Comments on: AvantGo Adds Support for RSS Feeds
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Just When I think I'm Out....
...They pull me back in.
Nice to that Avantgo is still ticking along (somehow) and adding features. There will no doubtedly be the expected "I switched to Plucker/iSilo/Sunrise a long time ago..." post here, but I personally am waiting for another solution that will offer an offline sync without the need for a PC or Conduit like Avangto can do. Yes, there are other RSS readers out there that can pull RSS when connected to a network, but which one will spider those RSS feeds and then download them for you to read when no longer connected to a network (say like when you are on a plane)? I used Avantgo to do this through my PalmV modem dialed up to Earthlink at an Airport payphone 6 years ago. Today with the abundance of WiFi spots there still isn't something that can do just that. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. Seriously, I wan't to know if something else does that, the free 2meg limit on Avango sucks.
RE: Just When I think I'm Out....
RE: Just When I think I'm Out....
Currently I am using Sunrise/Plucker for my RSS feeds but the advantage of this on Avantgo is that one can refresh the feeds while online on the go....
T3 & T5 user
RE: Just When I think I'm Out....
vs. Quick News
Nice that Avantgo is scrappily hanging on, I've been with them from the beginning. Innovating things like this may keep them around for a while longer...
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