Quickies: VIIx Award, Sam's Club, Autographs

The Palm VIIx has won the InfoWorld Readers' Choice Award for Handheld Product of the Year, easily beating the iPAQ and the RIM BlackBerry. -Mike

SamsClub.com has the Handera 330 is stock for $330. -Josh

Palm Digital Media has added an autographing feature to its Palm Reader software. This past Sunday, Palm had two DAW Books authors, Julie Czerneda and Steven Krane, autographing electronic books at the Palm Inc. booth at BookExpo America in Chicago. It's the first time an author has ever been able to autograph an eBook. They were able to use Palm Reader to sign their name, and add personalized comments and doodles, which were then encrypted into the book file, which can be backed up for safety. -Sean Fodera

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It's About Time the VIIx was Recognized

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2001 10:25:45 AM #
Sort of blunt's the criticism leveled at the device by Palm's own CEO earlier in the year (it's a brick).

The VII has been around for about two years now. When it was introduced it was clearly ahead of its time. Another great idea and well executed product introduction from the Hawkins days. It is still a great tool - I've been using it for about 4 months now and have found it indispensable. Palm V/Omnisky is a great choice as well but the VII is a single package and you don't have to drag around a bunch of chargers. And creative developers have found ways to work around most of the devices early limitations.

Sams Club Handera

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2001 2:24:55 PM #
Just got back from Sams Club Grand opening @ Plano, Tx. They had 12 in stock and can be purcahsed either online or using their website "click and pull" feature. These will not be found in any other Sam's stores in North Texas as ALL stock went to this store for the Grand opening.

RE: Sams Club Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/10/2001 2:30:03 PM #
I checked with the SAMS in Woodbridge, VA and they have none in stock and none on order. They said all their orders were done by the home office so they couldn't even put in an order for one. The closest SAMS in Waldorf, MD has 8 on order.

VIIx sucks

jubuman @ 6/7/2001 7:38:59 PM #
VIIx sucks. No service in PR.
RE: VIIx sucks
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/8/2001 4:19:46 PM #
you must mean it sucks to be in PR!



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