Remove Extra Languages from EFIGS m500's

Palm m500 series models sold outside the United States come with five languages intalled in their ROM. These are English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish which is why they are referred to as EFIGS models. This allows one model to be sold in many different countries but takes up almost all the ROM.

Brayder Technologies has introduced JackSprat, which can remove the languages that aren't being used. It is available now and costs $9.

EFIGS models have only 447K of remaining ROM space. JackSprat can free up to 1.7M of ROM space which can be used to hold applications by using apps like Brayder's own JackFlash.

JackSprat fully backs up the original ROM and, if necessary, the other languages can be restored later. It works only on the m500 series.

It can be downloaded now from Handango.

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Bit pricey if you add it up

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/10/2001 11:14:17 AM #
9$ for Jacksprat and 20$ for Jackflash: that is a lot of money for adding 1.7 MB flash memory to your system. Why not go for PowerRUN and start apps from an MMC or SD-card instead? It may be a bit slower but you can have up to 128 MB at your disposal this way.

Not: Bit pricey if you add it up
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/10/2001 8:30:46 PM #
It is about speed as you correctly mentioned. Loading from a card is slow – moderately spoken – but it is also about comfortable ease of use and security.

PowerRun (which also has a price tag) takes space, has a slight MS touch which probably not everybody is really deep inclined to and is not needed – this is in my opinion perfect in line with "Zen of Palm” – simple, effective, no hassle.

We find the JackSprad & JackFlash combo a great and fair idea giving the European Palm user (Palm m500 / m505 EFIGS models) back, what he has paid for in first place – his own property – his unused memory.

There are more possibilities. Configured cleverly one can move important databases in the Palm Flash and setting them not to be seen or editable – at least not from the layman. These databases remain firm in the Flash, usable to programs and (not even by mistake) uneditable in the Flash. The uses for that option are in the industry aplenty.

We like JackSprad very much and all our professional editors in Germany, Austria, France, Spain have installed it and are happy with it.

JackSprad is very moderately priced, simple to use (basically fully automatic) and has a nowadays rarely seen "Wow” effect.

We tested JackSprad throughout and gave it highest marks – JackSprad received for the execution of this great idea even the only in rare ****eopatic doses awardet "Palmtop-Pro Approved Award” and was entered in the very limited profesionals - list of "Palmtop-Pro Approved Essentials"

Boris Michael v. Luhovoy
Publishing editor
Palmtop-pro Magazine
DAS deutsche Magazin für Palm Anwender

RE: Bit pricey if you add it up
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 4:08:45 AM #
yeah, it´s an ridiculous low price for an extra 1.3 mb flash memory.
the only thing i had to learn was that after some interrupted hotsync backups of the rom to my mac, i had quite less free ram without seeing any additional files.
after a hardreset and a backup-restore (w. backupbuddy vfs) everything was fine and and i won´t miss the extra space.
(by the way: i´m using powerrun as well but its quite a pain to wait for apps like wordsmith to start.)

a happy german customer

m505 too

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/10/2001 11:48:04 PM #
look at the website...
"m505/m500 EFIGS owners can now get an extra 1.7M of memory with JackSprat and JackFlash. "

RE: m505 too
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 3:21:59 AM #
Look at the 's after 500 in the title and at the first line of text (m500 series). 500 and 505 are knows as m500 series.

"Remove Extra Languages from EFIGS m500's
Posted by: Ed on Monday, September 10, 2001 7:48:21 AM

Palm m500 series..."



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