Comments on: palmOne Shares Soar 40% on Positive Outlook

Shares of palmOne have soared today in trading on the positive quarterly results, strong Treo demand and future outlook for the next fiscal year.
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Pumped Up PalmOne!

LiveFaith @ 6/22/2004 4:54:26 PM #
Now it's time to try a hostile takeover of Dell, merge with RIM, buyout Nokia and then takeover the world. All this and without a jog wheel too!

Pat Horne;
RE: Pumped Up PalmOne!
just_little_me @ 6/22/2004 4:58:24 PM #
That's a little over the top... how' about PalmOne buy Palmsource... ;-)


PalmOne stocks soars 37%

Grim_Deeds @ 6/22/2004 6:12:01 PM #
Weren't we just reading about the PDA market being dead and PalmOne suffering due to Sony ending sales in the US of its Clie PDA?

All of this the day after I buy T3, case, cradle and keyboard! :)

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
RhinoSteve @ 6/23/2004 1:17:07 AM #
While I don't quote my father much, this time it fits. He says, "Most people love to knock a winner 'cause most people ain't worth a damn." and "You can shake it up as much as you want to make it look bad but the cream always rises to the top."

I'll put those who knock Palm up there with most anti-war protestors. Neither crowd really wants things to get better and they profit from the misery of others.

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
palmhiker @ 6/23/2004 10:22:41 AM #
Sony's departure may eventually hurt Palmsource, but in the short term, it will help Palmone. May help long term as well if Palmone comes through with killer replacements to the T3 and TC with the new OS this Fall.

Funny though, I always associated the Palm bashers with the pro war movement - ignoring the truth, spreading falsehoods and profiting from the misery and death of others....but I digress.

Good news for Palm (and Plm users) in any event!

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
rsc1000 @ 6/23/2004 10:30:01 AM #
>>I'll put those who knock Palm up there with most anti-war protestors. Neither crowd really wants things to get better and they profit from the misery of others.

i was with you up until that comment - how exactly are anti-war protestors profiting frrom the misery of others??? it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the business of war is infinitely more profitable (just ask american companies who will make BILLIONS off the iraq war). yeah, yeah - this is off topic, but i could not that that one go...

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
EthiopianFlash @ 6/23/2004 11:45:41 AM #
To continue the off topic stream...
I'm with RhinoSteve. I think he is referring to the political hacks (read here hip leftys, ie Hollywood, media, and academic elites) who are using every ones suffering to further their own quest for power.
At least companies who are involved in the war effort are benefiting large numbers of people. In addition to the obvious shareholders, don't forget the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.

SJ30 > T|T3
RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
RhinoSteve @ 6/23/2004 3:55:45 PM #
I knew that analogy would spark something. Well here is something that left wing types never ever talk about since most are totally cluess on what they are supporting.

While military contractors do profit from wartime efforts, their earnings are peanuts when compaired to goverment elite earnings from nationalization and socialization of businesses and a society.

Yes, you think of a socialist or nationalist effort as a run by a bunch of overworked and underpaid civil servants but that is just the rank and file of government management. While military contracts are profiting off government programs, there is a lot more money made with "social service" contractors that is also owned by elected officals of some countries.

I view the invasion of Iraq as effectively an anti-trust and monopoly breaking action. Saddan and his clique had unlimited freedom, no one else did. Now the "freedom monopoly" is broken and the citizens are much more free. There will be adjustment times and so on for these newly reearned freedoms for the citizens but in the long run things will get better due to a lack of centralization of power.

All of these people that belly-ache about the war being bad in fact are compalining that their personal power and influence is being reduced. Big media that over exploits issues for the gain of a few, celebs who won't get millions of favors in their art grant programs and people who been living off stipens without getting any practical product (i.e. many non-techical college faculty) for their entire life are like that.

Most of all, when a freedom monopoly is broken, these elites know that they would vaporize into small value when everyone gets a chance. Frankly, I would love to see how the entertainment industry would fare if all these monopolies (i.e. entertainment guilds and unions) were broken up real talent wouldn't have to go through the liberal political filter before they are allowed to get in front of the camera. This is starting to happen with Fox TV and many indie flicks starting to do well (notice that "Blair Witch Project" didn't get a single Academy Award nomination since it was indie.)

Let freedom ring and drown out all the screaming liberals that want to take our freedoms away out of Politically Correctness (a term coined by Stalin himself.)
RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
Winter_ @ 6/23/2004 7:03:58 PM #
I view the invasion of Iraq as effectively an anti-trust and monopoly breaking action. Saddan and his clique had unlimited freedom, no one else did. Now the "freedom monopoly" is broken and the citizens are much more free. There will be adjustment times and so on for these newly reearned freedoms for the citizens but in the long run things will get better due to a lack of centralization of power.

Sounds good.
If it wasn't for the tons of bombs and the consequences of what has happened (and still is happening) and what it all means and some minuscule details more, I'd be starting to think that War is Good. And this one, doubly so.

But yes, of course in the long run things will get better. After all, they surely can't go much worse.

"I knew the comparison would spark something"... sheesh.

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
orb2069 @ 6/23/2004 9:25:57 PM #
All of these people that belly-ache about the war being bad in fact are compalining that their personal power and influence is being reduced.

Yeah, actually, that's the only thing that you've said so far that makes any sense at all.

As a member of a democracy, I felt my power was reduced when my president lied repeatedly about the exsistance of Weapons of Mass Destruction in order to coerce this country into attacking another unnecessarily. How can I make informed decisions about which political party I should support when being fed false information?

You should spend less time with the Rush/Fox/instapundit crowd - for your own sake.

(For the record, I personally think we should have put this kind of force into Afghanistan and actually FIXED things there first before going off on some kind of quixotic charge around the Middle East. Maybe even actually caught Osama first - Remember him - The guy who actually WAS responsible for REAL terrorist attacks? Ever heard the phrase 'Too many irons in the fire'?)

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
RhinoSteve @ 6/24/2004 12:49:01 AM #

I'm in the camp that the WMDs are there. The specifics IMO is classified and all will come together to keep Israel from bulldozing in a 1500 mile southern radius of Tel Aviv.

There is a thing called long term strategy and frankly the international community doesn't need to know everything since most of them created this problem by their neglect.

As far as Afghanistan that is getting cleaned up well since the press can't find much to bitch about over there. You also sound talented, the US Military is hiring. You good enough to sign up?

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
Winter_ @ 6/24/2004 6:01:56 AM #
RhinoSteve, looks like Bush & co. could hire you, since looks like you know some things that they actually don't. Anyway, about "the WMD are there": up to now, reality itself begs to differ. Or do you have any new evil plot for us? (to further the one that brought that war in the first place). Perhaps, apart from being a (presumed) Apple employee, you are a CIA insider?

Oh, and I'd love to know how you rationalize Guantanamo and the like. I'd bet it's something along "we're the victims AND the good guys, therefore we have a right to do whatever to whomever. We need no stinkin' proofs - nor International Justice nor Geneva conventions."

Orb, I'm with you. I'd like to know what would have happened if instead of getting into the whole unexplainable Iraq mess they had actually gone after Al Qaeda. In fact I'd love to know what they are waiting for.


RhinoSteve, I'm mystified about how easy it is for you to find strange/twisted (apart from unasked for) relationships between subjects on a site called PalmInfoCenter and your political/historical opinions... "Jobs is like Hilter and Mossolini" [sic], "Palm bashers are like the anti-war crowd, who neither really wants things to get better and profit from the misery of others".

You really start to sound like, biased?
And your technical posts sound like a bit hard to explain. Certainly, you don't even try. So, are you sure you're here to talk about Palm matters?

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
palmhiker @ 6/24/2004 9:02:48 AM #
[i]>>All of these people that belly-ache about the war being bad in fact are compalining that their personal power and influence is being reduced. Big media that over exploits issues for the gain of a few, celebs who won't get millions of favors in their art grant programs and people who been living off stipens without getting any practical product (i.e. many non-techical college faculty) for their entire life are like that.[/i]

Care to site some actual names and examples of this massive generalization?

Also, maybe this is what you meant by "profiting from war?":

[i]Dick Cheney's former company, Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth over $7 billion to help rebuild Iraq. The process for awarding this rare and lucrative contract was coordinated by Dick Cheney's own office in the White House. [Time, 5/30/04] Dick Cheney still receives deferred compensation from Halliburton, showing a lingering financial interest in the company. [Washington Post, 9/26/03; Richard B. Cheney Personal Financial Disclosure, May 15, 2002]

Despite the Cheney favoritism, Halliburton has shown little regard for American taxpayers -- from overcharging the military for gas to not delivering meals to troops. Halliburton is a symptom of a wider problem: a House committee found that at least $1 billion has been wasted in Iraq because of a lack of planning and poor oversight...[/i]

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
hkklife @ 6/24/2004 9:44:04 AM #
Ryan, since you were so quick to delete threads on quite pertinent topic like the missing Palm BT drivers & censorship, I really hope the above extremely off-topic, pointless discussion gets zapped ASAP.

Otherwise I (and several PIC faithful) shall really begin considering the conspiracy rumors about PIC & PalmOne to be true.

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
palmhiker @ 6/24/2004 11:25:05 AM #
While I agree most of the above is way off topic, I wonder if you are seriously asking Ryan to begin deleting ALL off-topic posts on this site?

That's the problem with censorship of posts that are not blatently outside of the site's rules - Once you start deleting, where do you stop?

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
hkklife @ 6/24/2004 12:01:27 PM #
Right, and I do not feel that ANY post, short of outright slander/inflammatory comments/personal attacks/profanity should be deleted--certainly nothing pertaining to pressing issues in the Palm community.

If a certain nameless face poster chooses to post potentially defaming content that is critical of the business practices of PalmOne/PalmSource (ie withholding BT drivers in order to sell more handhelds, not offering assistance to Sandisk for Wi-Fi etc) that is still not reason enough to commence with rampant deletion of posts. I find this slash & burn practice especially apalling when relevant comments made by longtime PIC members & contributors like Mikecane, Winter and myself are zapped with no warning or Admin intervention.

I posted two days ago that I feel the PIC members are entitled to an official statement by Ryan stating the journalistic integrity of PIC, its affiliation (if any) to PalmOne, and where the line is drawn on questionable content such as rumors that shed light onto issues that actually concern Palm handheld users such as the maddening, glaring lack of OS5 BT drivers. A community-oriented websit such as this one should be an open forum where board members of a publicly-traded company like PalmOne can be praised or criticized (within reason, of course). I am not advocating turing PIC into another f**** but I think that if too much sterility/censorship is artifically injected in the forums & news comments via selective deletion, then this website will cease to be little more than board to post new press releases.

How can a discussion about Weapons of Mass Destruction & the war in Iraq be relevant to PLMO shares going up in value? Why aren't posts regarding Iraq either deleted or given Admin advice to take over to the off-topic forum. Certainly a discussion on the non-release of BT drivers is not worthy of deletion and far more relevant to the platform near & dear to most of the regular visitors to this site.

Let this be the end of my rant on the topic (for the time being) or at least until this post too is deleted. I am trying to take a mature, professional stance here and would appreciate some company in taking the high road.

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
Winter_ @ 6/24/2004 6:27:56 PM #
hkklife, I did read your post asking about censorship on the site and whatever. I think the deleted posts are the ones including the typical Facey prose (insults mainly to whomever dares to post near him - but recently he posted at least 1 link to a porn site).

Can't you find posts criticizing Palm on the site?

Remember, we're talking here about Facey (the one who likes to postulate and predict whatever he feels like on the particular day - sometimes even contradicting himself), who says his contacts has lots of Palms with BT SD cards, and predicted the drivers would be published before summer. NO ONE in the fscking rest of the world has said ANYTHING about such drivers. So: you can choose to believe:
1) drivers exist, Palm* is absurdly mean, only 1 leakage of info exists, and Facey is the choosen one
2) drivers don't exist, Facey is... Facey.

You choose now.

RE: PalmOne stocks soars 37%
JonathanChoo @ 6/25/2004 8:45:09 AM #
This is bs. Ryan, please delete all the posts/comments that are not relevant to PDAs or general portable computing in general.

If you want to take your pro-war or anti-war propaganda arguements please do so in a Yahoo! forum or your favourite ultra left/ultra right wing channel.

I am in one camp but I won't say which one. This is not the right place to do so. If I put my opinion I would be labeled as ignorant by the other side. It is always that way.

All I can say is that I support PalmOne's business. Come on Palm, get that Treo update fast before the smartphone market is swamped with loads of (quite nice) PocketPC phone editions.

Psion 5> Vx > m505 > N770C > T625C > NR70V > e310 > T/T > HP h2210 > T/T3 & h4150
StarTac 75 > T28m > T39m > T68m > T610 > T630

possible solution for too-far-off-topics?
Winter_ @ 6/25/2004 9:53:46 PM #
Perhaps a better solution would be to have a separate zone, called something like "the trash can", where nasties would be thrown - and kept. Advantages:

* nasties-free forums (perhaps with links to "trashed out" comments)
* people interested on those things could still find them ("What about that stupid rumour that popped up 2 months ago but was deleted because of the heavy load of insults?")
* we could quickly see which users have had their posts thrown to "the trash can", so trolls and the like are easier to identify
* trolls would not be able to complain about censorship (or at least they would have a harder time doing so :P )

Beating the trolls to the punch...

orb2069 @ 6/22/2004 10:46:29 PM #
Dosen't Matter. Palm's still Dooooooomed. The next version of WinCE will give out free candy...

Wait - They've been saying that MS will destroy Palm for HOW long now? Still hasen't happened, though - funny, that.

Congrats to Palm.

RE: Beating the trolls to the punch...
Admin @ 6/22/2004 11:08:17 PM #
haha! free candy thats a good one
RE: Beating the trolls to the punch...
Scott R @ 6/23/2004 8:26:17 AM #
"The next version of WinCE will give out free candy..."

They already did. They rebranded Bubblets as Jawbreaker and bundled that with PPC 2002.

- Tapwave Zodiac News, Reviews, & Discussion -

RE: Beating the trolls to the punch...
LiveFaith @ 6/23/2004 10:02:49 AM #
Maybe they could do a PEZ thing outta the memory card slot.

Pat Horne;

Where is my stock manager?

a3 @ 6/23/2004 9:22:49 AM #
Oh that damned Merril Lynch guy is going to hear from me!!! Selling my Palm stock just to buy MS stock. I wonder how did he get the idea that Space Ship One was going to make any difference... after all, that ship's main CPU is a TT3!!! (that is where the One comes into the name...)

Current fan of a 320x480 tablet shaped Palm with built in BT+Wifi for less than US$450
RE: Where is my stock manager?
JKingGrim @ 6/23/2004 11:45:01 AM #
That was a joke right?


RE: Where is my stock manager?
Strider_mt2k @ 6/27/2004 6:46:49 AM #
Rutans are taking the X-Prize, mark my words.

Good eh!

e_tellurian @ 6/23/2004 12:56:27 PM #
How about talking to more folks about growing a global industry.

New interactive we-com innovation
=More ways to interact with 40% and along with others help to create a people driven industry.

Eh travelling is good too if one wants to spend all 40% in one place. However that would contradict sharing the wealth.

Eh some places are more expensive to invest for a purpose.

Well done!



completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution

Winter_ @ 6/27/2004 8:22:17 AM # it you?


Haber @ 6/23/2004 1:01:12 PM #
That's kind of weird. A stock shouldn't jump up that high just because earnings are slightly better than normal. The stock is currently around $29.50, while S&P gives it a fair value of $21.90 per share and hold, not buy. It has no P/E ratio, and is still posting a loss for 2004. Not saying Palm isn't a company that doesn't belong in your portfolio, but this rise in price is way out of proportion with its actual significance. If you buy now, of course, you'll be soaked. If you hold it right now, might be a good idea to sell it before it moves back down again. And I don't own stock in PLMO or any other PDA companies. Well, actually, I own stock in MOT, but they only make the semis.

twalk @ 6/24/2004 2:10:42 PM #
I'm guessing that you haven't been watching what's been happening in the stock market for the last year or so. This kind of thing has been happening to many stocks lately. Too many people with too much money on the sidelines with too low of interest rates. To be blunt, a new tech bubble is just starting to form.

My 5 cents is that...

zlogic @ 6/27/2004 4:43:44 AM #
...palmOne will buy TapWave and then become palmTwo, then they'll buy PalmSource and become palmThree, then they'll buy Dell's handheld department and become palmFour (remember how S3 bought Diamond, Maxtor bought Quantum etc.)
Guess whom they'll buy before becoming palmFive :-)


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