Sony Promises Palm OS 4.1 Upgrades

Sony has said something official for the first time about an upgrade for the N series. The statement is on the Sony Japan site so it only mentions the N700C, and it is in Japanese, but at least it says that there will be an upgrade before the end of this year. It will cost 10,000 yen, approximately $82. They will release more details in November.

November is also when Palm is scheduled to release a version of OS 4 for its older models.

Sony has unofficially said before that it is developing an upgrade for the N series but this is the first official mention of it. There has not yet been anything from Sony U.S. on upgrades for the N710C.

The primary improvement the switch to Palm OS 4 will bring the N700C and N710C is 16-bit color. Except for the special version Handspring developed for the Prism, Palm OS 3.5 can handle only 8-bit color. However, the entire N series has the hardware necessary and only needs OS 4 to display 65,000 colors

Thanks to nXt for the tip. -Ed

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I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 10:27:03 AM #
Are they out of their falking mind?!

OS4 is REQUIRED for using N710C under Windows XP

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 11:12:21 AM #
One more important thing is that N710C can't hotsync with Windows XP through craddle. Only through IrDA it is possible. Windows 2000 Clie driver doesn't work under Windows XP. I tested all by myself.


RE: OS4 is REQUIRED for using N710C under Windows XP
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 3:59:31 PM #
it's not the problem of OS4.0 or not! is the USB switcher problem because I try to use 610 to sync at XP but it still can't sync!

RE: OS4 is REQUIRED for using N710C under Windows XP
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/12/2001 7:13:46 AM #
If you are using a beta copy of XP, you can't predict what the actual release will do. The RC2 copy of XP that I was running did lots of strange things to my PC, so I reverted back to Win2000.

RE: OS4 is REQUIRED for using N710C under Windows XP
EvanCG @ 9/13/2001 4:24:35 AM #
Well, I'm not sure about OS4 fixing it or not, but I'm using a retail release of XP, and sadly, I can't sync my Clie 710. :(


RE: OS4 is REQUIRED for using N710C under Windows XP
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2001 1:38:12 PM #
is it glad to know i am not the one xp-riencing this nightmare. I really don't know how to fix it, it's something with the USB port that says error Code 10 (device not working properly) and refers to Port COM4.
I went to my computer's BIOS to change anything i could but nothing. Will keep trying but no improvements so far.

Please keep me inform.


RE: OS4 is REQUIRED for using N710C under Windows XP
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/2/2002 3:15:37 AM #
i think sony handheld driver is not working at all with 4.1 on any operating system cuz i'm running windows2000 and still can't sync....

more things...

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 11:08:29 AM #
Sony in Japan also announced following things.

1) PEG-N750C OS4.1, AudioPlayer2.1, Xiino
Dragonball VZ33MHz 8MB memory
MS BackUp tool
2) Memory Stick Camera Module
3) Memory Stick GPS module
4) PEGA-SA500 MP3 Module

Those items ware announced in Sep.11th,2001 1:00 PM

RE: more things...
Ed @ 9/11/2001 11:37:33 AM #
> PEG-N750C OS4.1, AudioPlayer2.1, Xiino
> Dragonball VZ33MHz 8MB memory

Please read this article on the N750C:

As for the Memory Stick peripherals, can anyone give me a URL where Sony is officially announcing these? All I've been able to find is a mention that they are demoing the prototypes that they have had since last year:

News Editor

RE: more things...
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 7:50:19 PM #
RE: more things...
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 7:57:49 PM #
In addition, the official Sony press release contains ALL of this devices, but there are in Japanese.

RE: more things...
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 8:00:11 PM #
The working models will be show cased at the World PC Expo to be held in Tokyo from 9/19-9/22. MP3 clip-on will be sold from 9/22 same time as the N750C.

What is OS 4.1?

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 11:49:07 AM #
What is OS 4.1? (As opposed to OS 4.0)


I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 4:48:23 PM #
As a 710C owner, $82.00 is ridiculous. Especially when the unit itself was $499.00.

PocketPC here I come.

RE: What?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/12/2001 8:09:57 AM #
"PocketPC here I come."

Well then you are in luck, since most Pocket PC's don't come with expansion ram you won't be upgrading the OS too easily.

For those that can, you still lose - Microsoft charges for upgrades as well. This surprise you... Microsoft??? hehe

You be better to run to Palm, Handera, or even Prism (tho it also lacks internal flash memory), throw the Sony in the garbage.

RE: What?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/12/2001 1:05:55 PM #
Oh give me a break.

All the new PocketPC's will have 32 megs of flash rom. No palm can compare to that.

Yeah, vendors charge for the OS upgrades. $30. not $80 or some crazy amount that Sony is purporting...

(Still a fan of Palm's PIM functions but PocketPC is gaining)

Sony's News Release - from SONY Japan

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 6:36:32 PM #

Customer everyone

Concerning the schedule of PEG-N700C OS4.1 upgrade service the news

The SONY marketing corporation

At SONY " the クリエ " PEG-N700C user way vis-a-vis, as mentioned below it is the schedule which introduces the
upgrade service to of OS 4.1. Details at the クリエホームページ can point to the guide to around the November middle.

Start time:
During this year (schedule)
Object equipment:
Estimate value:
10 and 000 Yen (classified by tax)
Acceptance method:
At クリエホームページ acceptance schedule
Corresponding method:
We keeping the クリエ, correspondence
The function of the PEG-N700C of the customer almost becomes equal to the PEG-N750C
depending upon upgrade. In addition, at the CD-ROM it offers also various applications for the
personal computer.

(C) Copyright and 2001 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. (C) Copyright and 2001 Sony Marketing (Japan) the Inc. All rights reserved.

What about the S300?

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 7:09:34 PM #
How come no OS4 upgrade for the S300 users? We want native USB support!

RE: What about the S300?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/12/2001 5:52:31 PM #
Is there any other reason we would want OS4? I have heard that many of our favorite aps will not work in OS4 yet.

RE: What about the S300?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/13/2001 4:38:23 AM #
The flash ROM on the S300 does not have the capacity to store Palm OS 4.x fully.

RE: What about the S300?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/14/2001 1:24:47 AM #
Then how do they fit OS4 into the 2MB Flash ROM on the Palm Vx?

RE: What about the S300?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/2/2001 10:11:32 AM #
and, after all, native USB support is a _DAMN_ good reason for an upgrade...

OS 4.1 upgrade.

choong @ 9/11/2001 8:59:11 PM #
What the hell... We have to pay for the upgrade??? $82 US??? This is an absolute disgrace. We showed great faith in Sony by moving to their range of handhelds and it looks as if we are being treated with utter contempt.

I'm off to look for another manufacturer... I'm selling my Clie and MS. What a joke. These guys have no respect for their customers at all.

RE: OS 4.1 upgrade.
EvanCG @ 9/11/2001 10:10:46 PM #
Why don't you save your freaking out for when we officially find out what the price in the US will be?


RE: OS 4.1 upgrade.
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 11:51:11 PM #
The update is gonna cost, no matter what. Palm charges $19 for the 3.5 upgrade.

Compaq will be charging $29 for the PocketPC upgrade.

Major upgrades almost always cost money, so why don't you relax until you hear what it will cost here

RE: OS 4.1 upgrade.
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/12/2001 4:00:11 AM #
Dont worry. If it costs this much I am sure it will be posted somewhere on the net as soon as it is available. I dont believe many ppl will buy this upgrade. One person is enough.

RE: OS 4.1 upgrade.
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/13/2001 5:13:07 AM #
I agreed you that charges is reasonable for major upgrade. However, don't forget that how many months after the N710C that Sony launched N610C which running OS v4.0. According to the market share and feedback, it seems Sony use us as "white mouse" to help Sony test the market, share the market and sponsor Sony for newer model Clie development. It is only less than a year when the N710C was launched, Sony is planning to rob us more $$. How come??

HOw to get upgradE for N700C userS ?

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/12/2001 5:21:24 AM #
So for N700C are we going to purchase ? If it's for registered users,how in the world do we register it?

Free Upgrade?

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/13/2001 6:18:13 PM #
Is there no mention of free upgrades for people who have purchased a 3.5 OS N710C within x months from the release? It's only fair isn't it?

RE: Free Upgrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/20/2001 1:31:30 AM #
I agreed you!!! Since the N710C launced, it is only couple months later and Sony wants to charge us for the OS v4.1 upgrade?!?! How come? Today, we know that N760C with OS v4.1 costs the same as N710C but bundled with free leather carrying case. This mean the N760C (v4.1) is cheaper than N710C (v4.1). If we need to pay US$99 for v4.1 upgrade for N710C, then the N710C is HOW MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE than N760C??????

RE: Free Upgrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/20/2001 1:31:30 AM #
I agreed you!!! Since the N710C launced, it is only couple months later and Sony wants to charge us for the OS v4.1 upgrade?!?! How come? Today, we know that N760C with OS v4.1 costs the same as N710C but bundled with free leather carrying case. This mean the N760C (v4.1) is cheaper than N710C (v4.1). If we need to pay US$89 for v4.1 upgrade for N710C, then the N710C is HOW MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE than N760C??????



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