Comments on: Real Time Wireless Media Streaming for Palm OS

OnVerge Labs announced the immediate availability of its flagship product, InfiniFile for Palm OS Platform, originally slated for a January release. The software integrates with the Palm operating system and provides access to virtually unlimited audio, video, programs and data stored on a PC.
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Very interesting

LiveFaith @ 3/24/2005 3:41:40 PM # Q

"Hello honey. How are the kids? Great. I love you to. Could you please load Braveheart into the PCs DVD for me? I've got a little lag time before my flight and wanna watch a movie."

Pat Horne;

RE: Very interesting
Hal2000 @ 3/24/2005 10:14:06 PM # Q
Wow, I can stream 'Mr. Roboto' to my Tivo *and* my palm. Woo Hoo.

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my two cents

skaorsk8 @ 3/24/2005 3:50:30 PM # Q
wait, so this is going to just eat up my battery life, isn't it? Don't lie to me. Don't tell me I can leave my Ipod at home, and then my phone dies.

Not to mention no phone calls ...

RE: my two cents
LiveFaith @ 3/24/2005 5:15:05 PM # Q
What apps are their that don't eat the battery?

Pat Horne;
RE: my two cents
Altema @ 3/24/2005 10:17:49 PM # Q
There's that app on the bottom of my LauncherX toolbar, the one that looks like a O with a line though it. The battery seems to run pretty long with that one. It's a little buggy though, my screen blanks out so I can't see what's going on...


RE: my two cents
Be_True @ 3/25/2005 2:41:48 AM # Q
Why would I want to drain my battery by keeping Wi-Fi active to stream something, when I can use Wi-Fi to quickly transfer it to my memory card, and use it from there?

You want me to keep Wi-Fi active for the duration of a movie to watch it? I'd have to plug it in, then I might as well use the hotsync cable as well.

There are already programs that can show/download all available shares on a network via Wi-Fi.

What am I supposed to be gaining?


Tungsten C, Palm IIIxe, Wizard OZ-9520

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"

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Only file access; requires other software for media playback

bcombee @ 3/24/2005 4:02:31 PM # Q
Just a note -- this software only provides access to files on your system via VFS. You still need software like Kinoma Player, Pocket Tunes, or the palmOne Media Player to open the files and play them. This isn't a client like what Orb Networks does where they provide a web interface and do real-time transcoding to accomodate the network speeds and device capabilities.

RE: Only file access; requires other software for media play
LiveFaith @ 3/24/2005 5:15:54 PM # Q
Not a real issue unless you're bound to the PalmOne WiFi card.

Pat Horne;
RE: Only file access; requires other software for media playback
Altema @ 3/24/2005 10:19:58 PM # Q
Yeah, that would be cool, but the app seems still useful for me. I already have most of the apps that Ben mentioned, however, I usually only keep two or three movies on my Palm (Incredibles, plus 2 shorts this week), and about four music albums).

If I get to bed before the wife, I can take my pick of dozens of movies and TV episodes on my PC. Beats having to delete something on the Palm and wait for the transfer of new content!

RE: Only file access; requires other software for media playback
Altema @ 3/25/2005 4:52:36 PM # Q
Well, got a chance to download and install the product. The setup was very straight-forward and it came up the first time. I only have a BT connection, which is too slow for streaming movies or MP3's. I'll have to give it a try when I get a wifi card. The cool thing about it is that you can set it to see your entire C drive if you want, or just the "InfiniFolder" folder on your hard drive. This shows up as an expansion card in all your apps, including McFile. One of the cool things is that you can load Palm OS apps in the folder on the desktop, and they show up in your launcher on the Palm.

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