PC Card Adapter for III Series Ready for Release
The Parachute is a full-size, Type II, PC-card adapter for the Palm III series. It's in production now and will be officially announced within a week. The Parachute accepts virtually any PC Card that communicates via standard serial protocols, such as most modems and many wireless Internet PC Cards. It will initially be sold for $130 and the manufacturer is taking pre-orders. Palm V and m505-compatible models are expected to come out this Fall.
It was developed at UniLinear Corp., who sat on it for years, but Parachute Technologies LLC recently made a licensing deal to put it into production.
It works right now with some packet WAN cards, almost all modems, and GPS cards. They're working on drivers for Flash RAM and negotiating drivers for wireless LAN cards.
According to a company spokesperson, "Obviously, you won't be able to get throughput that'll do any kind of justice to the 11 Mbps raw data rate of the cards. Network utilities and servers will have to throttle for the Palms with these devices. The reason is not only that the PalmOS can't handle those rates, but the Parachute interfaces through the serial port so all bus operation is virtualized, and the serial bottleneck slows it down, even at the maximum port speed of 57.6 Kbps. A small price to pay for that kind of connectivity in a retrofit for your Palm III."
The III series version is slightly less than half an inch thick.
A few months ago, QRS Diagnostic announced that it had licenced the Parachute from UniLinear and would soon be selling it. At this time, the device does not appear on their webstore.
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RE: how long has it been?
Certainly not the form factor of an m50x or Vx
The Parachute was a great black hole for venture capital
RE: What is this ? Dinosaur ?!
Me put bark on rock, call new.
Now no rock, now good good rock.
No use gun. No use stick.
Put bark on rock. Now rock good.
Ludo like III. Still run. No change.
Now drag woman to cave... play minehunt.
mmm . . . vaporware
any guesses on how long it'll take to bring out the Vx and m50x versions?
any guesses on how obsolete they'll be when they do come out?
RE: mmm . . . vaporware
I wonder how much of their venture capital they blew on changing the company name from UniLinear to Parachute Technologies, LLC or whatever they did. Their old website is still up.
Hey, it apparently will include a vibrating alarm and an LED alarm as well as a speaker.
RE: Nearly a year?
Why not!
RE: Why not!
RE: Why not!
RE: Why not!
Sadistic Interest in this post....
I have to admit, I'm watching this with sadistic interest. It's like watching someone fall on their ass. You know it hurts, but you can't help but get a kick out of it.
RE: Sadistic Interest in this post....
2.5 years ago, before TRGPro, before the V, before FlashPro and the hottest thing out was a TRG 8MB SuperPilot board - I NEEDED this product. I was backpacking around for 1/2 a year with Penguin Floppy and a sync cable as my only backup, I would have killed for this. Now it's like... "Anyone wanna buy a slide-rule?"
April Fools a few Months late?
About the only use for this at this late date is for a second expansion port. Juggling cards is a drag [one of the things that dragged about the Newton up til the very last day when they came out with the 2x00--too late]. It would be nice to have a memory card and a modem in at the same time, but given the price and size why fork over the cash and lug this around too? Go to http://www.palmpilotupgrade.com/prices.html and for $129 you have 16MB Visor and have a Springboard slot free for the modem/phone or other peripheral. Costs less [take the dollar and apply it towards your 401k] and is less bulky.
I'm Getting This!!
If you don't use Palm III or compatible...
The modem card/ethernet card for PCMCIA is about $20 combined. The cost of getting these two items for either CF format or other (SpringBoard, SD, whatever) is about what, $300. Now you tell me if this product is worth of it.
RE: If you don't use Palm III or compatible...
You can also get a TRGpro for under $200 if you shop carefully. For around $300 you could replace your III with a new comparable TRGpro with 8MB RAM and be able to do backups to CF RAM. The Parachute brick uses extra batteries and runs over the serial port (slow!!).
RE: If you don't use Palm III or compatible...
RE: Palm VIIx?
--I'll use the PC cards for my laptop, and smaller modules for my Palm Vx.--
Latest Comments
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how long has it been?
I might have been interested in this a year ago.