Comments on: Phony Treo-Branded iPod Nano Knockoff Spotted

The Treo logo on the unit and its packaging is identical to the one used by Palm. This highly illicit device has a sales price for $270. The Chinese knockoff factories have manage to do something Palm has yet to pull off on a Treo; this unit appears to be sporting a full-size stereo headphone jack. (also via MobilityBeat)
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It is the 3.5mm headphone jack that gives it away.
Palm III --> Compaq Areo 1550 --> Palm IIIc --> Visor Edge --> Casio EM500 --> Sony T415 --> Compaq 3670 --> Dell Axim x5 Advanced --> Sony SJ20 --> Palm T|E --> HP H1945/T610 --> Dell Axim X30 --> Axim X50v --> Treo 600 --> Palm T|X --> Blackberry 6230 --> Treo 650 --> Blackberry 7100t --> BB 7290 --> Samsung Blackjack
RE: It's too Innovative to be a Palm Treo
RE: It's too Innovative to be a Palm Treo
RE: It's too Innovative to be a Palm Treo
"flamingo vomit" is a great analogy.
If thats all the Palm knockoffs you know, you dont look far
a user posted a link to a chinese wholesale website recently - and they offer knockoffs of the Palm Z22 and the LifeDrive:
The interesting thing about the "Z22" is that it seems to have a rectangular screen - if a cheap chinese company can say goodbye to the small square screen on handhelds, why can't Palm?
Just my 2 cents - feel free to post about every other knockoff you know!
Find out more about the Palm OS in my blog:
RE: If thats all the Palm knockoffs you know, you dont look far
Palm m125 > Palm Zire 71 > Tapwave Zodiac 1 > Palm Zire 72 > Sharp Zaurus SL-C1000 + 4gb MicroDrive + Palm Tungsten T|3 (1100mah)
My T|3 is too [i]sexy[/i] for me.
RE: If thats all the Palm knockoffs you know, you dont look far
Palm m125 > Palm Zire 71 > Tapwave Zodiac 1 > Palm Zire 72 > Sharp Zaurus SL-C1000 + 4gb MicroDrive + Palm Tungsten T|3 (1100mah)
My T|3 is too [i]sexy[/i] for me.
RE: If thats all the Palm knockoffs you know, you dont look far
Intellectual property means NOTHING in China. Access is toast...
Access could never have pulled this off - even if they hadn't bungled the creation of ALP-OS/NetFrontLinux. And how long will it take before versions of Opera and other mobile browsers grab most of Access' customers for its main (yes, not only) business? Probably 12 - 18 months. Access is currently in the same untenable position that Palm was in circa 2002-03 before Handspring's Treo Saviour showed up and saved Palm's sorry a$$.
RE: Intellectual property means NOTHING in China. Access is toast...
Skippy the Pathetic.
RE: Intellectual property means NOTHING in China. Access is toast
Now wandering in to Nanjing and stealing the source code, that's more likely to happen, the way software pirating goes on in China.
But the China market isn't simply about what software you have, it's about what your history is. CMS already has mPhone on the market. They're a known quantity. That's what made them valuable to Access.
True, the clock is ticking that value away, like sand through an hour glass, as other players take on the Chinese market.
At least the electric sheep are taking their time and using up their window as well.
May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: Intellectual property means NOTHING in China. Access is toast...
That's how the Chinese "reverse engineer", Marty. Not hard when you don't have to worry about minor details like "laws". Just ask Microsoft what they feel about the Chinese...
But the China market isn't simply about what software you have, it's about what your history is. CMS already has mPhone on the market. They're a known quantity. That's what made them valuable to Access.
History is just that - HISTORY. The cellphone industry is anything but static - both in term of OS development and hardware development. Just as Palm has showed us by failing to capitalize on their early lead with the Treo 600 and simply sitting still the past 3 years, Access' evanescent early advantage is disappearing into the Vapors. $320 million? Indeed. Access got played - Emperor China MobileSoft has no clothes. CMS in the hands of "foreigers" will be quickly pushed aside in favor of similar wholly domestic, cheaper solutions. Access will NEVER make its investment back (they were lucky to get that $44 million from Palm for the decrepit, otherwise-worthless PalmOS 5 IP). You're going to lose our bet, Marty. Access will either be bankrupt or sold by 2008.
RE: Glade Trio
Air freshens, charges, receives email, and Hotsyncs all at the same time!!
"Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake? Anyone can make an error, but that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
-Grand Admiral Thrawn
the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse
My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71 --> Tungsten T3 (with 4 _GOLDEN_ screws) + zodiac 2
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It's too Innovative to be a Palm Treo
Hence, it MUST be a knockoff!