Comments on: EarthLink Wireless to Offer Treo 650

EarthLink Wireless and palmOne today announced the availability of the Treo 650 smartphone. This powerful multifeatured mobile device is built on the Treo 600's award-winning design and features EarthLink's exclusive TotalAccess software for users on the move.
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Who's providing the voice service?

DJS_TX @ 4/26/2005 4:04:10 PM # Q
Sprint or Verizon? Or both?


RE: Who's providing the voice service?
archie@PIC @ 4/26/2005 5:09:26 PM # Q

RE: Who's providing the voice service?
archie@PIC @ 4/26/2005 5:10:19 PM # Q
Why would a competitor support the competition?

RE: Who's providing the voice service?
djfusion @ 4/26/2005 11:32:43 PM # Q
I think he was asking because Earthlink Wireless is a MVNO. I believe it's on Sprint. I'm willing to bet it'll be physically identical to the Sprint Treo, but with the Earthlink logo on the left (rather than Sprint) and probably'd come with various Earthlink-branded software.

RE: Who's providing the voice service?
ocspub @ 4/27/2005 2:15:07 AM # Q
> Why would a competitor support the competition?

It's not uncommon that a "real" carrier lets a virtual carrier resell its service. MCI resold Sprint PCS under the MCI brand. Virgin Mobile does it today. AT&T (not AWE) announced that they'd re-enter the mobile market by reselling Sprint PCS service under their name (which, with SBC's purchase of AT&T, is presumably not going to happen).


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RE: Who's providing the voice service?
jfinlayson @ 4/27/2005 8:48:06 AM # Q
This Earthlink reseller claims that both Verizon and Sprint provide the service:,date,2005-03-18.aspx

RE: Who's providing the voice service?
jfinlayson @ 4/27/2005 9:20:14 AM # Q
Fixing the commas in the URL, that would be:

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Earthlink is probably using Verizon

wesrubix @ 4/27/2005 12:15:27 PM # Q
Earthlink already sells Blackberry service with voice calling, and according it PCWorld Earthlink's blackberry service connects to Verizon's network.

PCworld's article says earthlink is partnering with a South Korean provider, but building their own infrastructure costs too much.
PCWorld article:

I have a feeling it's Verizon. Earthlink's FAQ page says CDMA2000 (the data service that Sprint and Verizon use), and Earthlink says about their coverage: "We have partnered to offer one of the most comprehensive networks in the country. Based on CDMA2000® 1x technology, the network service is considered by many to be the best in the United States."
Earthlink Blackberry FAQ page:
see the Phone Facts and Coverage sections

Sprint charges only $15/month for unlimited data on a treo (voice not included). Earthlink wants 40 (for 500 minutes and unlimited data). Verizon wants $50-80 (voice not included).
Earthlink pricing:

RE: Earthlink is probably using Verizon
critic @ 4/27/2005 12:47:56 PM # Q
Last time I checked, Earthlink Wireless will be an MVNO running on Verizon Wireless' network. The thing that I find surprising is that the Treo 650 detailed in this post will only have 1XRTT, not EVDO.

What do you think, sirs?
RE: Earthlink is probably using Verizon
djfusion @ 4/27/2005 5:29:42 PM # Q
That the VZW Treo won't have EV-DO? Unless they want it to be an "exclusive" version that only they have...typical...

RE: Earthlink is probably using Verizon
jfinlayson @ 4/28/2005 11:38:07 AM # Q
I just got off the phone with SK-Earthlink. They confirmed that although voice service is provided by a number of companies, CDMA2000 data service is currently restricted to Verizon towers.

As for EVDO, there is no Treo currently on the market (including Sprint's) that supports EVDO, so an Earthlink Treo without EVDO would not necessarily be a crippled "exclusive" version.

Rumors have circulated here that Verizon's Treo 650 will support EVDO, but they appear to be nothing more than wishful thinking.

RE: Earthlink is probably using Verizon
jfinlayson @ 4/28/2005 4:52:04 PM # Q
Furthermore, even if Palm did add an EVDO radio to the Treo 650, it probably wouldn't work for Earthlink customers. Earthlink also sells NICs for their wireless data service, but only 1xRTT (no EVDO). When I specifically asked Earthlink today whether they support any EVDO NICs, they said no. Even if Verizon has EVDO in your area, you're stuck at 1xRTT.

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