Comments on: Treo 500 Now Available on O2 UK
The Treo 500 is a Windows Mobile 6 (Smartphone edition) powered smartphone. It comes equipped with a full qwerty keyboard and a 240x320 pixel transflective display. It has a tri-band GSM radio supporting the 900/1800/1900 bands and UTMS 2100. It also includes 256MB memory with 150MB available for user storage, a 2 megapixel digital camera, Bluetooth 2.0 and a microSD expansion slot.
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RE: Cue Tumbleweeds
WITHOUT Comment.
Maybe I should have left it that way, ya think?
RE: Cue Tumbleweeds
The thing I'm most curious about is the fact that it pretty much looks like a Centro. It's got a lot more memory though, which is a big plus. :)
RE: Cue Tumbleweeds
You'd think, wouldn't you? But Palm simply doesn't care anymore at this point. When a company ceases to spend money in order to make ain't a good sign, folks. Even spending a few $ on cheap "me too" products designed for quick sales and to keep their name in the limelight would be a logical move in 2008's utter drought of new Palm product. You'd almost think certain someones are intentionally trying to jettison stock/inventory (the recent news of the Centro batteries being EOL'd before they even hit retail is a good example) and stockpiling cash in order to make Palm an attractive target for acquision. Does that merit a giggle?
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
Treo 800
RE: Treo 800
As noted elsewhere here on PIC, if "the device" that JUST started undergoing betatest is the rumored "800w", it ain't coming out anytime soon.
RE: Treo 800
Treo 500 is a simple "me too" rebranded tri-band GSM offering with WM 6.0 Standard & no touchscreen, a 320x240 "widescreen" LCD, no ring/vibrate switch, no Palm customizations, no wi-fi and no GPS.
Treo 800w is (initially) CDMA EVDO REV-A, 320x320 touchscreen, WM 6.1 Professional, traditional Treo ring/vibrate switch up top, a few Palm tweaks, wi-fi and supposedly GPS standard.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
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Cue Tumbleweeds
Is that new record?