slept thru alarm
- taking a really big crap LOL (sent from text)
- just tripped over pizza boxes piled all over my apt
- calling in sick today to play rock band LOL
- ordered an XL meat lovers pizza with free pizzone for lunch MMMMMMNNNNNNNNN
- out of orange soda.......must run to walmart to get more!
- pt cruiser ran out of gas AGAIN! DAMN!
- just watched new star trek trailer! it rocks!!!

RE: Inane Daily Minutiae
freakout @ 9/14/2009 3:58:33 PM # M Q
Heh. there's more than a bit of truth to that.

for me, twitter's been a great blogging tool. updates come in faster than RSS, and a more easily digestable format and since most sites have a Twitter feed now it's my default for news.

plus, with TweetDeck I can have multiple columns that track various Palm search terms in real-time. it's an excellent way to find news that otherwise would slip under the radar - our post on Playbite today is a good example. saw it on twitter first.

I have a feeling this is why the tech press love it so much. as a "social network", Facebook is infinitely superior.

RE: Inane Daily Minutiae
abosco @ 9/14/2009 4:49:26 PM # Q
I have a feeling this is why the tech press love it so much. as a "social network", Facebook is infinitely superior.

You nailed it. All of the press absolutely loves Twitter because it fits their schizophrenic personality to a tee. All headlines, no substance, no meaning.

Unfortunately, nobody else cares. Facebook gets many people laid (in tandem with alcohol). Until Twitter can lay claim to that, it'll be stuck as a method for bored teenagers to comment on CNN broadcasts. Snore.

m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G

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Small Font

Les_Vegas @ 9/16/2009 12:47:43 PM # Q
everything works great but I'm not feeling the font size(too small)... is still the best way to use twitter
RE: Small Font
asiayeah @ 10/2/2009 7:06:49 AM # Q
I hope they can fix the small font issue for Palm Centro soon.

Besides, you can also consider to use an IM client, which can provide background push notifications and other goodies.

Please check this out,
With great power comes great responsiblity.

RE: Small Font (FontSmoother workaround)
FlaSheridn @ 10/9/2009 8:06:49 AM # Q
Agreed, lovely app, unreadable design; but I managed to read some tweets by setting the font to Lo Res and then telling FontSmoother to substitute the biggest font I could find. I also tend to read tweets by displaying the full text of one, and then using the five-way to scroll up or down through the list.
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