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Handspring Visor Neo Review By Ed Hardy 12/3/2001 Overview The Visor Neo is Handspring's new low-end model. It has a monochrome screen and is basically a slightly updated version of the Visor Deluxe.
Handspring has alleviated this a bit by picking some good-looking semi-transparent plastics for the casing. The one I have is called Smoke. You really can see all the internal bits and pieces, especially through the back. The other two colors are red and blue. The size and weight are decent, just barely small enough to carry in a pants pocket. It isn't really a candidate for the shirt pocket. It fits well in the hand, though it is a bit larger than I like.
Screen However, I was disappointed to see that Handspring is still using the reversing backlight. This means that when the backlight is on, what was black becomes white and vice versa. Actually, what was black becomes blue-green. Anyway, while this works fine in very dark conditions, in dim light the screen is almost unreadable. Fortunately, there are hacks available that stop the reversing and I recommend them highly if you get a Neo.
Springboard Slot The Springboard was the first expansion slot to appear on a Palm OS device, though no longer the only one. Other handheld makers have now taken a page from Handspring's book, though they still lag far behind. The great strength of Springboards is that they are plug and play. This means that if you pop in, say, the VisorPhone, the application you need to use it will be immediately available without you having to mess around with drivers. You have to give Handspring credit for this, it just works. The drawback to Springboards is most of the interesting or useful ones are a bit pricey. For example, the Thinmodem-plus 56K modem is $150. The HandyGPS Pro costs $230. A simple 8 MB Flash memory module is $50. Just a couple of Springboards can quickly add up to the cost of the Visor.
Operating System The major new features in OS 4 are support for new hardware, including expansion cards, USB, and 16-bit color. Handspring has had its own expansion card system for years. The USB support that is in OS 4 was actually written by Handspring and is included in their version of OS 3.5. Handspring also wrote the 16-bit color support that is in OS 4 but the point is moot because the Neo doesn't have a color screen. There are some minor features that OS 3.5 lacks but I don't think they are reason enough to pass on this model. Like all Handspring models, the Neo lacks Flash ROM, which means the OS can't be upgraded, though patches can be applied. This is another reason why I think Handspring may have passed on OS 4. It is still fairly new and all the wrinkles haven't been ironed out yet. If the Neo had it, fixing the bugs would be much more complicated. The next major operating system change is going to be the switch to OS 5, and that's really about support for ARM-based processors. At this point, I haven't seen anything about OS 5 for Dragonball-based handhelds.
Fast Lookup When this is enabled, names can be looked up by using the hard keys to specify if each letter in the name is in the first or second half of the alphabet. For example, to look up the name "Don", you would press the up arrow key to invoke the look-up function, then press the To-Do key to say that the first letter is in the first half of the alphabet, then press the Memo key to say the second letter was in the second half, then press the Memo key again to say the third letter was in the second half of the alphabet. Theoretically, this should give you a list of all the people whose name is "Don". It will also give you everyone whose name is "Ann" because that name also fits those criteria. The process works the same for looking up last names except that you use the Date Book and Address Book buttons. You can combine looking up first and last names, too, so you can specify the first three letters of the last name and the first two letters of the first. In practice, this works surprisingly well. I have a hundred or so names in my address book and, after a bit of practice, I can find a specific one quickly. It's really handy when you're standing with your handheld in one hand and your mobile phone in the other to not have to pull out the stylus to get the number you want to call.
Battery I know some people prefer rechargeables but I'm OK with off-the-shelf batteries. Worrying about bringing a recharger on trips is a bit of a hassle, while you can buy AAAs almost everywhere.
It uses a USB connector. Like I said before, Handspring actually wrote the USB code that is in OS 4 and included it in their versions of OS 3.
Etcetera On the left side is the infrared port. It's there because just about the whole top is taken up with the Springboard slot. In addition to the standard Date Book, the Pro has Date Book+, an enhanced version that includes some extra features, like an improved weekly view, a yearly view, and a list view.
Conclusion |
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RE: microphone
I think it's inaccurate to compare this model to the Visor Deluxe, because what it really is is simply a Visor Platinum repackaged in translucent plastic.
Oh, and it has the "Fast Look-Up" feature.
RE: microphone
As for the fast lookup, anyone had success in there? I really found it SLOW! I have about 400 contacts in my adress book... and I think the best way to find one is just typing the first two letters... Well, I'm good at that because I play the guitar and have long nails, so I don't have to take the stylus out just for a couple of letters... :-D!!!
-------------- huggy ---------------
O god ........
Springboard support!
Case closed.
RE: Springboard support!
On another note, it's no secret to people who frequent these boards that it's "mostly Sony users" who bash Handspring, Palm, Handera, or any other competitor of Sony for any variety of "sins." I don't know why the Sony-istas can't simply enjoy their Sony stuff and leave the rest of us alone. I guess it's an inferiority complex--they need to play "my PDA can beat up your PDA" to thump their proverbial chests and make themselves feel superior. It's one minor reason why I refuse to buy a Clie. I simply don't want to be associated with that "element."
RE: Springboard support!
That's the same logic that is used by those who try to justify racial or ethnic prejudice. Come on...EVERY Clie user is a jerk, so don't buy a Clie?!?!?
Fortunately, for those of us with a clue...there are as many different types of PDA users out there as there are PalmOS-based PDA's.
(By the way...I use a Palm Vx...but a co-worker of mine uses a Clie...and He is a very nice guy)
RE: Springboard support!
(2) I returned it two days later.
(a) Screen takes WAY TOO LONG to "boot up."
(b) Images, though 16-bit and 320x320 look washed up.
(c) For $400, I'll keep my "old" IIIc. >>> Brighter . . . =), but no memory expansion . . . =(
(d) Besides, when they release the T-615C, I'll have felt much better.
Handspring bashing
Then those people start to praise how Springboard's supported in all models of handspring device. but they forgot that their latest handspring toy don't even have a springboard slot. isn't that ironic ?? then they start to say things like "Treo is a totally different kind of device" ... yeah yeah , say whatever you wanna say, all I know is that's a FACT that SPRINGBOARD is NOT SUPPORTED in the LATEST Handspring devices.
Hmm .... Let's see who started the bashing ......
RE: Springboard support!
RE: Springboard support!
Don't cry ! I know you are sad ! Just go home and play with your sweet Visor baby (twin ??) ...That's all you can do, you only deserve that crap
RE: Springboard support!
This is analagous to the reason I don't buy PDAs that have Microsoft's PocketPC on them. They lull you in with their "features", then they keep you from buying competitor's products by "not supporting them," when actually, they've altered the adopted standards. They actually encourage non-interoperability!
RE: Springboard support!
RE: Eh
RE: Eh
Are people's expectations being too high?
RE: Eh
RE: Eh
RE: Eh
To set the record streight, the Neo has a 33Mhz processor (same as Platinum, Pro, Prizm, and Edge). This is the fastest processor technology available right now for PalmOS devices. Yes, it is a repackaged Platinum, but when the Platinum was released, it was the fastest. Now everyone's caught up.
Low End Loser
Seriously, with the Clie S320 at $169 which offers rechargeable battery and a much smaller and more modern expansion platform, the memory stick (Please don't start shouting PROPRIATARY! so is the Springboard) smaller form factor, and a better backlight (the old PalmIII type), Handspring needs to price this a little lower.
RE: Low End Loser
RE: Low End Loser
RE: Low End Loser
RE: Low End Loser
When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the just have to outrun the halfling.
RE: Low End Loser
who said handspring has EXCELLENT BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY !? Try plug in any springboard in a tero ... Sorry it don't even have a springboard slot. I wonder how EXCELLENT that is
RE: Low End Loser
Treo=A PalmOs Phone Handheld.
Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo,Visor, Treo.
Its not called a Visor Treo, and you know why?
Try to see this concept. SEPERATE. Does Sony's walkman have memory stick? NO!
Hell, even sony's playstation2 uses a seperate INCOMPATIBLE memroy card. You know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE SEPERATE PRODUCTS. Why don't you go bashing Sony for not having memory stick in every single product. What does this mean? Well it means you are an COMPLETE idiot if you keep mentioning that the treo doesn't have a springboard slot. Cry havoc, and let the loose the trolls of PIC.
When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the just have to outrun the halfling.
RE: Low End Loser
Yes They do have Memory stick walkmans, if you know nothing about sony's other product please shut up. They even have Memory stick phones.
"Hell, even sony's playstation2 uses a seperate INCOMPATIBLE memroy card."
iti s because they need to be compatible with playstation 1, you stupid. Do some research before speaking. "People like you are a good enough reason to have abortions."
Give me reasons why Tero as a Palm OS Device (with Cell phone function) should have no springboard modules ?? I still don't understand, why !?
RE: Low End Loser
I think the reason why the Treo line of Handspring products wont be supporting springboards is that..
1. They probably take up more space.. thus destroying the perfect form factor similar to that of the original StarTAC (its smaller than the average Visor+Visorphone combo.. or any hybrid out there including the Motorola Accomply or Nokia 9210)
2. Some springboards probably take up power - something a cellular phone needs to stay connected with its service provider.
3. Yes.. it has been reiterated time and again that the Treo is marketed to a different audience. Its a matter of "correct product usage".
Although it would have been nice if it would support its own propriety hardware (like digital cameras.. and then sending it other compatible devices via MMS).
And besides, I have yet to see a Palm Smartphone Hybrid (with the exception of the Siemens SX45.. if it used the latest pocketpc os then it would be nice) that had or is planning to have an expansion option. Correct me if im wrong on this.. just basing these on assumptions :)
Maybe we should wait for the Nokia 7650? heehee.. check it out on their site :)
My next toy would be the Treo... and ill keep my Prism for digital photos and presentations :) heck, it could make a nice picture frame in my room :)
RE: Low End Loser
Fantastic company for A/V stuff, but errmm..hello..out-of-the-box MAC support?? (You know, like almost EVERY other major hardware company has..)
I'd consider a Sony if they had Mac support built-in....too bad. Visor for me (Palm M-100 series use serial and SUCK)
Bye bye
RE: Bye bye
Yes, Handspring really IS going nowhere. Fast.
Read a little about the history of computer hardware and software manufacturers over the past 10 years. That is if you can pry yourself from your Playstation for 10 minutes...
You'll see that inertia is fatal.
Repeat after me... "Inertia is fatal."
Handspring needed the Treo 1 year ago. Now it's too late. By the time they have a decent Treo available, Nokia, Sony, Microsoft etc. will have released something smallerlighterbrightercoolerfaster and cannibalize what was Treo's market. Overnight. Don't think it'll happen? You'll see.
RE: Bye bye
by 2002 Feb we'll have (may except US) Nokia phone with Epoc smaller than Tero with color screen and builtin camera (6xxx Series)
That's not a hard decision for consumers to make I guess
nokia - Epoc, Color Screen, Camera
Handspring - Palm OS, Mono screen
The brand name Nokia alone already kicked handspring's @$$, don't even get me started with the feature set.
RE: Bye bye
The Treo is the most anticipated product since "Ginger"... ie Nokia's phone is not only more expensive than the COLOR treo, but it will be released AFTER the color treo (in the US). Also, the Treo is much SMALLER than the Nokia (both the new one and the Communicator).
For some reason, a smaller PalmOS phone seems more appealing than a bigger EPOC phone (with a camera and 2mb of memory).
RE: Bye bye
Where's the color Treo ? Stop talking about imaginary products please, and stop quoting imaginary price.
"Treo is much SMALLER than the Nokia" ??
Maybe Treo is "smaller" but not "much SMALLER"
Nokia : 114 x 56 x 26 mm
Treo: 110 x 69 x 18 mm
As a consumer, I think Nokia color, little bit bigger phone is more appealing than a mono little smaller Handspring "phone" Device with no springboard slot.
I'll look at handspring and think, what is handspring?? I don't remember them making phone b4, cheaper sync with PC?? nea, I just want a cool and reliable phone.
btw: Maybe it's news for you, but the world don't rotate around US ... LoL
RE: Bye bye

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Long ago I saw a thread in the forums asking for apps that could run the microphone, but I didn't know by then, so I'll post it here:
It's impossible to run an app that uses the microphone because there's no connection; The microphone is not connected to the Visor motherboard. There's a direct link to the springboard slot, so that only a springboard can use it.
-------------- huggy ---------------