Comments on: Major Palm Shareholder Urges Sale
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RE: Hmm
Apple could widen their pocketable devices franchise and gain a portable companion to their desktop OS.
For Apple, not so much as return to Newton but rather, the creation of the pMac.
This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Exactly. It's all about bucks, kids, and the rest is just conversation. These people don't give a **** about you or about technology or about the industry. They're in and out for the buck and they don't take prisoners.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
>doing whatever was neccessary to extract maximum value for the shareholders, even if that meant selling the company.
this core principle remains the same.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Unless I'm wrong, and this is someone else, the major shareholder involved is Sagio.
No, it's another investor named Mark Nelson who owns 6.6% of Palm.
Mr. Nelson praised Palm's management in his letter, but he said the company is in a competitive market that faces "slowing innovation, commoditization and choked margins." As a result, Mr. Nelson wrote, Palm should "explore strategic alternatives, including a sale of the company." ... In his letter, Mr. Nelson acknowledges the rising share price of Palm and says the company is "in the ascendant." But he argues that Palm, which is one of the smallest players in a cutthroat cellphone market that is dominated by giants like Nokia Corp., faces such intense competition and likely commoditization that these "overwhelming market forces will render insignificant steps this [Palm] or any management can take."
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
That prick Nelson is right. It's only a matter of time until Palm get's completely commoditized. But what he wants, like any good shareholder, is to put pressure on the Board of Directors to explore and execute a sweet sale to the highest bidder. He wants to strike while the iron is hot. Sell this pig off while things are still GOOD - while sales are high, while PALM is still a leader, while RIMM is under stress. Buy low and sell high. He wants the Board to find some sucker out there to pay a nice 20% premium.
If this prick owns about 7% now, and the market cap is about $2B, that means he owns about $140M worth. And if he bought the pig at $10/share and it's now $40, the bastard has already made over $110M+ and quadrupled his money already. I guess he wants another 20%+ as gravy. If it was me, I'd sell the pig at the top and take my profits. Pigs get slaughtered. But maybe that's why I'm not worth $140M+ and this prick is.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
When the convertible car came along manufacturers did not stop offering a hard top. When the rocket came along the airplane was still of value.
Finally when new forms of transportation came along, the first form of adventurous travel, the ship was not discontinued either.
Son of Nel Palm has an interactive place in a global people driven industry too.
Some Norse never say never, they say hooga. Not everyone is going to want the same choice if so we would never have the cell phone. It has been some time since I visited my ancestors as my home is where my wife and children reside. However, trade is of value regardless of where ones ship takes them.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Gack, I've gotten into the bad habit of skimming the article before commenting these days. Must slow down. Apparently, this is a different shareholder.
Me too... didn't notice you'd followed up with this, sorry.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Otherwise, Mr. Nelson seems to be right on the money. ANYDAY now the house of cards that is Palm's continued sustenance on warmed over 3-year-old design retreads (Treo, T|E) is going to collapse. Add to that a glacial release cycle and numerous quality woes and you have the receipe for a "sell now, think later" report from the major shareholders.
In Palm's favor, they HAVE played along well with the carriers to date and they have a prety strong (for their size & the nature of the hanhdeld industry) balance sheet. Also in Palm's favor is the perpetual cloud hanging over RIM.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
i doubt DELL or Apple would ever do it - but what's nice about PALM from an acquisition sense is - it's a TURNKEY opportunity right into the smartphone business - TURNKEY relationships with all the major carriers right from the get go. It's not to hard to create a commodity phone, but I imagine it's hard to establish, develop, and refine these carrier relationships. So if Michael Dell or Steve Jobs decides - "We need to be in the smartphone business." Do they start from scratch or spend ~$2B+ and just buy their way in. I'm not sure.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
If you HAD to predict TODAY which "someone" would be most likely or most benefitting from buying Palm who would you say? My $ goes to either HP or someone like LG or Matsu****a that wants to bolster (if not establish outright) their US smartphone presence.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
hkk - well i highly doubt Michael Dell would do it. he's not a big fan of murders and executions:
"We're not big fans of the idea of taking companies and smashing them together," Dell said. "When was the last time you saw a successful acquisition or merger in the computer industry? It hasn't happened in a long, long time..."
you have to ask yourself - "Who needs PALM?" does LG really need PALM? cant they just create their own WINMOB clone? they already have the carrier relationships.
HP? doubtful.
it will probably be some out of nowhere foreign no-name company like the ACCESS deal.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
the real money will be made with the we-com virtual wallet. whoever acquires those rights will be minting friggin money.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
The we-com crew, if agreed, could share some of our we-com equity to help Palm become an e-knarr prototype. Palm is a PDA pioneer and has a good fit with virtual wallet pioneers too.
True HP's 200 LX was the first pocket PC running DOS. However, if Palm customers/investors and industry leaders and their customers want to help sail e-knarr then we may have something to talk about.
It is important that Palm is not being "taken over" simply growing with a future we-com industry that will keep sharing intellectual value with the founders too.
An industry that grows together has a good chance of staying together. Personally i have some silver to start the conversation. Anything that happens from this interaction must include the core we-com group as their thoughts have enhanced we-com equity too.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
I can see it now - see #6. We'll all be kicking ourselves!!! We all laughed when we should have invested!!!
Forbes List
Rank Name Net Worth ($mil) Age Residence Source
1 Gates, William Henry III 51,000 49 Medina, WA Microsoft
2 Buffett, Warren Edward 40,000 75 Omaha, NE Berkshire Hathaway
3 Allen, Paul Gardner 22,500 52 Seattle, WA Microsoft, investments
4 Dell, Michael 18,000 40 Austin, TX Dell
5 Ellison, Lawrence Joseph 17,000 61 Silicon Valley, CA Oracle
6 Tellurian, E 16,000 41 North Vancouver, BC We-Com
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Freedom can be deprived with too much knowledge of wealth. As long as the folks that trade their capital for our thoughts get the value as agreed and that capital gets to the whole crew as agreed i can sleep well.
Program? True innovative thinking creates a program. Just as innovative thinking created choices to pay for our choices too.
All is good when placed in a context of agreed.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
I don't know, but I never have the faintest idea what he's talking about.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
If you enter we-com virtual wallet in a search engine you will find more thoughts to help understand.
If you still do not understand just ask the we-com crew.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
I don't mean to make fun or anything. For all I know you guys might have phasers.
Peace, Agreement, and E-knarr to you and the crew
[makes complicated hand gesture that symbolizes the completion of the we-com circle]
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
All is good when placed in a context of Greed.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
In the longer term it might be a good thing. But in the short-term, I'd like Palm to stay independent long enough to produce some devices on a Linux kernel and judge for myself whether is was worth the wait.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
I mean, look at Palm's lackluster offerings over the past 5 years, numerous quality control issues, how they constantly abandoning a dwindling base of loyal users and their glacial release schedule. Yet somehow, they are STILL darlings to certain investors/suitors/media pundits.
Nelson IS correct in praising Palm's management...but there's just one thing they know how to do--and that is SPIN, SPIN, SPIN. Perhaps the codename of the final POS Treo is really "Gyro"?
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
US Robotics
Reclaim name
SELL? WITHOUT AN OS DIVISION? Their value is damaged. They don't control their future. If a customer would prefer a lesser 240x240 winmobile treo over a 320x320 palmos treo, then palmos is effectively dead in the water.
I can't comprehend the popularity of the mini treo thumbpad, and I'm a thumbpad fan. When I press a button on my tungsten c I know which button I'm pressing whereas on a treo my thumb covers about 4 buttons.
The only logical choice would be for Access to buy Palm. The way to survival is to continuously innovate with interesting products. All this corporate shuffling only makes the lawyers rich. Developers are the ones who should be getting rich.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Gotta buy something for the electric sheep to graze on.
May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
It would also deliver something unique and desireable - and with Google's unobtrusive advertising methods, it could provide a whole new cost model in the PDA/SmartPhone/Communicator space.
Think of all that Google online goodness wrapped up in a thin efficient OS, with an emulation layer providing backwards compatibility with OS5 and 68k apps.
Google's friendly minimalist ethos seems to be a a good match for POS simplicity.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Correction - M&A is jockingly called 'murders and assasinations' in my business - plagiarised from the book American Psycho.
Isn't interesting how this guy bought Palm stock at $10 (when all the M$ sponsored trolls were confidently forecasting the doom of Palm) and now he's sitting on a $140m unrealised gain. Just goes to show you - it's the sheep that get slaughtered.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
and look who's at #7 -
7 Beers, David 15,900 31 Manitou Springs, CO Pikesoft
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
maybe the we-com crew will attempt a hostile takeover of pikesoft in an all e-knarr transaction.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Yeah, I'm guessing the shareholders would jump all over that one.
Speaking of hostile, what about a buyout by Microsoft? Gates seems to be rather preoccupied with finding the sweetspot between tablet PCs and PDAs, in addition to "lusting" over the Treo. If there turned out to be a meeting of minds between his vision and, say, Palm's "third business" plans, he and Ballmer might be interested in trying to develop an end-to-end integrated hardware/software product (perhaps with companion Internet services a la iTunes). As a side "benefit" such a buyout would probably drive a stake through PalmSource.
Not a pretty thought, but ya gotta wonder.
I agree that Google could be interested in the same kind of thing.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
1. MSFT doesn't need the antitrust headaches.
2. MSFT does not need to own PALM. And PSRC/PalmOS has self-inflicted wounds which are fatal. The patient is condition critical.
maybe Pikesoft should make a play?
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
What antitrust headaches? Palm isn't currently a competitor and PalmSource wouldn't be absorbed, just starved.
2. MSFT does not need to own PALM. And PSRC/PalmOS has self-inflicted wounds which are fatal. The patient is condition critical.
Like I said, I'm not talking about anyone buying PSRC. As for MSFT not needing PALM, I generally agree, but I can see scenarios where they would consider it. Let's put it this way: anything that Google would like to do by acquiring Palm is something that Microsoft would like to do first.
Maybe Pikesoft should make a play?
Interesting thought. Do you suppose Palm's Directors would accept Diners Club? I think a deal consisting partly of United Mileage plus miles for stock might be attractive. If it goes through, expect Palm's customer service to get suddenly A LOT worse. And there will be a return of the Springboard slot on all future Palm devices! :-D
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Here's another (realistic) possibility:
Wouldn't a Cisco/Linksys-backed, Palm-branded Treo running on a WiMax network make sense? Or something similar partnered up with Google content? Someone needs to pull the rug out from under the damm Cellular providers and who better than the maker of the hottest smartphone, the leader in networking equipment/wi-fi and the Google boys?
He11, Cisco was rumored just this week to buying TiVo and/or Nintendo so why not make Palm part of the bundle as well!?!
Personally a Palm acquisition would make a LOT more sense for Cisco than would buying up Nintendo. I tossed out the idea of someonel like Netgear/D-link/Linksys buying part or all of Palm two years or so ago-it seemed a swell idea at the time and looks even better now the retreat of the dedicated PDA & the ascent of the smartphone.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
>Like I said, I'm not talking about anyone buying PSRC.
beersie - must i explain everything to you? my point was that you said that it would help MSFT "drive a stake through PalmSource". You don't need to kill the walking dead.
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
They're coming close to it though. Perhaps the term is "p0wn3d" (or something like that...)
If you remember three things, this will all make sense:
- All business decisions are made to make $$$ for the decision maker (not the company, share holder or consumer).
- TVoR has already explained the smoke and mirrors games that surrounded Palm/PalmSource.
- The Walrus was Paul.
Look into the Glass Onion.
Hint: Some very Naughty People are manipulating certain stocks that have consistently proven to be extremely easy to manipulate for several years. These Naughty People have become even more wealty (knock on wood) because of their actions and the endgame is about to begin. It's been a fun ride, but like prison shower sex, all good things must end. With tension released for the final time and our earthly bodies cleansed, we depart from the delisted NYSE prison we voluntarily (and cleverly) entered so manny years ago. Thanks for the memories. God Bless. Allah Akbar!
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Very amusing fantasy you live in, Skippy. But as someone who has made more than a few significant business decisions, and who has participated in many more, in organizations varying in size from 'mom and pop' to Fortune 50, I can easily say that it's not even close to reality.
I've know CEOs, Lew Platt comes to mind, to make significant decisions for their businesses that were contrary to their personal financial interests. Seymour Cray did it twice that I know of, Both Hewlett and Packard, Sergey Brin, Jim Meadlock, and several others have made such decisions that I'm personally aware of.
HP, of course, was run by consensus until fairly recently, so even if an individual attempted to influence a decision for personal gain, it would only happen if their personal goals were aligned with the company's direction.
Funny you wouldn't be aware of a major Fortune 50 company that was run that ethically. That gap in your knowledge says a lot about why you so frequently misunderstand modern business decisions.
May You Live in Interesting Times
I didn't realize you were so naïve, Marty. How sweet.
Very amusing fantasy you live in, Skippy. But as someone who has made more than a few significant business decisions, and who has participated in many more, in organizations varying in size from 'mom and pop' to Fortune 50, I can easily say that it's not even close to reality.
No, I live in the Real World, Marty. Open up you eyes and take a look at it sometime. Pollyannas like you would not be trusted to make a decision any more "significant" than what brand of toilet paper should be purchased for the warehouse bathroom.
I've know CEOs, Lew Platt comes to mind, to make significant decisions for their businesses that were contrary to their personal financial interests. Seymour Cray did it twice that I know of, Both Hewlett and Packard, Sergey Brin, Jim Meadlock, and several others have made such decisions that I'm personally aware of.
Are any of those people named Benhamou? Didn't think so.
HP, of course, was run by consensus until fairly recently, so even if an individual attempted to influence a decision for personal gain, it would only happen if their personal goals were aligned with the company's direction.
Don't confuse the Palm Cabal and the few shareholders who've learned to control it like a marionette with a properly run company, Marty.
Funny you wouldn't be aware of a major Fortune 50 company that was run that ethically. That gap in your knowledge says a lot about why you so frequently misunderstand modern business decisions.
Even funnier is that you actually think major companies are run ethically. I hope you never lose that innocence, Marty. It's so sweet.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Yes, Skippy, major companies can be and are run ethically. HP was from the start until Lew Platt retired. (I left just before Lew retired, so I can't speak about from then until now.) That's a fortune 50 company, Skippy, so I'm sure it qualifies as "major." Ditto Intergraph and Jim Meadlock. Unlike you, I'm not speaking from my parents' basement on this topic, Skippy. I'm speaking from personal knowledge of the players, having been one at both companies.
No, Skippy, I'm not naive. I worked for GE Aerospace and can tell you plenty of stories of the evils of government contracting. I did not find Enron at all surprising when they were caught. I know the dark side as well as the light, and I have no trouble telling the difference, unlike yourself.
There is no "Palm Cabal" Skippy. There may or may not be people involved in the Palm deal who are acting unethically. You have never provided any evidence to support that claim, though.
Not, I suspect, that ethics is anything you're particularly familiar with.
In fact, the few actual predictions you've made about PalmSource based on your cabal argument have turned out rather badly, haven't they Skippy? Like your claim that Palm was going to end up buying PSRC back.
So, Skippy, what say you surprise us, and instead of your usual childish insults, why don't you reply with some hard evidence to support your claims?
May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Yes, Skippy, major companies can be and are run ethically. HP was from the start until Lew Platt retired. (I left just before Lew retired, so I can't speak about from then until now.) That's a fortune 50 company, Skippy, so I'm sure it qualifies as "major." Ditto Intergraph and Jim Meadlock. Unlike you, I'm not speaking from my parents' basement on this topic, Skippy. I'm speaking from personal knowledge of the players, having been one at both companies.
It's sweet you idolize the late Mr. Platt, Marty. But for every one executive with a skeleton-free closet, you'll find a dozen hiding a boneyard behind the door. Finding an occasional exception to the rule doesn't disprove the rule. Care to look at HP's post-Platt years? Jam packed with more backstabbing, power struggles, deception and intrigue than the collected works of Shakespeare.
No, Skippy, I'm not naive.
If you say so, Marty.
I worked for GE Aerospace and can tell you plenty of stories of the evils of government contracting. I did not find Enron at all surprising when they were caught. I know the dark side as well as the light, and I have no trouble telling the difference, unlike yourself.
It's not "the dark side" and "the light" (as simplistic people like you try to break things down to). Once you begin to see that the world is not just black and white, perhaps you'll understand, Marty.
There is no "Palm Cabal" Skippy. There may or may not be people involved in the Palm deal who are acting unethically. You have never provided any evidence to support that claim, though.
The Cabal has effectively parasitized Palm to its current moribund state. Unlike most parasites, these individuals don't realize that it's not in their best interests to kill their helpless host.
Not, I suspect, that ethics is anything you're particularly familiar with.
That really hurts, Marty.
In fact, the few actual predictions you've made about PalmSource based on your cabal argument have turned out rather badly, haven't they Skippy? Like your claim that Palm was going to end up buying PSRC back.
Ummm... did Palm not make a generous offer to buy PalmSource a few months ago? Right after they had "given" PalmSource $30 million of their shareholders' money? Their actions merely underscore that what I said about the Palm/PalmSource "scam" was correct.
So, Skippy, what say you surprise us, and instead of your usual childish insults, why don't you reply with some hard evidence to support your claims?
The evidence is sitting right in front of you. Open your eyes (and ears) and you MIGHT just figure it out.
Take care.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Actually, Skippy, in this case it does. Your claim was that all business decisions were made entirely out of self interest. Only takes one contradictory example to disprove that rule. The correct observation is that many business decisions were made entirely out of self interest. And no, the ratio isn't 1:12, it's more like 20:1.
Ummm... did Palm not make a generous offer to buy PalmSource a few months ago?
Not very generous, no. Or they'd own PSRC now.
Given the size of Palm's offer, the best description of it would be that it was pro forma.
May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Actually, Skippy, in this case it does. Your claim was that all business decisions were made entirely out of self interest. Only takes one contradictory example to disprove that rule. The correct observation is that many business decisions were made entirely out of self interest. And no, the ratio isn't 1:12, it's more like 20:1.
Keep flailing, Marty. You're responses keep getting weaker every day. I'm starting to feel as sorry for you as I do for your conspiracy-lovin' former PalmSource colleague. I assume you meant the ratio of Pollyanna:Pragmatic companies is 1:20.
>>>Ummm... did Palm not make a generous offer to buy PalmSource a few months ago?
Not very generous, no. Or they'd own PSRC now.
Given the size of Palm's offer, the best description of it would be that it was pro forma.
Palm's offer was quite generous and was about what PalmSource was truly worth. I still can't believe Palm let PalmSource get away. They needed a bigger poison pill in their PalmSource contract to scare off the likes of Motorola, Nokia, etc., but Palm's laywers obviously were overconfident that things were worded in a way that their ability to reacquire PalmSource was a "sure thing".
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
Geez, Skippy, didn't you tell us you were a writer? There you go having trouble with English again. "Generous" does not mean "about what [it] was worth".
First thinking "all" means "some" now thinking "generous" means "of equal value".
No wonder you write a "web column", as they appear to have no literacy requirement.
May You Live in Interesting Times
Why so bitter, Marty? Don't be a hater, Buddy.
Geez, Skippy, didn't you tell us you were a writer? There you go having trouble with English again. "Generous" does not mean "about what [it] was worth".
The offer was generous compared to what the value of PalmSource realistically should have been to other companies. The price offered "was about what PalmSource was truly worth" TO PALM. I realize it may be a difficult concept for you to grasp, but acquisition targets have different value to different companies depending on how desperately the companies need what the targets are offering.
First thinking "all" means "some" now thinking "generous" means "of equal value".
Lessons in semantics from PalmSource's Queen of Obfuscation? How quaint. Don't give up the day job, Marty.
No wonder you write a "web column", as they appear to have no literacy requirement.
Time for you to take a few cleansing breaths, Marty. In with the good, out with the bad. In with the good, out with the bad. In with the good, out with the bad...
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
A: The more abusive he becomes the more poorly he thinks he's doing.
May You Live in Interesting Times
You're just TOO funny, Marty
A: The more abusive he becomes the more poorly he thinks he's doing.
You're a peach, Marty. I'm sorry to see you reduced to trying to insult me by saying things like "No wonder you write a "web column", as they appear to have no literacy requirement." Wow. That. Really. Hurts.
I had such high hopes for you when I outed your silly a$$, but you've turned out to be just a colossal disappointment to the more erudite readers here at Palminfocenter. Keep trying, though. Your repeated pratfalls provide much-needed comedic relief in thease times of uncertainty for the PalmOS community. Ryan should make you Palminfocenter's Official Jester...
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
PSRC was only the first of many steps.
Capitalists, watchout! %-D
(I'm feeling some of George Orwell's 1984 foreseeings here...)
RE: This isn't quite as new as the Journal thinks it is.
First? Where you been for the last 25 years?
Asia has dominated consumer electronics since at least 1980.
May You Live in Interesting Times
Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
USR, 3COM, Palm, PalmOne, PalmSource, AccessCo, Palm Inc.
Spinoff, split, merge, spin spin spin, remerge, buy back, sell out, cross brand, hire, fire, sell, buy, cannabalize...
For me, the solution is simple.
Access Co buys Palm Inc.
Access Co sells Cobalt on a Linux kernel.
Access Co discontinues Windows Mobile Palm projects.
Access Co sells Treos and makes better LifeDrives.
Branding consistency baby, consistency.
It doesn't take a genius to understand that Palm OS is the superior user friendly, only true mobile OS and Access Co has to aquire Palm Inc and put an end to all this branding insanity.
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
But from what I heard, Access had to borrow money to acquire PalmSource who were valued quite weakly compared to the strong value that Palm currently hold. I don't think Access has the financial backing to pull this off.
I guess a bigger company like Google could aim to acquire both parties and refactor the OS for a wider net-centric purpose, whilst investing some big R&D bucks into creating some hot hardware. The cellular operators would be fighting over these devices and the data throughput (dataplan revenue) they would generate.
Also, don't you think it would be cool to be in a meeting/on a train/on holiday/stuck in traffic and be able to answer pretty much any question by performing a quick 'Google-Palm' or update your web site with your 'Google-Palm-Blogger', then watch some 'Google-Palm-Vidz' courtesy of the growing archive at video.Google.
Don't be a Dougall, the future's with Google.
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
"Mickey Mantle makes $200,000 a year - he don't care about you, why care about him?" - Sonny, "A Bronx Tale"
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
Excellent, Gekko.
Now I will vanish again.
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
MikeCon - welcome back! we missed you, man!
Did they treat you OK at Rikers?
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
"Mickey Mantle makes $200,000 a year - he don't care about you, why care about him?" - Sonny, "A Bronx Tale"
If Mickey Mantle is a smart player, he needs to keep an eye on the future - as he wont be hitting home-runs for ever.
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
Where is TVoR in all of the madness of the past few days?
I have a feeling something BIG is about to happen in the next month or so. Either a BIG announcement (totally rehacked EVDO FrankenGarnet Treo with a strong featureset) or a BIG non-announcement (no new POS Treos at all, one feeble new T|E rehash this spring). Either way, this is THE make-or-break quarter or two for Palm.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
They tried EVDO on FrankenGarnet in the lab and the Treo melted into a puff of smoke.
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
It's another sign on The End Times.
>>>I wonder if he's been lurking the whole time !?!
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
Either way, it's a nice surprise. How'd that Nokia 770 experiment end up going? Still have the T|E?
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
I suspect he is staying away because PALM will be bought out and he doesnt want to break any NDAs
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
He DID say recently that he writes for a web column but that could be construed as either a personal blog or, as I hinted at ages ago, he really IS John C. Dvorak writing his PC Mag column ;-)
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
"Does ANYONE not realize that Palm will buy PalmSource?" The_Voice_of_Reason @ 9/4/2005 4:11:35 PM
It might not be the "mythical color HandEra", but I'm liking my TX anyway.
SHOCKER of the century!
Probably finally realized that the Nokia 770 he's been "testing" is a prototype rather than being a finished device ready for human consumption. Either that or Caney missed getting biotchslapped daily...
Where is TVoR in all of the madness of the past few days?
Right here. Just can't say anything.
I have a feeling something BIG is about to happen in the next month or so. Either a BIG announcement (totally rehacked EVDO FrankenGarnet Treo with a strong featureset) or a BIG non-announcement (no new POS Treos at all, one feeble new T|E rehash this spring). Either way, this is THE make-or-break quarter or two for Palm.
Something big is going to happen? Maybe... Bigger than the (evolutionary yawner) Treo 700p? Maybe... Stay tuned for the SHOCKER of the century. You have been warned.
P.S. To that piece of offal that posted the following comment above:
Or maybe it's like when the Access buy happened. He's trying to figure out how to spin some big piece of news into his elaborate conspiracy theory. It gets more difficult all the time.
"Does ANYONE not realize that Palm will buy PalmSource?" The_Voice_of_Reason @ 9/4/2005 4:11:35 PM
Two questions: You do realize of course that Palm reworked their contract with PalmSource last year (before PalmSource went on the auction block) to introduce a poison pill designed to scare off other potential buyers? And you do realize of course that Palm tried to buy PalmSource before Motorola (and Access) destroyed their "best laid plans of mice and men"? Please post some more insightful commentary. Take care. Moron.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
It will be amusing to see how you try to spin this one to make it look like you were an insider.
May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
I'm aware of what happened, just not in agreement with your spin of it. Your conspiracy theory, as contrived as it is, is not the best explanation for what ended up happening. Spin away, whirling dervish. Even when you're wrong, you're right (in your own mind).
Please post some more insightful commentary.
After you.
It might not be the "mythical color HandEra", but I'm liking my TX anyway.
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
I'm aware of what happened, just not in agreement with your spin of it. Your conspiracy theory, as contrived as it is, is not the best explanation for what ended up happening. Spin away, whirling dervish. Even when you're wrong, you're right (in your own mind).
Typical chicken sh!t Palm Apologist response. Please enlighten us with you opium-addled "best explanation for what ended up happening".
>>>Please post some more insightful commentary.
After you.
Everything I post is insightful. We're still waiting to see something from you that was worth the ATP spent reading it.
A child soon grows up and becomes an adult. Unfortunately for you, a moron will always be... you know*...
* or maybe you DON'T know
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
"Typical chicken sh!t"? Wow, digging deep, aren't we.
"Palm Apologist"? Don't make me laugh.
Better explanations have been stated plenty of times, although not quite as often or rabidly as your conspiracy theory. (Notice how normally people don't feel the need to keep screaming out the "truth".) You seem to think that if you say something long enough and loud enough, it will become true. You seem to think if you use enough explitives and insults, you can bully your way into everyone else shutting up. If there are no other "voices", then you must be right. Once you've run off all the opposition, the playground will be yours! Typical silly, childish behavior.
A much better explanation (stated quite clearly enough times that you must have seen them) involves gradiosity, incompetence and bad business choices. But obviously that isn't enough for you. Thus was born your elaborate conspiracy theory, that regardless of the evidence, you keep right on spinning.
If in the grand scheme of things you're somehow are proven right, just think of all the fun you'll have sticking it in everyone's faces. But I think more likely you will have somehow convinced yourself you were right all along, even though the evidence showed otherwise.
It makes little sense to waste time arguing with you TVOR. Besides, I suspect that is all you are about anyway. If gandiosity, incompetence and bad business choices aren't enough for you, then spin away, scream away, insult away, ad infinitum. Maybe from where you sit, you have the time to waste.
Everything I post is insightful.
Now that's funny!
It might not be the "mythical color HandEra", but I'm liking my TX anyway.
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
If you REALLY believe that the people running Palm are that naïve, God help you.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
Thanks! I believe he does.
It might not be the "mythical color HandEra", but I'm liking my TX anyway.
RE: Buyout?! OK, this is getting re-god-damn-diculous.
Will SHE help Palm as well?
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
To our beloved lizard.
Gekko @ 2/2/2006 1:53:43 PM #
Exactly. It's all about bucks, kids, and the rest is just conversation. These people don't give a **** about you or about technology or about the industry. They're in and out for the buck and they don't take prisoners.
Dear little Salamander,
You know Gekko, regarless of the Lionel/Lex Luthor kind of ways you are pinning on corporate leaders (including our very own backtabbing sudden WM lover, Ed Colligan), WE the consumers decide everything with our buying power.
They want to make money, and I (and millions of others) demand a product that run Palm OS before we give them the money they seek.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
the market has spoken. it wants WINMOB.
perhaps your socialist country can produce something better for your needs?
maybe you should migrate to the we-com virtual wallet?
RE: To our beloved lizard.
Does that mean the market has said something about WM?
I doubt it.
This decline in sales is likely due to Mr Hurd's cost cutting campaign. Slashing product development and marketing budgets is an easy way of taking overhead out of the bottom line. But it inevitably has an adverse effect on sales. If Mr Hurd follows the usual game plan, he'll cut costs again, which will cause another fall in sales, then there will be another cost-cutting round, followed by further losses in sales, etc, etc - classic death-spiral.
Those heroes in the WM division must be sweating bullets over performance (or lack thereof) of their largest licensee. No doubt they are busy producing lots of upward sloping powerpoints, to try to fool the beancounters (again).
RE: To our beloved lizard.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
the keyboard is the best part, dummy.
try it and you'll never go back. you never have to fumble with a stylus again. it's all intuitive, one-handed operations. get out of the 90's. it's 2006.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
Although learning Grafitti 2 was a bit of a pain, certain things are better about it. In fact the only thing that still bugs me is it's handling of L followed by space, resulting in an unwanted T (if you're a fast writer like me).
However, spending a few bucks on TealScript and you can mix and match the best bits of Grafitti 1 and 2.
Thumb-boards still to me seem good only for one handed situations (if your fingers are small enough) and those who can't invest the time in learning grafitti.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
you might as well make the switch to the smartphone now because you soon will not have a choice.
the consumer pda is almost dead.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
To be fair, HP's slump started well before Hurd got in as CEO. In truth, they haven't had a really compelling new model since 2003, and it's been catching up to them the last few quarters. It's not just cost-cutting but also accompanying spikes in price and the use of cheaper materials and devices. They're trying to suck more money out of their #2 position in the market. It's driven more people to Palm and Dell, but unfortunately it hasn't done enough damage yet to HP's business to get them to knock it off.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
HP shareholders are happy with Hurd and are glad to be rid of that bitch Carly.
That's all that counts.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
"Almost"? What, do my eyes deceive me? I had heard "some people" emphatically state the the PDA "was dead". ;-)
It might not be the "mythical color HandEra", but I'm liking my TX anyway.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
RE: To our beloved lizard.
RE: Was it him?
Mike, gotten the Nokia 770 ready for prime time yet?
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
All in one and all for one? Or was it one for all and all for one?
Any how it sound good among friends and scares the *^(*&^( out of us freedom loving "nut cases" that do not work for free either.
While we talk and fuss like old men the price of precious metal is rising. Some want to offer their customers more choices here too.
Does our youth have a say here too? In my world they do and right now too many are spilling blood so we have the choice to build these choices.
We have much on our plate to offer many industries. The parent company to huge and would like to see more parents hold their kids and would like to thank more parents for the sacrifice they make so we may build for their children’s future.
If our thoughts are worth $16,000,000,000 I think we can find a way to do what we have said we will do for the past 20 plus years, six of those years here in a very advanced innovative environment.
As you please ... remember no one is to be left behind and an image taken without permission is $16,000,000. Freedom is not cheap.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
The purpose in we-com industry is so we may distribute the risk and value without compromising or leaving anyone behind.
As the equity increases in value it becomes more logical to see what it takes to build advanced thoughts. Perhaps in the future more will understand the value of content too.
It is a chicken and egg discussion. What come first are the thoughts. Without valuing thoughts too we have less purpose for capital. If we value thoughts then we will automatically value the people needed to create the energy needed to give capital it's greatest value in peace.
At some point humanity will face an energy issue ... better in our life time then risking that the future will no longer value ones thoughts greater than a dime.
Trade is what a knarr does so too will an e-knarr. All this has no value if people are not free to express their thoughts and share in the wealth of their thoughts too.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
"e-karr" le car too. Does the car want to offer the customer more interactive we-com choices too? True the car does not choose, it is still all about customer choices.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
Yes folks there is a war going on and if we do not contain the emotion we will not have the choice to build anything. The facts are a small group of people lacked the freedom to join peace-building groups and chose to be heard in a very destructive manner.
Our privacy is part of our freedom. Our choice to build without compromising other people's freedom is our choice as a consequence of many people risking their thoughts and lives to enhance a peaceful world.
Some people love what they do and the fact that we live in a democratic system that wants to value our love of doing good work is a consequence i can live with.
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
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Palm m125 December 25, 2002 to March 24 2004 > palmOne Zire 71 March 24, 2004 to March 31, 2005. Tapwave Zodiac 1 April 18, 2005 to November 2, 2005 > palmOne Zire 72 November 2, 2005 to present