Comments on: Xdrive Does Music Streaming for Palm OS
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RE: Why?
It's a nice concept on paper butI just don't see the real-world benefits justifying yet anohter monthly fee. I used to have one of those personal online storage lockers and I ended up never using it. I find it far easier to carry around a 1gb flash drive in my pocket since USB ports are now ubiquitous.
RE: Why?
RE: Why?
BT would not have the bandwith or range, would it?
RE: Why?
RE: Why?
I bet PalmOne will release that this year, but it will only have drivers available for the i705. :-o
Pat Horne;
RE: Why?
BT would not have the bandwith or range, would it?"
BT would have the bandwidth, and the range would not be a problem unless you wander away from your phone or BT AP. I found I can get up to 52 feet away from my AP, and about 20 feet from my phone before the audio stream drops.
The bandwidth limitation will be the cell connection, but that should not be a problem with EDGE network phones. Like mentioned already, unlimited data plan is a MUST! Can you imagine getting a $1400.00 phone bill?
BTW, what ever happened to those SDIO radios for your Palm, has anyone ever tried one?
Integration of features is the future (and the present)
Funny you mention this - I was just looking at one yesterday in a CompUSSR (or was it Staples?) and the whole time wondering who the hell would ever buy this.
Fer cryin' out loud, pa1mOne: spend the $2 it takes to integrate an FM tuner into your hardware and sell it as an amazing "innovation" already!
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
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