PUGs: Atlanta, New England, Twin Cities

The first meeting of the Atlanta PalmOS Developer's Group will be Tuesday, March 27 at 7 pm. It will be held at Objectware, Inc. in Norcross. The speaker will be Glenn Goulding from Synchrologic. See the Objectware website for directions. -Jon C. Zaring

Palm will present their new MyPalm portal service at the New England Palm User Group meeting this Thurs, March 29 at 6:30 PM. The grand door prize for the evening will be a Palm IIIc! See www.ne-palm.org for complete details and directions. -Michael Steinberg

The next meeting of the Twin Cities Palm Users Group (TCPUG) is Wednesday April 18 at 6:30pm. They will be making a major announcement about the group and the new directions that TCPUG will be heading in the near future. They are currently working to bring a special guest speaker and they have made arrangements to have a Handspring Visor Edge with Springboard modules for demonstration and evaluation. And as always they will have some great giveaways: two copies of Ilium Software’s eWallet, a copy of iambic's iambic Mail, ACT!2000 and the ACT!Link Software, and more TRGpro(now HandEra) T-Shirts. If things work out, they may have a special giveaway that coincides with their major announcement. Meeting information and maps can be found on their website. -Mark Kuhn

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