Comments on: palmOne Conference Call Highlights
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RE: What about PDAs?
How are phone sales even calculated? Do they trickle out the door or is it based on Sprint signing a contract for 150,000 Treos for example? Does this skew the #s.
Looks like the T|C2 with some serious multimedia and T|E2 are coming. No Zire 73?
Pat Horne;
RE: What about PDAs?
Pat Horne;
RE: What about PDAs?
Note also that the TE is so light on features/gimmicks that it was never considered worthy of a review on PIC. Kinda suggests that there is a reasonable market out there, in the real world, for the kind of palmpilots which geeks like us would shun.
Confession: I use a TE every day - and love it - I even have a spare for the dreaded day that the first one goes to meet the big engineer in the sky! My T2, with all its features, sits 'alone and palely loitering' in a cupboard.
I just hope that the forthcoming TE2 is thinner and lighter than the TE, with better battery life. I fear, however, that it will be spoiled by the inclusion of a BT radio or, worse still, a WiFi radio. (shudder)
RE: What about PDAs?
Keeping BT off will always significantly increase a handheld's battery life. With the (hopefully) 1300mAh or so battery that P1 will put in the T|E2, battery life with BT off should be improved over the BT-free T|E.
RE: What about PDAs?
'Worse still, a WiFi radio'? We'd be so lucky for PalmOne to include WiFi on a TE2.
RE: What about PDAs?
RE: What about PDAs?
Good thing they listen to actual representative consumers then, eh?
RE: What about PDAs?
RE: What about PDAs?
IMHO, the m5xx remains the paradigm of handheld design. The stylus was superb, the case rail has yet to be matched, and it fit perfectly in the hand. The T|E is thicker and more more squarish in shape, not too terribly comfortable to hold and the finish is sort of slippery and prone to fingerprint smudges. Quite simpply, it looks cheap & clunky. The V/Vx/m500s do not. That's the difference between classic Ideo styling & P1 in-house design.
RE: What about PDAs?
Raven may have some thoughts on the future of ones wallet. New engineering will require a prototype.
Some are thinking about creating a we-com industry so we may all interact together with our wallets of choice.
Anyway we may have a solution for the people that work in the tech industry and the people that may choose new choices. The planning must work so that no one is out of work in the event of a PDA enhancement. Smart phones will need work too as will PDAs for those that do not want an all in one choice.
Just some thoughts.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
Some additional goals
RE: Some additional goals... NOT!
Handera was the only company that was good about supporting users with upgrades and look where they are. (I went from 3.1 to 3.52 to 4.x on my TRGpro, all at no cost. That didn't help Handera's bottom line - even though it generated a lot of goodwill. But goodwill doesn't pay the rent.)
Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
RE: Some additional goals
Probably been thru enough tek-support nightmares to just depend on repurchases now.
Pat Horne;
RE: Some additional goals
PalmPilot Professional -> Sony Clie N760C -> Palm Tungsten T ->PalmOne Tungsten T5
RE: Some additional goals
Palm should implement some of policy of one or two minor freebie bugfix type updates for all models and then a paid optional OS & ROM app upgrade for all Tungstens, or all models above a certain price point or something.
Example: $30 gets you latest version of Kinoma, Versamail, Web Pro, Media, and OS 5.2.8 on your T3. Bingo! Instant revenue source. Attach a disclaimer to it that it's not Palm's fault if you hose your handheld and you're all set. My no-name $30 CDRW drive has had several firmware updates made available as has nearly every no-name settop DVD player and mp3 player out there so Palm should not think they are above the upgrade process. Done properly, there's a tidy little revenue stream awaiting them. just think how many users have had to resort to legally dubious methods just to get WebPro 3.5 on their Tungstens. Many would have gladly paid for it were it made available!
RE: Some additional goals
A smart Palm will NEVER offer OS updrades.
It's nice to see someone as naive as you posting here. Don't ever lose that innocence! Unfortunately, in the real world, Palm is subject to class action lawsuits for the most inane of "problems" that were supposedly its fault. I agree 100% with their decision to not provide OS upgrades.
I expect over 99% of Palm's customers have no interest in doing OS upgrades - in fact, most people don't even know what version of PalmOS runs on their PDA.
So let's do the math: say Palm sells 4,000,000 PDAs + smartphones per year. Less than 40,000 would pay for an upgrade. (Probably less than 10,000 if you factor in the fact that the people doing upgrades probably are more likely to be warez-aware/friendly!) Charging $30 per ugrade brings in Palm a whopping $1,200,000/year. Whoop-dee-doo. Now look at the support costs: creating the upgrade, testing and idiot-proofing the OS flasher, dealing with idiots that STILL manage to fry their Palms, the inevitable lawsuit from an idiot or two that was "victimized" and "horrendously and savagely scarred by Palm's egregious OS update", etc., etc. Then factor in all the sales of shiny new PDAs that would be lost to those people that have used the OS update to extend the lives of their old PDAs. If Palm would have made $100 profit from the sale of a T"X" and loses that because someone updated their old Tungsten with a $30 OS flash, how does that help Palm? Suddenly, you can now kiss any hopes of Palm profitability goodbye.
Palm tried offering OS updates before when times were good. It was a disaster. They know the exact percent of users that upgraded and how much it cost the company to offer the upgrade to its customers. Palm won't make that mistake again.
Be careful what you wish for.
Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
RE: Some additional goals
On the forums of PIC or Brighthand, there are even posts & pics of an Oslo prototype that someone bought running OS 5.2 (using an internally-leaked, never released beta flash for T|Ts).
In fact, Pat aka LiveFaith used to possess a couple of hybrid T|Ts that were running software on hardware that was never commercially available IIRC.
RE: Some additional goals
Palm stopped shipping G1 because the a**holes at Xerox tried to screw Palm with a bogus lawsuit. Palm beat the suit (so far), but Xerox has said they plan to appeal the decision. Palm would be insane to start shipping G1 again, even though many of us hate G2.
Palm has finally seen the light and will be cutting down on its number of models to 4 this year. The T|T is EOL (and has been for 2 years!) and to expect Palm to issue an update at this point is unrealistic for the reasons I'd listed before. Palm has done a lot of things wrong in the past, but I don't think you have a legitimate argument with them in this instance. Bugfixes for "obsolete" models is definitely not a priority in a company struggling to stay alive.
The T7, TE2, Treo 650/Sprint 700, and new Zire are a reasonable starting point, but I doubt Palm has what it takes to create new models are a rate to keep up with the competition.
Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
RE: Some additional goals
At any rate, OS upgrades are a thing of the past. I WOULD like, however, to see P1 implement some sort of one-freebie-per-handheld of the built-in ROM apps, either as a freebie or for a nominal fee. All of the T|C owners out there have a handheld that's basically dated only by its software bundle and not by its hardware specs. I'll refrain from commenting on Xerox here and the G1 fiasco as everyone knows where I stand on the issue anyway...
Is that 4 PDA models or 4 models counting the Treo(s)?
I figure cheap Zire 31, midrange Zire 73, cheap Tungsten E2, high-end Tungsten T6 or a new flagship model-Veld, LifeDrive etc.
I'd much rather see a tightly-knit, solid lineup of models anyday than the overlapping lineup of stragglers and past-their-prime handheld that have comprised the roster for the past 4 years or so.
RE: Some additional goals
RE: Some additional goals
Updates would be appreciated, even with a nomimal fee attached to them (like $5 per each built-in app or something).
My $0.02 worth...
More than 80% of the companies engineers are software engineers
This could be an indication of the forthcoming arrival of Cobalt or possibly a P1 PalmLinux device. I'm concerned that device quality will suffer with this ratio of engineers - I'd rather have a solid quality Garnet device than a poor quality Cobalt.
The bulk of new investments is going into smartphones
I'm open minded. A PalmOS P910i would be great but I don't want to see an endless line of Treos. Also would PDA design & build quality suffer from a lack of funds?
The company is diverting R&D and money to deliver more phones on more networks faster
This is a double edge swod. Great news about handhelds becoming available on a wider range of networks, especially here in the UK, where Orange is the only supplier of the Treo at present. But diverting funds away from R&D - I rather wait longer and have a good quality device than a rushed out piece of s&%@.
The company is committed to improving the core applications to create and unparalleled user interface
Sounds like a Cobalt reference to me but I'll believe it when its in the Palm of my hand.
In the past quarter the company shipped 279k smartphones, and 659k handhelds, with the Tungsten E still the top seller
See above comment about smartphones. Seems odd to muck around with a winning formula but P1 has become rather stale of late - a big change could see some interesting Treos appearing with features such as Wifi amongst other things.
The next generation of handhelds will be released this quarter or early in the next quater.
* One focuses on Business productivity tools and heavily on mobile entertainment
* The other will be the successor to the best selling Tungsten E (rumored Tungsten E2)
There you have it folks - fresh from the horses mouth. My guess is that this multimedia device will try to rival the hp rx3715 or possibly the offspring/ convergence of the Tungsten and Zire lines, with the confirmed E2 being the last of the series.
RE: My $0.02 worth...
I predict one of thbe following for the OTHER new unit--the T|E2 is self-explanatory.
1. A mini-tablet style OS5 device with dual wireless and two expansion slots--SDIO & CF. There's a chance it'll be bundled with a Microdrive of some kind. This might not even be called a Tungsten.
2. A Zire 73 with a large (512mb-1gb) internal flash drive. Expect a beefy battery and an improved camera.
3. A T5 with nothing more than the features the T5 shoulda had originally--voice recorder, wi-fi, bigger battery & more internal storage.
My $ is on #2 based on P1's recent history and the needs of the current lineup. At any rate, today's news is the best sign of life we've seen from those ol' boys at Palm since the launch of the T3 18 months ago.
What worries me more than anything else with Collagen's conference call talking point highlights is the dual focus on "business productivity tools and heavily on mobile entertainment" Usually jack-of-all-trade devices end up not being particular adept at anything. Having "business" anywhere in the description makes me tend to rule out a built-in digicam and lean more towards scenario #3.
W.r.t. Cobalt et al...
The phone product from PalmOne uses an old version of PalmOS that was considerably hacked by Handspring programmers. It appears that tradition continues.
But PalmOne having gajillions of software engineers on their staff (somewhere in the world, not necessarily California) has little relevance to whether or not Cobalt exists in any real form.
Note - PalmSource outright acknowledged that they did not have their act together with Cobalt - they actually came out and said something virtually the same as "We're gonna implement the higher layers of Cobalt - essentially the User Interface - on top of a Linux Kernel since we can't get the multi-tasking kernel stuff right".
But in any case, don't confuse PalmSource and PalmOne. One is a software company that's looking really strong to lose its SINGLE customer (pretty much), the other is an outsourced-almost-entirely "hardware company" that's looking really strong to go the uSoft route soon.
RE: My $0.02 worth...
Well said.
"A mini-tablet style OS5 device with dual wireless and two expansion slots--SDIO & CF. There's a chance it'll be bundled with a Microdrive of some kind. This might not even be called a Tungsten."
Sure. Rather, I would bet my money on a new Zire and E. Already a few mistakes by vendors posting the model of a new Zire (just like with the T5); and the admission of the E.
"The company is diverting R&D and money to deliver more phones on more networks faster."
Does that mean increased or decreased specifications/features for future devices? Second, how great was their research and development anyways?
"When asked Colligan confirmed the Verizon Treo 650 would support the high speed EV-DO standard."
Big farking deal. Verizons Vcast service is lame to say the least.
"Kinda suggests that there is a reasonable market out there, in the real world, for the kind of palmpilots which geeks like us would shun."
I think that is the most true statement said yet.
Biggest news in the story
This is the best news I've heard in a while. I'd actually switch to Verizon for this.
Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
PalmOne's/PalSource's product lines will continue to stagnate and MSFT/DELL/HP will continue to RELENTLESSLY push ahead. Some of you schmoes think that innovation is bad for business, the mass market customer is dumb and doesn't want value for the dollar and doesn't want a rich feature-set. I think you are wrong. Zen, arrogance, and incompetence will continue destroy Palm's market share. Windows Mobile 2005 will be out soon and MSFT will have most likely polished up the rough edges. Combined with incredible new hardware from DELL/HP/INTEL, even the Palm apologists will be running for the exits. A BUGGY, rehashed T5 or Treo with an old OS, crappy NVFS and some GIMMICK doesn't cut it.
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming -- HAHAHAH!
And *this* from *hp*!
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
"It's as ugly as sin."
Having seen and used one of the things briefly, I'm inclined to agree with the link above.
You are scaring people to pocketpc's
Hi -
I was considering buying a Palm until, after reading their message boards, I ran away screaming.
So now, I am considering a PocketPC. I know absolutely nothing about them - including how one "writes" information. Is there a Graffitti type program that works on these?
Thank you -
Is this part of the death spiral?
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
As for Gekko's stuff...That's just him and his stubbornly blind loyalty to hammer Palm. Blow it off as him having fun. It's been the same alarm of how Palm can't survive for about 7 years now.
Basically, here's the thought to keep in mind:
Apple's computers work while PC's get worked on.
palmOne's products work well while PPC's work (though bulky).
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
"...while PPC's work (though bulky)."
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
And what was Gekko's response to PalmOne's fourth straight profitable quarter?
"PalmOne's current product line is inferior to future product lines from competitors that have not been announced and have no release date."
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
I really wish Sony was still in the game. The future for *all* PDA's doesn't look so good right now
Nagel is no Bill Gates and Colligan is no Michael Dell!!!!!!
I really wish Sony was still in the game. The future for *all* PDA's doesn't look so good right now.
I disagree. Companies like MSFT, DELL, INTEL, CSCO are constantly charging ahead. Look at how Windows has evolved in the last 10 years - even with MSFT's "monopoly". People like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Andy Grove, and John Chambers are WINNERS. The reason they are winners is because they are PARANOID and they don't rest on their laurels. These guys are worth BILLIONS yet they keep fighting and scratching to make their products better and better and BRING INCREASINGLY MORE AND MORE VALUE TO THE CUSTOMER!!!!!!!!! Also, these guys are FOCUSED AND SMART. The problem with PalmOne and PalmSource is, they do not smart, focused, paranoid management running the companies. They have LOSERS running the companies - I repeat - LOSERS. These LOSERS are lazy, arrogant, incompetent, and dumb - and they're all in over their head. The LOSERS are not driving the company ahead. Benhamou, Nagel, Colligan, et al and those that preceded them - Yankowski, Bradley et al are all LOSERS. And shiit all falls down hill. It's all part of the "NEGATIVE SPIRAL" that Gates talks about. If I could blame one man for the destruction of these companies, it would be BENHAMOU because this is the prick that hand picked all of these past/present failures.
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
I tried the Treo 600 - I sent it back 3 days later. It's an OK PDA and a POOR cell phone. Too big/bulky to take out on the town. Very buggy (too buggy for a cell phone). 160x160 sucks. Poor build quality. Fragile. Bottom line - too many compromises for me to switch from my T3/Nokia 6560. The T650? I will NEVER buy a Palm with NVFS. Same issues with form factor, quality control etc.
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
RE: Next salvo from MSFT/DELL coming
I know you're not a fan of the GSPDA, but the Qool QDA 700 looks quite promising. Smaller than a Treo with all the wireless connectivity. It does lack bluetooth but makes up for it by having SDIO support for Wifi. There's a couple on eBay for about $500 / $599. If you want to get one froma retailer check my update in the general forum section.
As an added bonus, it also comes with Docs to Go 7.
Dilemas, dilemas.
* One focuses on Business productivity tools and heavily on mobile entertainment"
Hmm..., I thought I had just made a decision about my next PDA. A local shop has a single T3 sitting on the shelf for $300 (US dollar equivalent). I was going to pick up the "last great Palm," but the quote above got me wondering.
One of the things I hate about my T2 (along with the buzzing screen, digitizer drift, and inconsistent graffiti recognition) is the slider. I really don't want another unit with a slider, but I really want full-screen display and virtual graffiti (spoiled from my years with a HandEra 330). The "dumbed down" T5 is not what I want either. But now I'm hesitating. What's the possibility the P1 will finally get it right? You know, every once in a while they hit a homerun. Maybe by accident, but it does happen periodically. (If they just put a 320x480 screen on the TE2, I could probably lived with that too.)
RE: Dilemas, dilemas.
RE: Dilemas, dilemas.
Let me know. I would like to upgrade to a T3 but not for more the 180.
RE: Dilemas, dilemas.
RE: Dilemas, dilemas.
RE: Dilemas, dilemas.
I really don't like purchasing reconditioned units, and the one on the shelf here is new. Interesting that new ones are going for a little over $300 in the USA. That means the price here is pretty good. We usually have to pay a bit more for this kind of hardware, even though it is likely made just across the straits in China.
Still, I'll probably wait until after I get back from vacation next week and see if the world is still here.
nextel 650
May the Palm os be with you
RE: nextel 650
The Smell of Stagnation and Death
This place smells of stagnation and death. Nothing to get excited about in Palmland anymore. New products? A rehashed warmed-over TE and T5? Too bad.
RE: The Smell of Stagnation and Death
palmOne thinks the Treo will be their savior.
Just wait until they see all the PalmSource licensees making jillions of bucks from those El Cheapo "feature phones" running POS PIMs! Bye-bye Treo!
Thinks aren't very bright on the WinMob front, either. They finally got wise to that hp PPCPhone. Expect the other ones to be dumped too.
And what licensees are pushing metal here except for hp and Dell, eh?
RE: The Smell of Stagnation and Death
"As well as winning excellent reviews, users of the Xda generate more than three times the level of mobile data traffic than the second most data-oriented handset - the Nokia 6310i - and on average use up to 4.0MB per month. The average revenue per user (ARPU) of the XDA is around 35% higher then average post-pay ARPU across O2's footprint."
These devices are making european networks very happy indeed.
And if you are looking for a pureplay PDA, the FSC Loox 720 (again, not HP) is also top of the list.
RE: The Smell of Stagnation and Death
Gekko must be stagnant and/or dead.
Gekko doth protest too much...
RE: The Smell of Stagnation and Death
Cobalt is a sore point with everyone. The T5 was a let down for existing users - newcomers had little to complain about. Quite a lot of people don't like the design of the Tapwaves (whingers! - =P). This is why they are hoping that PalmOne will be able to finally deliver a good Palm OS device.
RE: The Smell of Stagnation and Death
Masamune - Thanks.
MikeCon - that HP phone is getting replaced:
Not bad for PPC....
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What about PDAs?
pen & paper -> m515 -> Zire72 -> TH55 & Handera 330