SanDisk WiFi SD Not Expected until Fall
SanDisk has pushed back the release date of the WiFi SD card and the Memory/WiFi combo card until the fall of this year. The card will enable WiFi access on any handheld with and SD slot and Palm OS 4 or higher.
The cards was previously scheduled to be available in March. SanDisk posted an update to their product page, indicating the card will not be ready until the Fall. The 256 MB memory and WiFi SD Card combo was also pushed back to a fourth quarter estimated release date.
The Wi-Fi (802.11b) SD Connect cards will have a suggested retail price of $99.95, the dual-function 256MB SD cards will be priced at $149.95.
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Worth the wait...
It's not important to me, at least this time, for a handheld.
But it'll be interesting to see how well this performs.
An armed society is a polite society.
RE: Worth the wait?
Worth the wait...
I'm still waiting on the iQue, so I'm in no hurry.
An armed society is a polite society.
WELL Worth the wait?
RE: Worth the wait?
Michael T. Ashby
RE: Worth the wait?
RE: Worth the wait?
RE: Worth the wait?
RE: Worth the wait?
I use the 270c w/BT also. Great phone, but big. I usually leave it in my bag while I surf/get mail anywhere.
It is inexcusable that Verizon hasn't fielded a new BT phone - the 270 has been end-of-life for 2 years.
"Never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity"
-- Richard Feynman.
RE: Worth the wait?
currently using Palm m125 and waiting for Garmin iQue.
RE: Worth the wait?
BTW, I use a TT and a Nokia 6310i, also worked fine with previous phone, Ericsson T68.
RE: Worth the wait?
RE: Worth the wait?
My thoughts exactly...
(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)
Sandisk's Memory Problems
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
I guess I'll be buying a Lexar SD card when the time comes. I used to want a 256MB card, but realistically I am now considering 128MB because of cost and usage. An SD card can only go so far on a Palm m505, and I believe that any programs you install on the card have to be copied to the system memory (<8MB) to run.
Still, it would be nice to have dictionaries and other stuff on hand at any moment... it would be cool if more developers allowed you to separate their program and database locations for flexibility.
Palm m505 User
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
"Life is Too Short"
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
That is correct, but it is automatic, so you won't notice ay differnce except the amount of time it takes to open an application stored on the card. You can separate applications from their databases, if you mean moving the application to the card and leaving the databases in RAM. Since the app is copied to RAM when launched from the card, they both wind up together in RAM while running.
If you are low on RAM for your M505, you may want to consider JackFlash to use the extra 1.7Mb of ROM on that model. I just setup a 505 last week with about 10Mb of programs and data. Between using the card and JackFlash, we still had everything running smooth as silk... with 6Mb of RAM still empty.
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
I run several programs directly off the sandisk card on my TT, including several textbooks, Kinoma, Acrobat, MP3 player etc. Just about everything I use can be run from the 256mb card.
It is a little slow on the upload from the computer though.
TT or not TT, That was the question.
When it was nobler in the mind to choose it over Sony, there was no question. To sleep perchance to dream...
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
>I guess I'll be buying a Lexar SD card when the time comes.
>I used to want a 256MB card, but realistically I am now
>considering 128MB because of cost and usage.
Cost? How about less than $48 for a 256MB card, with free shipping even (from, with $20 rebate through the end of June)? I just got one of these myself...
>An SD card can only go so far on a Palm m505, and I believe
>that any programs you install on the card have to be copied
>to the system memory (<8MB) to run.
True, programs have to be copied, but these cards work really well not only for programs, but for data too. I use mine to store SplashPhoto images, Kinoma movies, and Mapopolis maps (and since I use it on a Tungsten T, a few MP3 tunes for AeroPlayer as well)...
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
> with $20 rebate through the end of June)? I just got one of these myself...
Got?!? Did you actually physically get one of these??? I ordered from them a month ago and they are SO BACKORDERED that I don't think they will be shipping mine for at least another week or two.
Some other companies have them on sale for slightly more. Do yourself a favor and buy elsewhere.
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
RE: Sandisk's Memory Problems
256MB, if possible :-)
Palm m505 User
Is there a reason for the delay?
Now, I just hope the combo card and the wifi card will come out together, so consumers will have the choices, when the cards are available.
With great power comes great responsiblity.
RE: Is there a reason for the delay?
Probably Palm OS licensing issues. Last I knew, it was next to impossible to write a network driver without being a Palm OS licensee.
Yikes! does that stick out a long way
That is a real problem IMO.
RE: Yikes! does that stick out a long way
Bottom line: when (and if!) other manufacturers get on board with SDIO, expect more of the "box on a stick" designs than not.
RE: Yikes! does that stick out a long way
Or, did you see a CF (or any other format) WiFi card somewhere without an antenna that no one else in the world knows about? :P
Or maybe you've designed a new super-small technology that uses subspace pockets to store the extra bulk of the electronics and antenna but decided to sue someone for patent infringement in the year 2025 rather than develop it yourself? :P
-- SeaPUG: --
Memory Stick comparison
Checking price grabber for prices on MS Pro I get $80-100. And the wi-fi adapter is $150 alone... hopefully a pricedrop will get them on their toes.
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. We're in space.
Socket Wireless LAN SD Card
RE: Socket Wireless LAN SD Card
RE: Socket Wireless LAN SD Card
Is it possible that PPC (where you can load drivers) is actually better for developers than Palm (where the drivers are integrated in the OS)? Does Microsoft actually have this aspect of their OS right?
As evidence, think of the SDIO Bluetooth card that only works with OS4.x and not with OS5.x. I recenly got a TT for BT but I prefer the Zire71 layout.
From what I understand, PalmOne (the hardware arm) is responsible for drivers and they're not interested in pushing this add in card issue -- they must be thinking "If you want WiFi get th TC, if you want BT get the TT, if you want GPRS get the TW."
Unfortunately, Sony supports only their propreitary (and expensive) Stick technology or CF cards.
Hopefully TapWave will breath some life and competition into the PalmOS5 world.
It would be equally interesting if an OpenSource initiative co-opted OS5 hardware and settled these issues.
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Worth the wait?