Did Microsoft Try to Bribe Big Palm Users?
ZDnet is running an article critical of a recent Microsoft event at which the attendants, people influential in the Palm community, were given over $1,400 worth of PocketPC equipment. Some have described this as a bribe to get Palm users to convince others to switch to PocketPC. Dave Johnson, senior editor for PlanetIT, said, "At the end the day the Pocket PCs did not work and yet I overheard people saying that they would be changing because they got goodies."
The people who attended the event were from PalmStation, PDA Geek, PalmGear, PDA Buzz and smaller.com, and others who post frequently into the Palm-related newsgroups or run PUGs. They walked away with a Compaq iPaq H3650 Color Pocket PC, HP Jornada 540 Color Pocket PC, 128MB CompactFlash Card, CompactFlash modem, CompactFlash Ethernet card, cell phone adapter, headphones and add-ons, plus a gift certificate for $60 in Microsoft's company store.
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RE: Of course it was a bribe!
This story is a lie!!!
The people who attended this event do not feel the way they are being portrayed in this article. The writer interviewed a small disgruntled group, and attempted to imply that "everyone felt the same way". It is not the truth. It also suggests that the various site owners have all been corrupted or bought off, which is also not true!
ZDNET crossed the lines of professional journalism.
Just thought everyone should be made aware of this.
RE: Not Much Comment So Far
Palm Infocenter
RE: This story is a lie!!!
The point is, why didn't ZDNET interview ALL attendees? They never made inquiries to PDA Buzz, Smaller.com, Palmstation, and the rest. Only Rick Brioda, and someone from PlanetIT. Where is everyone else in this article?
In my opinion, that is sloppy journalism. How would you feel if you had attended this conference, and ZD wrote "everyone felt the same way", meaning you as well, felt bribed, violated, or that it was a cheap shot. Even though that really wasn't your opinion. No one likes it when someone else speaks for them.
I think Richard Shim was just looking for a little good old fashioned sensationalism.
Palminfocenter.com agenda?
So far, the only rebuttals I've seen on any of these sites have been on Smaller.com and PDA Buzz. Are you planning some mass response like you did with the original article on the trip?
Why do I sense a bit of sarcasm and/or envy in that statement. You make it seem like they're all huddled together planning damage control which is just silly.
If you're upset you weren't invited, get over it ... taking it out on your competition (who happens to reference and link to you often) is just immature and self defeating.
RE: This story is a lie!!!
I also read the original report from one of the attendees when it appeared on PalmStation and thought that it seemed kind of like a bribe from Microsoft as well. My point? It's a free country, so you have a right to your opinions, but the writer also has a right to express his too, and I can't see where he distorded the facts, so why are you getting all bent out of shape about him expressing his opinion? If you disagree, hey, that's your right, but don't go making wild accusations.
RE: This story is a lie!!!
All I was trying to say with that was that I didn't understand what was meant by "For the real truth go to PDAGeek, Smaller.com, PDABuzz, PalmGear, and PalmStation. " I went to all those sites and several of them hadn't said anything about the ZDnet story. That sentence seemed to imply that there would be some kind of response. I was curious when it was going to be forthcoming.
I try hard to keep my opinions out of the articles I write. If I wanted to make the attendees look bad, I would have referred to this as a "junket" and used other words with negative connotations. If I approved of this trip, I would have put in phrases like "falsely accused" or "maligned" when referring to the attendees.
Frankly, I don't much care about this issue one way or the other besides wondering why ZDnet brought up something from a month or so ago. But our goal here is to try to cover all the Palm community related news and this story fits that, so we are covering it.
Palm Infocenter
RE: This story is a lie!!!
Yes, that's what journalism really is. LOL.
I can see it now.
"This is the CBS evening news. For a reaction to last night's debate, we have interviewed every eligible voter."
Attendees misrepresented by article
Consider the source
Also, consider the source of the comments in the article. The two quoted as thinking it was a "cheap tactic" to "bribe" us are the same guys who write PalmOS books. Now if anyone has a vested interest in Microsoft and the Pocket PC looking bad, it's these yahoos.
Get the full story before implicating competing sites in a scandal that never was ... maybe you're just upset you weren't invited which explains the knee-jerk reaction?
RE: Consider the source
Palm Infocenter
My take on this (as an attendee)
few facts known. First off, as those who know me know, I still use
my Palm as my primary PDA. Of course, I now have 2 PocketPCs
along with my collection of Palm/TRG/Handspring devices, and I've
put all through their paces.
I don't feel that it was a bribe as much as it was a request for feedback.
I use my Palm because it's the best device out there for what I need. If
it was Microsoft who came up with the device, I'd be using that. Of course,
Microsoft has come up with a device that does not do what I need it to do
better than the Palm, so I'm sticking with PalmOS.
To read *my* view of the situation (at least a little bit of my view, check
out http://www.palmstation.com/view_article.py?article=3146&flat_mode=1>the article
I just posted on PalmStation. While ZDNet *did* ask me for an interview (for
the article in question, that we're all talking about ; )) I did not get back to them
fast enough apparently, since I didn't hear back from them before the
article was posted ;)
RE: My take on this (as an attendee)
http://www.palmstation.com/view_article.py?article=3146&flat_mode=1>This article
sorry :)
RE: My take on this (as an attendee)
cut/paste it (or just go to my site to read it, it's on the homepage ;) )
RE: My take on this (as an attendee)
Get real
RE: Get real
RE: Get real
"We brought you all here because you're true experts in the handheld computing space and, because we want to garner your vast knowledge, we're giving you free products to test". If they were really just testing them, they'd have to give them back in a month or so.
The problem is, these guys loved someone finally taking them seriously and were too naive to see what Microsoft was up to. Can't you see what most the attendees are posting: "No, no, they really just want our EXPERT opinions" (paraphrasing). These people aren't real journalists and they know that. So they simply believe they are not subject to the traditional rules. The attendee from Smaller.com has already said exactly that.
I don't think that big administrators of UGs and information sites would EVER switch to Microsoft's CE platform. That line was dead years back when they killed HPC/Pro, which was a GOOD idea.
--And he said, "Ah, the Palm!"
Taking over the world
You guys still buy products from them and one day you are going to pay big-time . When they are more powerful than the Presidents and Priministers of the world you will have financed it.............hold the world to ransom ? ....role on Mac o/s X....have choice don't be a lemming.
[ No Subject ]
Comments from ZDNet
BTW, the opinions expressed by Mr. Rothenberg are not necessarily those of Palm Infocenter or me. I'm just pointing them out.
Palm Infocenter
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Of course it was a bribe!