Comments on: Sony Announces GPS Module in Japan

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And from what I've heard there are around 35,000 330 users, (another simple fact, don't freak out).
Will the three HandEra 330 trolls ever go away?
35,000 330s sold? I don't think so. Perhaps if you include the thousands of defective models that have been returned and all of the 330s being dumped by Sam's Club for less than $200, you might end up with a number approximately half that size. Please stop posting this nonsense.
You people are pests. Leave the Sony forums to us, our units are better and so are we. Shoo Fly!
RE: Fantastic!
Why not the S-Series???
RE: Why not the S-Series???
RE: Why not the S-Series???
If your model is past in their opinion (which could only be a few months old), they'll leave you hanging. I can't imagine why anyone would buy a PDA from Sony no matter what the feature set is. They are not a PDA company, they are a consumer electronics company. If you don't like it, throw it out and buy a new one is their philosophy.
RE: Why not the S-Series???
RE: Why not the S-Series???
There are probably only 1 or 2 people posting these trolls
[RE: Why not the S-Series???
Posted by: I.M. Anonymous @ 11/20/2001 4:13:48 PM
I see. Sony has been throwing out new handhelds (with very little differences between them) and making the older versions obsolete in a matter of months...that's great. Suddenly I don't feel so bad about the handheld company I buy from taking their time on development and also supporting their other handhelds.]
It would be nice to see the trolls leave us alone and spend their time at the site below instead:
RE: Why not the S-Series??? - Original Poster
In the past, PIC was a good place to get quick info. Unfortunately a lot of other posters are doing their best to make this site the new PalmStation, with the anti and pro-Clie groups leading the charge.
RE: Why not the S-Series???
IMA 12:59:06 is correct. I recently saw the camera module at COMDEX, and the Sony rep told me that it doesn't work with the S320 units because of they do not support high res.
Hope this helps.
RE: Why not the S-Series???
Sorry Original Poster, but I'm not sure what you expect. Someone had already replied to your post and said it was a software issue, and I agree. Either Sony's map software doesn't work on the S-series or the driver doesn't work on the S-series. In either case, it sounds like Sony isn't willing to make it compatible for the S-series. In my opinion, that means they aren't supporting the S-series. I suppose there is some remote possibility that the S-series MS hardware can't handle certain types of IO cards, but I find that hard to believe. It is also possible that the S-series can't provide enough power to run the GPS. If it is a hardware thing, that is poor product planning on Sony's part. I've looked at the S320 and certainly expected it to be compatible with these types of MS devices. I also didn't buy one, because this is exactly how I figrued Sony would handle things.
This might not be available outside of Japan anyhow, so don't get so wound up about it. These forums are for discussing news, not technical support forums.
RE: Why not the S-Series??? - OP
Where are the Palm SD/MMC accessories?
RE: Where are the Palm SD/MMC accessories?
RE: Where are the Palm SD/MMC accessories?
News Editor
RE: Where are the Palm SD/MMC accessories?
talk about expendability ....
looks fragile to me
RE: looks fragile to me
RE: looks fragile to me
RE: looks fragile to me
AM/FM Raido memory stick
I'd like to have one and I bet a bunch of other owners would like one also.
Message me via ICQ and join our nightly game of Soldier of Fortune happening at my IP address.
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
Why install an MP3 player in a PDA? They did.
Why not install XM Satellite radio? Hopefully..
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
I think sooner or later you can access anything in your area, access an mp3 from a nearby computer or car, watch video, transfer files, order from a nearby fastfood, etc., all from a sony device :)
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
Do you have a clue what you are talking about? We are talking about a "XM" memory stick antenna, software to process the info and move sound to the headphone jack that is already on the N700 series. What the hell are you talking about?
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
I don't want to carry another device if I can have radio functionality on a memory stick. I carry MP3 on one stick which means I'm carrying headphones already.
Yes, to be able to listen to late breaking news on my Clie still sounds like a good idea; no bulk; and I would pay $25 for it.
Message me via ICQ and join our nightly game of Soldier of Fortune happening at my IP address.
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
It's the same with ANY expansion device. Why would you want a GPS memstick instead of a standalone? An MP3 player? Camera? The Visor massage unit?
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
RE: AM/FM Raido memory stick
I'd like to see this type of accessory designed to fit a bit better with the form factor, assuming most of the clies have a similar curve to the top (I dont know). I'm thinking like an omnisky modem but on top.
Otherwise, I sure love what Sony is doing with the platform. IMHO comments suggesting Palms demise in some way or another are becoming more relevant by the week . . . . (not the platform: the company)
RE: Suggestion
I would guess it must be at least 5 to 1 for Sony. Even their software division seems more active than the one at Palm. Clie Paint, movie Player, MS being seen as another HD etc... are only a few of their developements in the recents months.
By the way, I currently own a M505, and it's probably gonna be my last Palm product.
RE: Suggestion
RE: Suggestion
They buy their screens from Sony, but use a lower Res screen. I like Palm, on my second unit a M505. BUT, the screens sucks compared to the CLIE. I use my PDA for a PDA, but I want the multimedia aspects of the CLIE.
In other words, Palm needs to be a real innovator, not just roadkill on highway 66. You know the OLD East/West Highway.
RE: Suggestion
... maybe, just maybe, surrender its production(hardware) line and focus on software development is a smart move...
That is long!
RE: That is long!
It can only run 50 min. Too short to
be really useful.
I think 2 hours in cities, more than 8 hours
in the wild is more pratical.
This GPS is not going to sell well in US, I am pretty sure.
RE: That is long!
RE: That is long!
RE: Service
RE: Service
RE: Service
RE: Service
Otherwise it is not that useful.
What the hell?
HandyGPS Pro: 10 hours
Plus you have GPS springboards like the Geode, which lets you use 2 64meg mmc cards for map storage. This thing is using internal memory. What software does it come with?
Go look at More GPS then any handheld. For you fools who think springboard is dead, take a look at what was announced at comdex, 3 new springboards. Gee, that makes 59 modules sold at palmgear. I wonder, How many does Sony have selling right now? 0 How many does Handspring have 59? Maybe you guys are using fuzzy math.
When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the just have to outrun the halfling.
RE: What the hell? 2 AA Battery ??
and battery in modules ?? hmm .. does that sound wrong ?? maybe u'll spend more money on buying batteries if you use Handspring module. if that doesnt spell R.I.P for Handspring modules, I don't know what does.
RE: What the hell?
It really depends how you use your GPS.
50 min. is quite short. You would rather use additional
batteries for much longer time in many cases.
RE: What the hell?
Actually, they have had substantial layoffs, but they're still open. Take a look at I think the point that the original poster was trying to make is that GPS has been available for the visor for years, and that there are quite a few options out there, not just one.
An additional point that I would like to make is that these GPS moduls work with ALL visors, not just the most recent (Neo and Pro). The fact that the new MS add ons that are comming out right now (camera and GPS) only work with the newest CLIEs would really piss me off if I owned one that was released last year.
RE: What the hell?
LET'S ALL CHEER for HANDSPRING the ultimate Palm maker who have Springboard modules working on ALL MODELS OF Handsping palm device !!!!!!
Oooopppss .... sorry is Treo a handspring device ?? Yeah it's the lates toy Handspring make .... so why it doesnt have a spingboard "thingy" built-in ??
RE: What the hell?
The point I was trying to make is that Sony PDAs have always had the memory stick slot in there and yet the new memory stick add-ons only work in the most recent ones.
I qualified my statement by saying that springboards fit into all Visors. The Treo is not a Visor. If you visit you won't find Treos listed under visors. The Treo isn't even a PDA, it's more than a PDA. Jeff Hawkins kept referring to them as "communicators" in his Keynote rather than digital assistants.
RE: What the hell?
1) Visor and Treo Made by Handspring
2) they both use palm OS
3) both marketed as PDA (treo is only a PDA with phone capability)
1) Sony made all Clie
2) they all use Palm OS
3) all marketed as PDA (including those with MP3 capability)
if Sony is wrong to not support the "LOW RES" and "KINDA OLD" model, I think Handspring is wrong to totally take out the port from their "STATE OF THE ART" "LATEST" line of PDA Device. God knows what they'll do in the next wave of device, maybe they'll just forget about the Visor and call it Kisor and totally make springboard modules obsolete .. who knows !!!! And you'll be on this board crying, yeah yeah yeah Kisor is a totally new line of device, they are not supposed to have springboard ....
I guess those kinda old sony devices can still use other mem stick devices that doesnt require a high res screen, but poor Treo they can't even plug any springboard modules in it ..... isn't that sad ...
"why SCSI devices can't be plugged into IDE channels,"
"USB ports can't be plugged into Serial ports,"
"why 802.11b won't talk to Bluetooth."
I really don't want to get into your examples, but they are more like lame excuses, I understand the confusing on Xbox and windows games and Intel CPU crap ... but with you asking these question, I think u are qalified to be called "you are out of your mind" ....
RE: What the hell?
To be perfectly honest though, if these features were on a GPS springboard, I certainly would not buy it. The fact that it relies on internal memory and the very short battery life make it very poor for use on hiking trips.
While the T600C is on the top of my list for a next handheld (which would mean I can't sell my Platinum), the lack of diversity in the expansion options worries me. Though springboards are a tad on the expensive side, okay in some cases WAY over on the expensive side, at least they are a diverse bunch with mulitple options for each kind of expansion. Another thing that worries me about Clies is the fact that Sony seems to undercut their top of the line PDAs almost every 3 months. This is almost the opposite extreme from Palm and Handspring that release new devices every 6 months or so, top-of-the-line or not.
As far as Treos go, they are a different product line. Handspring is allowed to make what ever decisions they want to make with their products. The introduction of the Treo doesn't end the visor line and by extension, the sprinboard slot. I also disappointed that it doesn't include a springboard slot but I can see why they didn't. Springboards are large and that is incompatible with the small size of the Treo.
RE: What the hell?
Geode is an exception. Last time I heard that
they could not make the software that accesses those
memory yet. That means those memory are useless.
Please correct me if they have upgraded their software
by now.
Using internal memory doesn't affect your use in hiking trips. Because you need very little memory for hiking trip
mapping. The key is actually making a good software for hiking purpose.
The battery life is indeed a big problem for hiking.
There are GPS modules for Vx and IIIxe. They all use external batteries. And Vx one lasts more than a week.
Where external memories are needed? You do need it for
a good map for cities like San Francisco, New York.
A good detail map for Hong Kong is easily more than 10meg. Now you can see why external memory is needed in this situation.
RE: What the hell?
I think this is a software decision. That is the software
that comes with the gps module doesn't want to
run on S series.
The reason I believe is its screen resolution. A map
looks quite different on a hi-res screen than on a low-res
screen. It is much better on hi-res screen.
As the hardware, they all use the MS port and should work just fine.
If the GPS module is NMEA compliant, which I believe is as Sony's GPS chip is NMEA compliant, other companies
may make software that uses the GPS on S series.
But consider how many S Clie has been sold, there is probably not a bid interest out there for this.
RE: What the hell?
I understand Tero is a small device that's why they need to take out the springboard slot
why can't people understand why the GPS module's not supported in S series because maybe the battery in S series or the resolution ??
But NO !!! We need to run around crying out loud saying "yeah Buy a Clie and u'll get no support after 3 months !!!"
Well I guess I can also run around saying that "buy springboard modules and you won't be able to use it on those new handspring devices"
RE: What the hell?
RE: What the hell?
Since June Geoidiscovery told us Geode owners that the company will be bought soon and new software will be released. I gave up and sold mine. If any one is considering the Geode, do yourself a favor and don't! You'll be sorry!
Is it NMEA compliant ?
Is this GPS compatible with US/European versions of Clié?
Wild Idea
Where are our SDIO peripherals???!!!!
memory stick gps
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Any info if it's NMEA compliant?