Comments on: How palmOne Re-Made Its Brand Image
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RE: Interesting stat
> Note that's the *average*.
Yeah. It said average. That means some look at it more, and some look at it less, but if you added it all up and divided by the number of people in the statistical pool, you'd get the *average*.
Which I think is what the article said. Or did I say that already. I think the word "average" has appeared in this sub-thread an average of 4 times per post, including quotes.
"IT" did this too
The shows also let employees know how it important it was that the information remained close to the vest. But to be sure, Murray's team provided a smokescreen, because dozens of Web sites were speculating on the company's next product.
"We registered a wide range of names and not all of them were real," he says. "The people who sit and look at every registration filing had different names to look at: Zire and Zeld and Skiff. They didn't know which to go with. Tossing confusion into the mix was good."
-- Dean Kamen registered a bunch of different names too. "Segway" surprised everyone.
Zeld? Who cares!!
Look at this entire story/thread - really rather pointless, in my opinion...
I'd like to know if there was any particular reason for Cobalt...
(...the bomb? ;)
Whatever Happened to VELD?
As a reformed conspiracy-theorist who falls off the wagon from time to time, I wonder how much of the "merger" was pre-planned?
Pat Horne;
RE: Whatever Happened to VELD?
I support
Not just palmOne.
Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
As for the notion that the merger was pre-conceived. I fully buy that one, why else would Palm and Handspring have stayed out of each others way and Handspring drop out of the $149 organizer market which they used to sell a significant number of devices and move into the smartphone market while Palm steps in with the m1xx line then Zire line with sub $100 devices.
Now the Zire line has $300 devices with high density, cameras, SD slot so it seems the money and effort spent to distinguish these "brands" was probably wasted because they are confusing the market again.
I do agree though, it's getting simpler for consumers to choose now, they can't get confused by a Handspring Visor, Prism, Edge, Clie NX, Clie UX, Clie TH, Clie SJ, Clie TG, Palm M100, Palm M105, Palm M515, Palm M500, Tungsten T. Now they have just Treo 600, Zire 21, Zire 72, Tungsten T3, Tungsten E, Tungsten C. I suspect it will get reduced a little further when the Tungsten E gets killed off which I suspect is in the works.
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
Compare that to the E-bay results that you get if you search for Zire, Tungsten or Clie.
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
Good point though...pretty good...
Chess or Chyes
Palm Cow loves it.
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
TRG / HandEra is a perfect example of engineers with no art understanding running the show too much. The product were wonderful but they still kept the old Palm III case. No matter what they did on the inside, it wasn't communicated to the end user with a new injection mold design. If they just laid of one engineer and put some decent Industrial Design, they would still be shipping to this day.
And yes, you can have good ID without turning into a bunch of art flakes. The best ID people know both sides of the street. Remember that color TRG unit? Gawd! I swear that was designed in MS Paint by someone that last had an art course in middle school.
-- Passive Agressive types need not apply.
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
But that didn't stop it from selling alot (... somehow). It may not be perfect, but if it gets the job done, ppl 'll be happy for the most part, and business is done. But heck, it doesn't hurt to have good marketing either. Coca Cola was able to become a huge success by marketing the hell out of their sugar water.
[signature0]the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse[/signature0]
[signature1]My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71.... so ends the "marathon", for now[/signature1]
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
Have you ever worked in REAL Corporate America? This is the norm. People rant about "government waste" -- when CORPORATE waste is the same. We are a wasteful species, period.
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
"Have you ever worked in REAL Corporate America? This is the norm. People rant about "government waste" -- when CORPORATE waste is the same. We are a wasteful species, period."
And you have? I find this EXTREMELY hard to believe. Let me guess, you were (are?):
- Hired during the bubble when they hired anyone with a pulse
- An ex-Enron executive
- An SEC investigator who secretly disguises himself as PDA geek, pestering the local Best Buy employee to try out all the latest offerings (but never buying anything)
Give me a break. If you REALLY knew a fraction of the things you THINK you know, then maybe, just maybe, you'd realize how ludicrous your arguments are.
By comparing the inefficiencies of the government with corporate america you have definitively demonstrating how deep your head is up your A$$.
Here is some basic knowledge: if a corporation is inefficient, it dies or gets taken over by other corporations--ultimately forcing them to be as efficient (and profitable) as possible. If a government is inefficient, guess what you're stuck with it. Now before you reply with some retarded, high-school-government-class-knowledge, just because you elect a new president ever 4 years, does not mean that the main players change. (noam chomsky and bob woodward--among many--have some really insightful information on how government works).
Yes, there are inefficiencies within each, but corporations have these as a by-product of changing economies; whereas, the government's are an indicator of inertia. Case in point, go to a FedEx office and the U.S. post office to send a package. Which one will you get out of faster, and have greater confidence that your package with arrive on time? If FedEx was as inefficient or wasteful as indicated in your blanket indictment of corporations, then they would be replaced by someone else who can do it cheaper, quicker and better.
Of course, Mike, you could really be an employee of a corporation, and if so, could it be that you are that organization's WASTE?
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
>>> Member Since: 6/10/2004
Who gives a flying eff what YOU think. It's clear you'll never see the outside of your padded cell.
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
.... unless your a corporation that is supported (bailed out) by the government. Airlines, automotive industry, and agriculture - all industries supported by governmetn subsidies that would be (mostly - there are always exceptions) bankrupt without help. Everyone bitches about the lack of service on Southwest Airlines - but they are a profitable airline.
If a government is inefficient, the only chance to change it (in a dmocratic society) is by voting. What are the stats? Less than 60% of Americans vote? No matter if you vote for a donkey or an elephant, robbing Peter to pay Paul doesn't make anyone more efficient.
No matter how efficient you are, in a corporate world you might have the worlds greatest widget, but if noone is buying, you are going to wither and die.
~ "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." - DV ~
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
1) Are rational
2) Are well-mannered
3) Take him seriously
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
No, you just happen to COINCIDENTALLY be another sicko stalking me. Right. Just joined TODAY and yet you know the ENTIRE HISTORY of my posts here. Right. Hold your breath and die. Perform a service for us all.
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
1) Are rational
2) Are well-mannered
3) Take him seriously
Mike, the only way to get a rational "discussion" is by being rational yourself. I try to present my points of view without resorting to name calling (setting up a "straw man" by slandering the opponent is a well know tactic - discredit the argument by discrediting the author). We are all faceless here - despite my handle, clicking on my profile reveals my real name. Much easier to take someone seriously that is not hiding behind anonymity.
I don't agree with everything you say, but thats the nature of the internet. If I don't agree, I'll post a counter argument - thats the nature of debate and discussion.
Ignore the trolls - reacting the way you do makes you an easy target.
~ "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." - DV ~
RE: Start Innovating, Stop BS-ing
Innovating for longevity (an industry) is people driven. Just ask Ford, the Wright Brothers, RF, Bell, and Ballard and all the ship builders of the past.
Our managers of democracy (politicians) are wanted to assure choices a choice not "the" choice.
The above is only "BS" when we forget the people that finance such choices. All people create and give innovation value.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
Facey... stop trollin', start deliverin'
... and I still don't know what exactly would have to happen for you to accept that all you said was "untrue".
(and right now that useless PalmOne knowledge base insists on the no-existence theory :)
Very very sad.
The bickering, while usually annoying, at least has some entertainment value. and carries a little information.
Watching someone just give up and start hurling insults is the verbal equivalent of watching that news chopper go down a few weeks ago.
Palm: Put QUALITY first, then worry about branding.
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Interesting stat
Note that's the *average*.