Comments on: Pre Pitted Against Evo in Detailed Comparison

pre vs evo Long-time Palm OS users who choose not to make the transition to webOS generally end up in either the iPhone or the Android camp, depending on any number of factors. However, deciding which non-Apple platform can be quite a daunting task for long-time Palm OS fans.

Thankfully, Android Central has posted an blow-by-blow comparison piece between Sprint's two flagship smartphones entitled "Pre vs. Evo: An Epic Breakdown". In the piece, June of 2009's Palm Pre squares off against June of 2010's HTC Evo 4G in a head-on match of the current top of the pile for Sprint's WebOS and Android devices.

The participants in this debate, Contributors Craig Froehle and Don Ferguson, both offer some amusing banter as well as some keen insight into the strengths and weaknesses of both WebOS and Android. Even more interesting are their comparisons of both platforms to the ancient but familiar Palm OS Garnet, especially in the realm of the long-neglected aspect of PIM functionality.

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Kobo now for Android

mikecane @ 6/21/2010 4:28:26 PM # Q
webOS has had this for quite some time. It was originally called Shortcovers. Palm was still calling it that several weeks back (I haven't checked today). Now an Android version:
RE: Kobo now for Android
hkklife @ 6/21/2010 9:43:27 PM # Q

Peep this one. It's encouraging to see Android FINALLY "growing up" with support for all of the latst/critical codecs & formats.

I haven't tested this one out yet on my Droid but I've grabbed the .apk to play with later. I'll let you know how it goes.

My advice to get yer Android fix? Skip this generation of PMPs and tablets. Instead, pick up a Moto Droid cheap in a month or two when the Droid 2 arrives and everyone starts dumping the D1. You can use it in permanent airplane mode (yes wi-fi & BT will work with the CDMA radio disabled) as a wi-fi tablet without ever having to have a single kb of Verizon data flowing through it after easily bypassing the initial Droid activation screen (unlike WebOS).

Or look for a cheap Droid or Droid Eris with a bad ESN--you don't need to activate it!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: Kobo now for Android
richf @ 6/22/2010 10:00:15 AM # Q
Thanks for the airplane mode advice. I just turned on my Droid and put it into airplane mode and it connected to my wifi with no problem. I am now playing with voice search in contacts. I tried to search for my wife's phone number. First search found matt. Now get this the second try searched for patron saint. This damn thing is smarter than I ever dreamed. That needs some refinement, either I have to learn Droid or the Droid needs to understand me. My eye doctor keeps telling me how nifty he thinks voice is. Can't wait for my next appointment for this story.
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre
RE: Kobo now for Android
mikecane @ 6/22/2010 2:36:06 PM # Q
I'm not getting a frikkin small screen Android device for video when the damn Archos 7 -- which is Android -- has a seven-inch screen and is only $200. And already has its own damned good video software included.
RE: Kobo now for Android
rpa @ 6/23/2010 4:10:36 AM # Q
hkklife: another suggestion: buy an unlocked GSM android phone, get a T-Mo prepaid SIM card and use free wifi spots for your internet fix.
RE: Kobo now for Android
mikecane @ 6/23/2010 5:44:05 AM # Q
Someone tried that software on an Archos 5 Internet Tablet and it was crashtastic and buggy. I expected that. CorePlayer pretenders, go away!
RE: Kobo now for Android
vetdoctor @ 6/23/2010 8:37:20 AM # M Q
I thought the article betrayed an ignorance of Evo. Even as a newbie i knew some that they didn't I do find it much less intuitive than Palm but the speed makes up for it.Contact search is a bear, I hate having to look through everything and haven't figured out how to sync my old Palm and old Google contact s.
RE: Kobo now for Android
hkklife @ 6/23/2010 11:09:26 AM # Q
I wouldn't say that Android's speed, capabilities & features make up for its horrible, horrible PIMs and unintuitive UI. It's sort of brings Android into parity with Garnet but it really depends on your priorities. If you are a gee-whiz teen or twenty-something multimedia maven, social networking hipster, then Android is obviously for you.

If you a thirtysomething (or older) who came of age with Palm OS (or Newton or anything from that era), then you likely place great value on PIM functionality and might think Android is devoid of substance (which it essentially is).

Palm regressed going from Garnet to WebOS but they're still ahead of the competition in the PIM field. I'm on Android now (but would have made the Pre plunge had VZW gotten it before the Droid last year) and will likely grudgingly put up with it for another year while eagerly watching to see what HP does with WebOS.

For now, it's nice to have such "modern" niceties as a >1.3mp camera, near-DVD quality video capture, a big high-res screen, >4GB memory card support, fantastic "free" Google Maps navigation, honest to goodness accurate voice dialing, search, dictation and a super web browser. But my Centro or TX are always a few feet away on my desk for quickly recalling names, addresses, and events.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: Kobo now for Android
mikecane @ 6/23/2010 11:59:54 AM # Q
HP/Palm need to have some seriously drop-dead killah hardware, given EVO and iPhone 4.
RE: Kobo now for Android
hkklife @ 6/23/2010 12:24:33 PM # Q
Mike, have you seen the new Droid X on VZW that was just announced a little while ago? Holy shizznit, I may take the virtual keyboard plunge yet! Multitouch onscreen QWERTY! More pixels than Evo! DLNA support! 16GB microSDHC card included + 8GB onboard! That puts it squarely in between the two iPhone capacities but it's cheaper & expandable. Initial impressions are that Droid X CPU/GPU capabilities (OMAP instead of Snapdragon) & build quality are a good bit ahead of the Evo. Plus, it'll have Droid 1-like battery life with an optional 1mm thicker extended battery + cover available. But Sprint has the Evo *NOW*, far better/cheaper monthly plans, and 4G (the biggie) to make it far more future-proof.

The merits of Vanilla Android, NinjaBlur, or Sense are all up for debate, so I won't go there.

Oh yeah, how can I forget...physical buttons instead of those overly sensitive capacitive ones. And Droid X has some of the best looking camera phone images I've ever seen...certainly the best ones from any device I'd want to actually own (not some clunky, overpriced dumbphone with a digicam lens grafted onto its backside!):

But NO full Flash 10 and NO Froyo at launch! Fail? Not quite but pretty damn disappointing! My personal move would be to grab one of these on a 1yr contract and see how the LTE/WiMax thing shakes out as well as what HP/Palm bring to the table.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: Kobo now for Android
Gekko @ 6/23/2010 12:28:53 PM # Q
>Someone tried that software on an Archos 5 Internet Tablet and it was crashtastic and buggy. I expected that. CorePlayer pretenders, go away!

is it really necessary and critical for you to carry around your entire Dr. Who video collection with you everywhere you go 24/7? do you even leave a 5 mile square radius of Satan Island?

RE: Kobo now for Android
LiveFaith @ 6/23/2010 1:34:14 PM # Q
Creepy. I was just reading @ this app last nite somewhere and tried to search 4 it, bit nothing came up in the app cat. Saw the post and tried again and there it is. Cool.
Pat Horne
RE: Kobo now for Android
vetdoctor @ 6/23/2010 2:21:05 PM # M Q
On site reviews were poor . Aldiko so far is ok. and I got isilo for all my old stuff.
RE: Kobo now for Android
mikecane @ 6/23/2010 3:28:25 PM # Q
>>>is it really necessary and critical for you to carry around your entire Dr. Who video collection with you everywhere you go 24/7? do you even leave a 5 mile square radius of Satan Island?

LMAO!!! I don't carry around collections. A portable device has to be able to do real-life video files, not frikkin limited MP4 and 3GP.

And HP/Palm now have to do something that makes *this* new Android tablet look like utter crap:

Huawei S7. Complete Android Tablet. Forgotten Video. Unbelievable Price

And Gekko, at least people know somewhat *where* I live. What turnpike is your cardboard box under again?

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Gekko @ 6/23/2010 12:26:54 PM # Q

1. Contacts Lookup is easy as pie. quick, intuitive, one handed, and easy. even a caveman could do it.

People App---->Magnifying Glass--->Start Typing Name (First or Last it doesn't matter)

2. Calendar is now better than PalmOS with a little free App called Jorte.

you guys really need to step out of the stone age.

and HTC Sense is the special sauce that makes it all good. stay away from that Motocrapola.

hkklife @ 6/23/2010 12:39:05 PM # Q

I'm very, very seriously considering switching to Sprint/Evo. I love the speed and Sense & the value proposition of Sprint service vs. Verizon.

I've got Jorte on my Droid and it still has some quirks but it's at least a step in the right direction.

Couple questions:

1. Have you used wi-fi much on the Evo? Any of the problems w/ poor reception others have complained about online?

2. Any issues with the glass separating from the body like some have reported?

3. How's your battery life been thus far? How's the WiMax coverage in your area?
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

Gekko @ 6/23/2010 12:56:19 PM # Q

1. Have you used wi-fi much on the Evo? Any of the problems w/ poor reception others have complained about online?

yes i've used WIFI and i've even used the HOTSPOT feature in a pinch a few times. no problems here with WIFI range. BUT 99.9% of the time on on 3G. why use WIFI? i needed it at work when i needed to do something and i didn't want to be on the company network - i used my EVO as a hotspot for my company laptop. (little known fact - free 4G hotspot until July with Sprint)

2. Any issues with the glass separating from the body like some have reported?

None at all. In fact - no hardware problems at all. build quality and design are second to none IMO. i did get an AWESOME case for it - the Seidio Active case - i HATE cases but i LOVE this one! highly recommend this one BY FAR over ALL alternatives!

3. How's your battery life been thus far? How's the WiMax coverage in your area?

my battery life is awesome. last Friday i got 11+ hours (11am-10pm) with pretty hard use and had 15% left. you just need to be smart about the energy hog features and turn them on only when you need them.

I LOVE THIS EVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. My Apps installed -

Talk To Me Classic
Google Maps
MyBackup Pro
Power Search
AppBrain App Market
Barcode Scanner
DocumentsToGo Full Version Key
ASTRO File Manager
Google Earth
Google Goggles
Google Voice

Gekko @ 6/23/2010 1:10:04 PM # Q


1. i haven't used WIFI a lot and from a super far distance from a router. when i did use it it was fine. house, cafe shop, etc. was fine.

2. 4G/WIMAX is good in my area but i never turn it on because i don't need to. why would i? web pages render so fast on this thing and downloads are so fast with normal 3G. 4G is a battery hog and again 3G is so fast i can't tell any difference. i did turn 4G on for all of my HOTSPOT uses though (because that's the only way you can get the free HOTSPOT trial - using 4G) and the 4G was great. my guess is that you can really feel the difference of 3G vs. 4G using a laptop/netbook vs. using a smartphone.

i really love this phone and have zero complaints.

vetdoctor @ 6/23/2010 1:54:06 PM # M Q
1. Have you used wi-fi much on the Evo? Any of the problems w/ poor reception others have complained about online?
Always at home works fine but I have a small house.

2. Any issues with the glass separating from the body like some have reported?

3. How's your battery life been thus far?
Max ten hours with very conservative use, and pretty much the same as Gekkos setup.

How's the WiMax coverage in your area?
Northern Va, I can drive to a 4G Tower and it was great. 3G is be rut be tter than on my poor beloved Treo . Unlike Gekko I like speed.

Voice dial stink s. It can take me 3 tries to get my wife, and don't ask me to do something simple like call home.

Gekko @ 6/23/2010 2:07:27 PM # M Q
Voice recognition is scary good for me. But then again - i have perfect diction, no accent, and speak clearly and concisely. Do you speak Engrish?

My other accesories - iphone headset snd Sprint OEM chargers.

vetdoctor @ 6/23/2010 2:17:14 PM # M Q
I grew up I'm Tennessee, maybe I need to talk faster . I say "Marie" and get "Murry"

What's with Brain App? "sync to download" I have an Evo not a Treo. How do you sync an Evo?

Gekko @ 6/23/2010 2:26:51 PM # M Q
Brain app saves your app list. Play with itj.
hkklife @ 6/23/2010 3:01:21 PM # Q
I have almost perfect results---even when dictating text messages--with Android, especially when I speak in a flat, midwestern, slow, almost robotic tone. If I speak quickly and turn on the twang (not my normal manner of speech!), things get a bit worse but still far better than they were with any of the lame 3rd party Garnet voice dial solutions I tried over the years such as Nuance etc.

Doesn't the Evo come with HTC's own proprietary HTC Sync app? Or at least have it available to download for local synhronization/backup?

P.S. Gekko, I'd have figured you to have a rapid-fire yankee accent (sorta like Dennis Leary but not as coarse).
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

rpa @ 6/23/2010 3:08:42 PM # Q
Gekko et al: Wired magazine had an interesting flow chart in this month's issue to help select the right smartphone.....Palm is the choice for those with nastalgia about old technology, RIM the choice for those who don't want apps or need their IT dept approval and Android is the clear choice for those who want porn on their phones! Now I see why 4G could be important.....
mikecane @ 6/23/2010 3:30:16 PM # Q
>>>4. My Apps installed -

I KNEW IT! *NOT ONE* app to read books! Not one!!!

rpa @ 6/23/2010 3:31:30 PM # Q
Actually, the discussion here is persuading me to give android a try (not for the porn). The HTC Desire is available and I think the Wildfire (Aria in the US) and the Samsung Galaxy are also here or will be soon. All unlocked. Even Nokia is looking interesting with cheap N900 and an N9 on the way. Plus HP/Palm possibilities.....too damn many options and more coming every week.
hkklife @ 6/23/2010 6:08:11 PM # Q

A cheap, unlocked N900 running the latest Garnet VM seems like a very "safe" bet, at least as a device to use in the interim (ie the next 9-12 months) until we see the first real fruits of the HP/Palm tie-up.

If I lived outside of the US, that's probably what I'd end up with as a stopgap device. Either that, or just keep using a TX alongsidea tiny flip dumbphone.

Since wer're on the Android discussion, the Desire/Incredible is a nice device indeed but I have to say that 4" would probably be my minimum size for a virtual keyboard device. The Aris/Wildfire is cute and small but a bit under-powered IMHO. The Samsung Galaxy S Pro looks to be the best upcoming Android device....4" AMOLED + a decent-looking hard keyboard!

Of course, if the rumormill is correct, Moto will counter with a Droid Pro towards the end of this year that might compete head-on with the Galaxy S Pro. Too many phones and not enough $, patience, good PIMs or subsidies to go around!

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

Gekko @ 6/24/2010 1:17:54 AM # Q

i love this -

"Personal organizer must be practical. And it must be good appearance." You may well think these when you look for personal organizer in stationery shop.

There have never been more practical schedule management application in mobile terminal than paper organizer.

This personal organizer application "Jorte" is pursued to have a look and feel of real paper personal organizer, design to be both good appearance and practical use.

We think practical use as primary thing. Once you touch this application, You would feel "Oh, I want to use this!"

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OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!

mikecane @ 6/24/2010 10:44:28 AM # Q
6AM ferry to NYC, in the terminal. Girl in her 20s. She was reading a frikkin website. Used two thumbs(!) to pinch out to zoom. When she was done, she tapped to minimize the browser to a card and then threw the card away! I was soooo impressed. And, damn, seeing the Pre in action looked good.

I hope they do a new and killer phone later this year.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/24/2010 12:03:55 PM # Q

one in 12 months in the biggest metro city in the world. no wonder the company failed and had to be bought. i have yet to see one.

i wonder how concerned the girl was with some creepy old guy who looks like a sex offender ogling her on the ferry.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/24/2010 2:51:13 PM # Q
I couldn't even sneak a picture because the way she was holding it I *would* been arrested as a sex offender!

So, Gek, did the EVO do this?

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/24/2010 3:11:15 PM # Q

Con - very nice chronicle. Apple makes a good product but i like my EVO. 4.3" display, Sprint network/pricing, open/flexible/customizable OS/platform, tight integration with Google/Gmail, removable storage, removable battery. these are all things important to me that iPhone does not have.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
BaalthazaaR @ 6/24/2010 3:31:09 PM # Q
The Droid X is due out on July 15th on Verizon for those that don't want Sprint.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/24/2010 4:00:53 PM # Q

IMO Droid X is ugly as sin. it looks like a 1980's TV remote mated with a 1980's digital camera. and no HTC Sense special sauce. instead you get some kind of Motorola sauce - and if it's anything like Motoblur i'm not a fan.

if i was dead set on getting raped by Verizon every month - i'd get the HTC Incredible.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/24/2010 4:52:27 PM # Q
This is the way the world ends. Diehard PDA users now talking about frikkin cellphones.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/24/2010 5:06:07 PM # Q

My Excellent SIX HOUR iPhone 4 Adventure
Dan Frommer | Jun. 24, 2010, 3:37 PM

Note to self, future self, and general population: Reserving an iPhone for in-store pickup is NOT the fast way to get a new iPhone.

At least it wasn't this morning in New York, where I just spent SIX HOURS waiting in line for an iPhone 4.

Why did I do it? Because Apple insisted that in-store pickup reservations would only last today.

And because the first half of the line seemed to go by in just an hour! For whatever reason, the last half seemed to take five times as long.

Apple's retail employees tried to make it comfortable with bottles of water, ice cream, and fresh fruit. But in 90-degree heat, it was NOT FUN.

At least you can re-live it with me in 60 seconds!

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
BaalthazaaR @ 6/24/2010 5:09:28 PM # Q
Hey I still talk about that GarnetOS Aceeca device that keeps getting delayed.

P.S. I've seen four Pre in the wild so far, including the Verizon one. That is still only half the number of Treos that I used to see regularly. I've seen 4 Droids, & 1 EVO (yea it looks slick). I've seen the iPhoney 4 too, but it belongs to a colleague who has bought every version of the iPhone that was every released.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
vetdoctor @ 6/24/2010 5:50:30 PM # M Q
My assist had her iphone mailed to her house, II'll see out tomorrow. Maybe I'll get a chance to post a comparison to my Evo.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/24/2010 8:40:00 PM # M Q
I picked up the iPhone 4 in one of the largest malls in America. I left work early and got there at 4. I was out by 5:30 with an activated phone. By 7, it had all of my information synced over from the iPhone 3G. I can get the reception to go up or down by holding the phone by the left corner. But thus far, I have not noticed an overall difference in reception, neither better nor worse. It has yet to drop a call, but it still finds the same few dead zones that my old phone used to get.

The screen is freaking unbelievable. Go see it for yourself, it's insane. Multitasking is well done. I'm pretty pleased overall, though I do wish that this antenna improved signal strength like everyone claims it does in the reviews.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/25/2010 3:24:06 AM # Q
DOH!! I'd forgotten there were different models of the Pre now. The one I saw lacked the white bottom button of the original model. So was this a Verizon one?

I'm in no hurry to see the iPhone 4. There were lines for frikkin weeks for the 3GS. There will be lines for weeks for the frikkin iPhone 4. Next!

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
jca666us @ 6/25/2010 5:41:27 AM # M Q

I have yet to be able to duplicate the left handed signal drop on the iPhone 4.

Btw, if you throw a case on, it should alleviate the issue.

I agree the screen and the multitasking work great.

try iMovie yet?

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/25/2010 5:45:46 AM # M Q
Bosco - any yellow residue?
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/25/2010 6:37:12 AM # Q
>>>I have yet to be able to duplicate the left handed signal drop on the iPhone 4.

What I've been reading:

1) Apple's signal acquisition software might be a factor
2) This most likely happens in places that already have weak signals/sub-optimal coverage
3) Apple knew all this and that's why they're now selling a bumper case, their first ever

Jobs: "Ooh, look at our pretteh design! Now buy something to cover it up and make it fugly!"


RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
BaalthazaaR @ 6/25/2010 7:33:12 AM # Q
mikecane wrote:
DOH!! I'd forgotten there were different models of the Pre now. The one I saw lacked the white bottom button of the original model. So was this a Verizon one?

Bingo! That is the Verizon Pre Plus.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/25/2010 7:55:44 AM # M Q
No yellow stuff. Apparently, its a temporary issue for those who have it, too.

I can duplicate the signal funny business at my house, where reception is weak. But at the Apple Store, it was showing 5 bars and I couldn't get it to drop no matter how long I held it. I did see it go down to 4 bars while sitting on the charger.

Today is my first full day with it, and I'm traveling again. I've been using it pretty consistently since 5am and it's at 71% at 11am. The battery life is far better than the iPhone 3G.

Now that I think about it, I am getting better reception right now. I'm in Charlotte waiting for a connecting flight, and I'm getting 2 bars of Edge. Two months ago, I was in this same terminal waiting for a connecting flight with my iPhone 3G and it simply could not find any signal.

I do recommend you guys see this screen. The HTC HD2 and Evo have some badass large screens, but this thing is ridiculous. I took some video on the plane and cropped it with iMovie just to play around. The camera and screen really have to be seen to be believed. Yes, it's a speedy and snappy device, and it sure is thin, but it's all pretty standard now. I'd expect no less.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/25/2010 8:10:40 AM # M Q
I was playing around with that left corner and I got it to drop to "Searching..." While it was in this mode, it gave me a popup that said, "Could not activate cellular network data" right before I received an incoming call! So I really can't tell if it's the software to blame, or whether the hardware really is that sensitive to human touch. Regardless, performance has been pretty good so far.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/25/2010 8:56:02 AM # Q
>>>But at the Apple Store, it was showing 5 bars

Apple Stores all seem to have the best AT&T reception. This is not a coincidence.

Glad you like it. Still haven't fondled. Still unconvinced it's not a DNA killer.

Have you used iBooks on it yet?

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
hkklife @ 6/25/2010 9:09:49 AM # M Q

See, Mike, we do talk about non-phone devices here sometimes. Above is a reasonable overview of the various 'me too' Android tablets making the rounds.

P.S. I already know more iPhone 4 owners personally than the total sum of WebOS AND Android users I know (past and present WebOS users at that!)

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/25/2010 11:44:06 AM # Q
Shoot the eejit who puts white text on a light blue background. Is the moron color-blind?

The article itself is pathetic, mentioning the Archos 5 while altogether ignoring the Archos 7. And the Camangi Web Tablet, which has been out for months, isn't even mentioned. Check out Twitter search, apparently the Japanese are tweeting a lot about that underpowered Camangi.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
richf @ 6/26/2010 10:16:17 AM # Q
Go here and check out the vid on the three devices... Seems like you get the latest and greatest device and it is top dog for only a month. These Android machines are coming hot and heavy. I guess the days of getting the latest device are a thing of the past. Well at least the millionaires can keep up. This test is more or less apples and oranges but is interesting to see the new devices and 2.2.
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/26/2010 10:25:00 AM # Q
Who wants to buy an Android phone and feel disappointed so quickly? These are like the days of Palm vs. Sony. "ARGH! I just bought a Palm V last week and now look at that sexy CLIE that Sony just released!!!111" Bugger that. People can slam the iPhone but at least Jobs didn't make people feel like that. OS upgrades at least carried people through their two-year AT&T prison term. No one has any guarantee like that with an Android phone! Some that have been out for less than a year are already OS orphans.

And despite my detestation of the iPhone 4 antenna scheme, the coverage I've been reading really makes me drool. I haven't fondled one yet. I can wait until the lines die down (it took me a month of waiting out the lines for the 3GS before I could fondle it!).

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
hkklife @ 6/26/2010 5:16:01 PM # Q
Hottest Android device prior to Nov 2009: None

From Nov '09-Jan '10: Moto Droid

From Jan '10-March '10: Nexus One

From March '10-May '10: HTC Droid Incredible

From May '10-July '10: HTC Evo 4G

From July '10-?: Moto Droid X

Just waiting in the wings we have a slew of Samsung Galaxy S/Vibrant devices (with and without keyboards) as well as the Droid 2, HTC Vision (dual core!) and a rumored Droid Pro for year-end. Plus the rumored Moto Tegra device running @ 2ghz! I predict that holiday 2010 is going to be an absolute zoo with the last of the great 3G devices being released. Then next year we will see the major '4G' and '4G-like speeds" push from all of the carriers & handset manufacturers.

The pace of evolution of Android-based hardware (but not as much the OS) is absolutely astounding. In all honesty, we may start seeing more carriers offer permanent "2 year contract w/ 1yr early device upgrade" but we'll still end up paying the subsidy one way or another (either through tiered data usage plans or through evil "Evo" fees every month. $10 here, $10 there, and your $2,400 for two years of service will suddenly start approaching $3k.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
gmayhak @ 6/26/2010 7:04:13 PM # Q
Wow, a 3k commitment for a phone! People talk about Apple sheep but Android is working on their own flock. Most of us here got into the game because the Palm Pilot was a cool organizer for a reasonable price. In my opinion it's time to get a cheap Cricket, voice & text, and carry a PDA with wifi. An iPod touch or Android without contract can handle all the organizer functions, why the hell give that kind of money to cell phone companies?

Tech Center Labs

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
rpa @ 6/26/2010 7:49:06 PM # Q
Gary: agree completely. I saw the Samsung Galaxy S yesterday for about $700 unlocked but this is the most expensive Android model I saw here in Hong Kong. The HTC Aria/Wildfire was about $350 and the Desire about $580. Get a cheap voice and text plan or even a pay as you go, tap into free wifi and you have a cost effective solution. Or the old PDA/dumbphone route for the lowest cost option.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
hkklife @ 6/26/2010 9:58:50 PM # Q

The problem is, definitely where I am in the States and probably where Gary is as well (assuming he ever leaves his compound, that is!!!), is that free wi-fi hotspots are VERY few & far between.

I can go an entire workday without coming across a single hotspot (not that I look for them as frequently as I did when I had my Tungsten C, LD or TX).

Still, Sprint's $69.99 unlimited texting, data, mobile to mobile calls + 450 anytime minutes is the best plan going for a postpaid smartphone in the USA. And now for the Evo 4G you have a mandatory "4G" $10 surcharge, even if you never use 4G or live in a market without 4G coverage!!! That's pretty shitty! I'd rather just pay $100 extra for the phone straight up and be done with it.

But really, a prepaid Android (or WebOS, or any other cloud-centric mobile OS) is gonna use a TON of data, what with marketplace updates, widgets, social networking etc. I'm curious to see how this Alcatel Pre knockoff fares in the marketplace:

The best move for the value-conscious is still an iPod Touch (wonder if it'll be updated to iPhone 4 specs this September?) or a Palm TX + a cheap GSM dumbphone. Otherwise, it's very easy to bypass activation (4 clockwise corner taps) on an Android device, unlike WebOS, so using one of those devices as a wi-fi tablet is a very viable option.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
rpa @ 6/27/2010 2:39:09 AM # Q
An Android phone as a wifi tablet is worth looking at....btw, the Desire and the Galaxy are hot. One other approach is T-Mo has a voice-text-data plan w/o contract for $60/month with unlimited text and data. Or go pre-paid ($0.10/minute on voice) with unlimited text for $15/month if you want to use your smart phone as a texting device with occasional free wifi access.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
rpa @ 6/27/2010 2:46:27 AM # Q
Kyocera was/is also planning on a low cost Android unit:

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
gmayhak @ 6/27/2010 6:48:45 AM # Q
I venture out every couple weeks Kris, but just a few blocks to the feed store for alfalfa & grain ;-) I have Qwest for my home network so also get free AT&T wifi hotspots. Barnes & Noble has free wifi now and Starbucks will be free in July.

rpa, Hong Kong is a gadget paradise! My ship stopped there in '66 returning from Vietnam and even back then the stores were full of neat electronics.

Tech Center Labs

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
richf @ 6/27/2010 8:15:06 AM # Q
OK, sorry to bore you boys but I'm now a week and two days into the Pre experience. Pre has been running continuously and no freezes or resets. Running flawlessly. Added six apps, all free so far. This is significant to me for the reason that after I added twelve apps to Droid I had to restart it, daily to keep Runkeeper app working properly. Also to put this experiment into perspective the Pre screen is small compared to my Droid, I realize this. However, I compared to the Treo I've been using and sure enough it is a bigger screen as well as being better color. I am going to try to adjust screen brightness down as I did on the Treos for better battery life. Stay tuned. Also free wifi at McDonalds is working excellent.
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/27/2010 9:07:34 AM # Q
>>>I can go an entire workday without coming across a single hotspot

For those of you in the States, the solution:

Virgin Mobile To Offer Prepaid 3G MiFi

Eh. Think of that as $2/day instead of the frikkin whopping $60/month it is. (It really should be $1/day, $30/month.)

That list of coming Android phones reminds me of a former frenzy: that of Pocket PC. Every other week another company was announcing a PPC. Hell, everyone drooled over one coming from JVC(!!!). Then they all dried the hell up. The cell market is far larger, but I think a kind of fatigue or Paradox of Choice speedbump is going to happen and there will be much money lost and many devices gone. So be careful what you choose, if you go Android: you could wind up with a fast orphan.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/27/2010 9:21:26 AM # M Q
I remember those days. The JVC unit had dual speakers, right? They were all announcing PPC's and then all of a sudden, hey, nobody is making any money, including Microsoft.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/27/2010 2:53:44 PM # Q
I don't know about the speakers, I only recall the big thing about it was that it would contain a frikkin chip dedicated to MPEG video! I guess JVC thought there was some sort of future in a pocketable device being able to edit video. How stupid of them, right? LMAO!

I'm still ashamed of myself for once getting excited over a Fujitsu PPC only available in Europe. The entire PPC thing was fraudulent. It was never as good as the fanboys touted it to be -- which is why I never trust fanboys these days. Even you, abosco, you iPhone-pusher. This despite the fact I know the iPhone *is* mostly as good as everyone has said (I can't say it *is* unless I owned one and stomped on that battery life for myself).

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/27/2010 5:18:25 PM # M Q
The battery life of the new one is very good, I can tell you that much.

The thing I hate about electronics is having to put in the legwork to get them working how I want. Some people (bored teenagers and freelancers who work from home) can install Linux on their desktop and fool around with Android on their phone. I'm just too tired of temporary patches to get products to work. I want to flick a switch and have shit work.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
hkklife @ 6/27/2010 5:33:50 PM # Q
That's why I still use Windows on my desktop. Android, however, still requires far too much tedium and aggravation for a positive mobile experience. I think a LOT of this has to do with the "basically a beta device" Droid I am using. None of the various quirks the Droid has--wandering touchscreen accuracy, slower-than-molasses Gallery/thumbnails, horribly laggy camera--seems to afflict any of the newer Android 2.x devices I have used (Nexus One, Incredible, Evo etc).

I'm prepared to Android one more try with an uber-device (Droid X or Evo) and then I'lll determine if I am going to try and stick it out with the platform for the long haul. If not, I'll go back to Garnet for another year or so until we see the first real fruits of the HP + Palm tie-up.

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/27/2010 5:43:31 PM # Q
>>>I want to flick a switch and have shit work.


RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
gmayhak @ 6/27/2010 7:37:49 PM # Q
>>>I want to flick a switch and have shit work.

That's one of the main reasons people dump windows for a Mac ;-)
Tech Center Labs

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/27/2010 9:38:37 PM # Q

1. been on vacation in the south hunting cougars and kittens. caught some kittens and released some cougars back to the wild.
2. Con - the lines are for buying iphones not fondling iphones. walk right in.
3. every wannabe schmo has one.
4. iphone 4 is ok but not much new there. not very comfy to hold in hand vs. soft rounded bottom of iphone 3. sharp edges aren't too comfy. got nothing on a 4.3" display.
5. i'm relatively tech savvy but i'm far from a geek and Android with HTC is sweet and open. yes it is powerful and open and yet it just works.
6. please let go of Palm/HP and Garnet/WebOS delusions. you have two choices - iPhone or Android. you are all better than iPhone's locked down dummy down limitations.

good luck all.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/27/2010 9:42:54 PM # Q


OMG i saw my first Palm Pre yesterday. was in the deep South on vacation and heard that infamous horrendous tinkerbell Pre ringtone and i looked around for the poor bastard. 13+ months later and this is how is all ends.


RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
rpa @ 6/27/2010 10:20:30 PM # Q
Gekko: your YouTube was blocked our here! I agree with you that Android running on the HTC Desire is pretty damn slick. Or the Galaxy S....back in the day, Palm could have been right up there with these devices.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/28/2010 3:01:26 AM # M Q
I just remember with Palm OS, you had to hack your way to features. The base OS did a great job with simple tasks, but anything more, and it wasn't up for the job. So you'd get a launcher for your programs. A compression utility for launching things from VFS. BackupBuddy. Bluetooth connections to phones. Wifi - ****ing Wifi. The resets. The instability. The incompatible nature of programs made any longer than 18 months ago. Fragmentation - SD, CF, MS, Springboard. Do you even remember that most of the time you spent looking for programs on Palm OS back in the day was for hacks?

I'm done having to spend hours each week having to customize my electronics because it never fully gets me to where I want. The iPhone just works with literally everything now - my car insurance, investments, credit cards, PIM, movies, GPS, ESPN, etc etc etc. I spend very little time in the "Settings" app on my phone, and that's the way it should be. My phone serves me, not the other way around. Thus, I'm not buying a beta product from Google or Microsoft.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/28/2010 3:48:30 AM # Q
>>>Do you even remember that most of the time you spent looking for programs on Palm OS back in the day was for hacks?

Ah, I had some lovely Hacks. I still miss PopUpMemo.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
hkklife @ 6/28/2010 10:01:35 AM # M Q

A new Evo OTA update just came out this morning. Have you installed it yet? Any specific or noticable improvements that you have seen? Also, how did the Evo do while traveling? Did you even turn on WiMax while you were vacationing?

I'm still on the fence but I am definitely eagerly anticiating fondling the Evo and Droid X side by side.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/28/2010 4:59:35 PM # M Q
Sprint and the EVO had coverage where the VZW BB Storm 2 had none. Go figure.

Everyone wanted to see the EVO - the iphone users especially. No one could believe the size of the display - they were all blown away. It's kind of neat owning such a cool phone that not every other wannabe schmo has.

Google Goggles, Translate, Weather widget animations etc. blew everyone away. We even recorded some 720p video and played it back on my buddy's new 55" Samsung LED.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/28/2010 5:09:27 PM # M Q
Hkk - yes i installed the update at airport earlier today waiting for flight. Risky i know. Minor tweaks that are so noticeable to me. Using wifi now to type this. I have a N router so not sure if update added N protocol but wifi web is SICK FAST on EVO. Pages are INSTANT. Sick.

My advice is to pack up all of that antiquated garbage you own now - tx's, treos, centro, droid 1, and throw them all into the trash. Go out and get the EVO asap (IF YOU CAN FIND ONE-DOUBTFUL). You deserve to have a phone like this. It does it alll. Just get it.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/28/2010 5:38:10 PM # Q
Pish Tish. I weaken daily on the iPhone 4 front. No one can live forever.

55" Samsung TV? Someone has no life.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/28/2010 5:40:29 PM # Q
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/29/2010 8:54:36 AM # M Q
You say you won't buy a flatscreen TV because television and movies are noisy? Beyond the volume switch, you do have a choice of what content you want to play on it. Besides, aren't those YouTube videos you spend all day watching pretty noisy too?

I got a 50" Samsung last year for a thousand. They can be had now for under $800. It is very much worth it at this point.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
hkklife @ 6/29/2010 9:15:34 AM # Q

720p or 1080p? LCD or Plasma?
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/29/2010 9:42:36 AM # Q
>>>are noisy?

Where did I mention noise? What is this delusion you're experiencing?

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/29/2010 11:20:08 AM # M Q
Comment #2 in that post:

Mike Cane says:
TV is noisy. Most movies are noisy. I'd rather read is why.

Kris, it's a 1080p plasma. Advantage is true blacks and very high refresh rates, great for fast action and games. Disadvantage is it's a glass screen so it's heavier and has more glare than LCDs. Screen burn-in can be seen, but it's only temporary and the TV comes with utilities to clear it. LCDs are still a few hundred more expensive. At the time that I was looking, a 50" Samsung plasma was $1000, while a 46" Samsung 120Hz LCD was $1500. It seemed like an easy choice.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/29/2010 1:44:14 PM # Q
Comments are not canon!! Nor is this Comment canon.

That said, plasma always looked better to me than those stupid LCDs, which always looked like ginormous desktop monitors.

This is a hilarious must-see video clip:

This Is How Android Users Feel About iPhone Owners [NSFW Language]

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/29/2010 2:34:25 PM # M Q
When I see an Android user, I usually assume he's a computer science major in college who beats off to manga. When I see an iPhone user, I have no freaking idea what to think because I see everyone from 6 year olds to 75 year olds using one.

Smartphones have made people increasingly dull. I've brought this up before, but the next time you're with a group of people, pay attention to the conversation. Someone will start talking about their phone in less than an hour. When I inevitably get someone to start annoying me with irrelevant shit about their Droid, it's always the same story. More MPx, more processor speed, blah blah blah. Dude, go away. I don't buy Apple's ads, so you shouldn't buy the "Droid Does" bullshit. Also, I've slept with a woman before. That is usually a trump card against Android users.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/29/2010 2:35:44 PM # Q

1. note that i said LED. not LCD. i have a 52" LCD but LED blows it away.
2. ok so has everyone fondled an EVO yet? impressions? if not WTF are you waiting for? you are all aging and becoming antiquated before my very eyes. i guess this is how it all ends. clinging to relics of the past. step up your game people.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/29/2010 2:44:06 PM # Q
>Also, I've slept with a woman before. That is usually a trump card against Android users.

our little boy's all grown up! he's all grown up!

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/29/2010 4:45:18 PM # Q
>>>Also, I've slept with a woman before. That is usually a trump card against Android users.

But he didn't say if he LIKED it. Or if money was involved -- like her paying him to stop. LMAO!

LCD/LED, who the hell cares? It's still a flat sewer disgorging the most moronic crap (mainly exceptions: Castle, Lie to Me, Doctor Who, Leverage). How the hell can you stand the ADS? My god! I wanted to set my hair on fire recently when I watched "To Hell and Back" on AMC -- those ADS!!

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/29/2010 4:47:30 PM # Q
And no, I haven't fondled an EVO. I haven't even thought about the damned EVO. With all the Android crap in the pipeline, yours will look ancient by Xmas time. While the iPhone 4 will still look ahead of its time and actually, you know, work! (Except for that stupid antenna thing ... heh.)
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/29/2010 5:04:57 PM # Q

Con - who are you trying to kid? you probably watch more garbage TV than all of us combined. and i know you eat more microwave pizza.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/29/2010 5:27:39 PM # Q
I haven't nuked a pizza in weeks. You can't trust them in summer around here. And, no, those 4 hours of TV have been *it*. And even that feels like a damned lot of TV. Did you get Aldiko or Kindle for Android on your EVO yet? I thought so -- you haven't.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/29/2010 7:15:14 PM # Q

i just downloaded the kindle app. pretty cool. i like the free samples. they give you a free chapter of any book. that's about all my limited attention span can handle these days. great for the plane. i just loaded Trump - Art of the Deal and Buffett - Snowball.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
hkklife @ 6/29/2010 8:52:58 PM # Q

Aldiko has nothing to worry least at this point in the game. It's much, much more polished than Kindle for Android. In fact, the Kindle app has the decidedly unpolished touch of having you exit the app and launch the brower to "complete" the transaction. It's not bad, just slows things down a bit and is sort of a jarring transition.

I was also disappointed by the inability to search for all of the "free" Kindle books. Score another biggie for Aldiko! I'm really quite content to read my existing library of DRM-free ebooks and catch up with the occasional public domain classic.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/30/2010 5:00:09 AM # Q
That's odd, that K for A doesn't have in-app purchasing. Hm.

And for those who think I'd bend over for Apple, I just wondered on Twitter if the iPhone 4 is the Edsel of cellphones. None of this is good:

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
jms001 @ 6/30/2010 6:35:01 AM # Q
I lost track but am not over two months into getting my first Pre, and if you passed me by you probably wouldn't see a Pre in the wild either. This is the first decent smartphone I had that fit so comfortably in my pocket that I can forget its there. Whenever I need my phone, I still think, "Damn, its in my pocket and I forgot about it!" So far it has done everything I wanted it to do and in many cases much more than I expected. My only gripe is that it doesn't have any good way to edit documents!!!. If someone doesn't fix that soon, I may have to learn how to write my own apps on this thing. I'll admit its not as quite as easy/intuitive to use as the old Palm in its day. But so far it seems easier to use than any of the other phones I've tested. I'm very satisfied with it to this point.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
jms001 @ 6/30/2010 6:40:23 AM # Q
Oh, I probably should add: (1) I'm on AT&T, (2) no freezes or crashes so far, (3) I've only doctored the phone once (and that was just to see how it was done and make sure I knew how to do it), (4) Definitely installed Preware. That was icing on the cake of goodness. :), (5) have not overclocked though -- frankly the current speed doesn't really bother me.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/30/2010 6:58:45 AM # M Q
our little boy's all grown up! he's all grown up!

I was trying to find that Married With Children clip on YouTube of Bud Bundy having a girl sleep over in the basement. She was nervous the next morning and he said, "Nah, I have girls over all the time." They go upstairs to leave and his family threw him a surprise party for having his first girl ever sleepover.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/30/2010 10:00:39 AM # Q
Oh, so you had BundySex? Sex: Ur Doin' It Wrong.

Or not doing it, as the case may be.

Have you had any proximity sensor problems with your i4? That's another thing people have been encountering.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
hkklife @ 6/30/2010 11:31:45 AM # Q

Oh yeah, that's another problem that has plagued my Droid since it was new (and that's the first I've heard about iPhone 4 problems in that area). Not sure if I have a bum unit but other Android users i've spoken with (not just Droid) have complained of wildly inaccurate proximity sensors. That is, a call comes in while you are talking and YOU CANNOT ANSWER THE INCOMING CALL BECAUSE THE SCREEN REMAINS BLANK! Somtimes (not always) tapping the power button brings the screen back to life. Having a clean screen devoid of screen protectors doesn't make a bit of difference. That kind of bug is horribly annoying and reminds me of a Treo 700p-style quirk circa 2006. Absolutely unacceptable in this day & age!

I'm expecting MAJOR improvements from Android 3.0 but I now fear I fear it'll only increase the fragmentation.....but perhaps that's the price we're gonna hafta pay for absolute bleeding-edge specs!?!

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/30/2010 12:19:45 PM # M Q
Yes, it happened to me once. I was on the phone with FedEx with the phone to my ear and all of a sudden her voice started coming out of the speakerphone. My cheek must have activated it, and it happened a day or two before I heard any reports about it. I thought it was a fluke, but I guess not.

This is pretty typical of Apple's x.0.0 updates. I told you before, I almost returned the iPhone 3G because of it. 3.0 also had its fair share of problems. They usually get ironed out pretty quickly, so I'm not worried.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/30/2010 1:11:00 PM # Q
I don't recall prox sensor bugs with the original iPhone. Why do they keep messing with the software and doing this? Droid has it too? -- well, it's Android, so I expect it, ha! Didn't Pre have similar bugs in 1.0?
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/30/2010 1:43:39 PM # M Q
No, not the proximity sensor. I'm talking about other assorted bugs. The original iPhone had horrendous activation issues. It took more than two days for my phone to actually register with AT&T. Plus the mail app didn't work right with POP3, Safari crashed regularly (but I can't remember the last time it crashed on me now - they've done a great job improving it), and there were problems with Calendar entries getting deleted. iPhone 3G had horrible reception and dropped calls to the point where you had to disable 3G to keep a call active for more than a few minutes. This was completely fixed in an update about a month later. I skipped the 3GS so I don't know I'd anything was wrong with the hardware, but the 3.0 software had a few bugs that needed an update less than a month later. 4.0 is no different.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/30/2010 1:54:30 PM # Q
Oh yeah, now I recall there was some yelling over 3G when it came out. But it also had lines that lasted a frikkin month for it! At least the people at the end of that month were closer to the update and had to suffer less.

Countdown to you dropping the i4 and shattering that chi-chi glass back -- as Ihnatko (sp?) did just *ten hours* after he bought his. Damn, Apple better not put a glass back on the next iPod Touch!

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 6/30/2010 2:43:46 PM # M Q
I bought it with AmEx. 90 day accident protection, plus it doubles the factory warranty to 2 years.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/30/2010 3:27:49 PM # Q
Stop kidding yourself. The moment it goes splat! and you see those cracks, your stomach will drop to your feet. Only AFTER that will you deal with the ... aftermath.
RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
e_tellurian @ 6/30/2010 3:35:49 PM # M Q
Ah AmEx another pioneer in charge/credit card applications. That buyers assurance is a great service.


RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 6/30/2010 5:13:54 PM # Q
Hey you stupid effin Martian retard! What part of this simple English sentence don't you understand?


RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
Gekko @ 6/30/2010 8:10:38 PM # Q

what are all of you people waiting for? the EVO is what you are looking for. stop clinging to the past and embrace the future.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
e_tellurian @ 6/30/2010 10:00:18 PM # M Q
Would comment if it did not make Mike cry. Again my apology we need fewer of your posts so we can actually converse. Mike you need to grow up.


RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
abosco @ 7/1/2010 5:34:30 AM # M Q
You need to see it in person. It makes all the other phones look like toys. Remember the way Sony electronics used to be a few notches higher than all other brands in the late 80's, early 90's? That's the best way to describe the iPhone 4. It's freaking beautiful - no way am I putting a case on it.

I've been doing some more experimentation with the call/data quality while holding it in the bottom-left corner. I had a firm grip that bridged the two antenna, but it could still download web pages. I even received an incoming call and carried on a conversation with the phone gripped in my left hand. The bars displayed on the phone had dropped to two (down from five), but it didn't affect the usage.

However, I did get another proximity sensor glitch yesterday while on a call later. The guy's voice suddenly came out of the speakerphone.

RE: OMG! I saw a Pre in the wild today!
mikecane @ 7/1/2010 6:15:10 AM # Q
>>>Mike you need to grow up.

Listen, your typing freak, I'm not the one here displaying his intergalactic psychosis for the world to see. NOW STAY THE HELL OUT OF HERE.

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long time palm user.. now a nexus one user

antikryst @ 6/27/2010 10:52:36 PM # Q
ive been a long time palm user. palm 3 > vx > tungsten t > break from palm > centro.

i really love the palm os but i couldnt find a pre locally (philippines). turned out to be a good thing since now im loving android os.

RE: long time palm user.. now a nexus one user
rpa @ 6/28/2010 2:38:59 AM # Q
what do you use for a PIM?
RE: long time palm user.. now a nexus one user
rpa @ 6/28/2010 2:40:05 AM # Q
specifically: which calendar?
RE: long time palm user.. now a nexus one user
vetdoctor @ 6/28/2010 11:48:18 AM # M Q
Rpa Take a look at Pimlical desk to p. No secret he's working on Android version
RE: long time palm user.. now a nexus one user
rpa @ 6/28/2010 11:01:11 PM # Q
Thanks. My old Centro started freezing on calls again so I am getting desperate. In looking at the Android options, they all do way more than I need:
email: nice to have but 90% of what I get is spam;
music: not needed;
FB, Twitter: WTF would I need this for?? wrong generation;
browsing: damn those screens are small...even the Desire! also wrong generation (old eyes need large fonts);
phone: check;
PIM: double check;
text: check.

RE: long time palm user.. now a nexus one user
vetdoctor @ 6/30/2010 8:49:09 AM # M Q
Browsing? I can easily make the text"Large Print"size on the Evo, its THE reason i got it.Swype makes the virtual keyboard a snap.
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VZW vs ATT pre plus

dmenahem @ 7/1/2010 7:58:51 PM # Q
a bit off topic but this thread seems lively that I may get a response. Any opinions out there on the pre for VZW vs the ATT version, are there any major differences (other than carrier). And yes, I have an iPhone 4 and a Droid, it's time I gave Palm another shot...


RE: VZW vs ATT pre plus
e_tellurian @ 7/1/2010 8:26:05 PM # M Q
Thanks for supporting Palm.


RE: VZW vs ATT pre plus
hkklife @ 7/1/2010 9:06:36 PM # M Q
VZW Pre Pros:

-''Free'' mobile hotspot functionality ( a biggie, though who knows how long it'll last)
-No silly 2GB data cap limits
-Better coverage throughout most of the USA, especially in rural areas
-Cheaper when buying in-store (VZ corporate or BB)

AT&T Pre Pros:
-Better hardware build quality + better slider response
-Better keyboard with greater key response
-Global capable on other GSM networks
-Potential for higher-speed data when AT&T starts rolling HSPA+ (max of 3.6Mbps? Is that close enough to called 3.5G?)
-Potential for slightly cheaper monthly service from AT&T if you are not a power user.

It really comes down to whether or not you need mobile wi-fi hotspot functionality or if you are a global traveler. Otherwise, stick to whichever network you feel most loyal to. And the AT&T Pre Plus' improved hardware doesn't hurt its chances at all.

RE: VZW vs ATT pre plus
dmenahem @ 7/1/2010 10:02:30 PM # M Q
The hotspot is the main selling point. By owning an iPhone I'm already stuck on ATT's unreliable network so VZW is tempting. I will have to play with both versions to see if the build quality/keyboards are deal killers....

Thanks for the advise!!

RE: VZW vs ATT pre plus
dmenahem @ 7/2/2010 6:16:44 AM # Q
Actually a couple more thoughts (and I am seeking opinions)

I've used Android (on the original droid) and while it seems to be the OS with the brighter future than WebOS, its still a bit rough around the edges. The only implementation of it that I like is the HTC's Sense UI, so that limits me to EVO (hi Gekko) and Incredible. I'm leaning towards the EVO for the sheer screen size.

That being said WebOS has something about it that I like that I can't explain. Its more polished and the multi tasking is great. That tiny screen is killer, but at the same time this being a second device, the smaller size is a plus.

I will have to fondle both the VZW and ATT versions. VZW (due to network and covering a network I don't have) has the advantage. I'm also thinking that if they cancel the free hotspot offer, that would constitute change of contract and allow me to break out of it early without ETF.



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Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop

Gekko @ 7/1/2010 8:10:37 PM # Q

i had an epiphany tonight that might help some of you. i wanted quick, easy, seamless integration "one stop shopping" of my Contacts, Calendar, and Gmail on my PC. on the PC - up until now - i was using Thunderbird for Gmail, Firefox for Web Surfing, and i had no easy Contacts and Calendar PC solution except for using Firefox to just browse to it. this was all fragmented and slow and clumsy. coming from Palm Desktop i wanted something quick, easy, and integrated (although Palm Desktop didn't have email - i had to use Outlook Express in the past).

anyway - here is my EVO/Android Desktop/PC solution -

1. Ditch Firefox, Explorer, Outlook, Thunderbird. ditch them all.
2. Download and Install and Use the Chrome Browser exclusively.
3. Download and Install these 3 Chrome Extensions -
A. Google Calendar Checker
B. Google Contacts
C. Google Mail Checker

now you will have ONE app and one interface to surf the web and quick and easy access/notifications to check email, access contacts, and access your calendar. if you have multiple accounts, just have Chrome remember your usernames and passwords and it's an easy click to jump back and forth between each account.

this all in one solution is working great so far and i'd like to hear any ideas to improve it.


RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
DarthRepublican @ 7/2/2010 3:01:03 PM # Q
Gekko wrote:

i had an epiphany tonight that might help some of you. i wanted quick, easy, seamless integration "one stop shopping" of my Contacts, Calendar, and Gmail on my PC. on the PC - up until now - i was using Thunderbird for Gmail, Firefox for Web Surfing, and i had no easy Contacts and Calendar PC solution except for using Firefox to just browse to it. this was all fragmented and slow and clumsy. coming from Palm Desktop i wanted something quick, easy, and integrated (although Palm Desktop didn't have email - i had to use Outlook Express in the past).

anyway - here is my EVO/Android Desktop/PC solution -

1. Ditch Firefox, Explorer, Outlook, Thunderbird. ditch them all.
2. Download and Install and Use the Chrome Browser exclusively.
3. Download and Install these 3 Chrome Extensions -
A. Google Calendar Checker
B. Google Contacts
C. Google Mail Checker

now you will have ONE app and one interface to surf the web and quick and easy access/notifications to check email, access contacts, and access your calendar. if you have multiple accounts, just have Chrome remember your usernames and passwords and it's an easy click to jump back and forth between each account.

this all in one solution is working great so far and i'd like to hear any ideas to improve it.


This is a pretty good setup (the Google Contacts pop up is especially handy) and it also works for webOS as it's just as easy to sync to Google with webOS as with Android.

Fool/Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
DarthRepublican @ 7/2/2010 3:09:02 PM # Q
Gekko wrote:

anyway - here is my EVO/Android Desktop/PC solution -

1. Ditch Firefox, Explorer, Outlook, Thunderbird. ditch them all.
2. Download and Install and Use the Chrome Browser exclusively.

One more comment. It's not necessary to "ditch" every desktop app you have except for Chrome. Thunderbird for example can still be useful as a back up that can permanently archive your email if GMail ever goes down. (Yes you can always use Gears and HTML5 will also has its own storage solution but it's always good to have a back up for your back ups.) Even Google seems to be understand that this may be necessary since they have explicitly shown users how to move data in and out of Google.
Fool/Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
rpa @ 7/2/2010 10:45:29 PM # Q
Speaking of backup, has anyone used the storage on their phone as an external HDD for their PC data? A few phones have up to 32GB of storage which could be useful for critical files or files needed on the road. Just asking....
RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
hkklife @ 7/2/2010 11:49:35 PM # Q
Yup, been doing this for years on Palm OS devices with fullsize SD/SDHC slots (T|T all the way up to Treo 700p). I made sure we standardized at work years ago with integrated card readers on all desktops & laptops and of course on my home machines. It was a handy way to "sneakernet" files between home & work (esp large downloads done while at work).

Afterwards, I sort of got out of the habit when Palm went to mini & microSD b/c I didn't want to carry an adapter around and I started carring a small USB flash drive on my keychain. However, with the arrival of my Droid last year and its USB mass storage compliance, I've found dragging & dropping files onto the 16gb card verrrry handy indeed. I do keep a microUSB cable at work for trickle charging + connectivity. That said, even 32GB isn't enough external storage to replace an actual HDD...that's why I have an 880GB Seagate FreeAgent Go for actually backing up other PCs.

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro

RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
Gekko @ 7/3/2010 4:15:15 AM # Q

do you people see the beauty of Chrome with these Contacts, Calendar, and Gmail Extensions? you essentially get a BETTER Palm Desktop! it's all OTA Automagically synced and ALWAYS up to date. no wires to fuss with. you get Web Browser, Contacts, Calendar, and Mail all in one Interface! and it's all wirelessly synced to your phone! if you are afraid of Google going poof - just use MyBackupPro and do a weekly scheduled auto backup to the EVO card.

can't you dinosaurs see the beauty of this?

>>>>Speaking of backup, has anyone used the storage on their phone as an external HDD for their PC data? A few phones have up to 32GB of storage which could be useful for critical files or files needed on the road. Just asking....

unlike you dinosaurs i do it all OTA via FTP. i have Filezilla installed on my Home Netbook and my Work Laptop. i have a "Local Folder" with critical folders on each. i FTP that "Local Folder" to 2 different secure FTP Server Sites every now and again. when i want access to those files or ADD to that folder I CAN DO IT WIRELESSLY FROM ANY DEVICE OR PC IN THE WORLD. i'm not fu***king with USB wires or swapping SD cards. on the EVO i use an App called "AndFTP". Docs To Go on EVO helps out too.

Filezilla on Work LaptopFTP Server Storage
Filezilla on Home NetbookFTP Server Storage
AndFTP on EVOFTP Server Storage

you guys really need to step out of the Stone Age!!!!!!!!!

can't you see the beauty of this????????????

RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
mikecane @ 7/3/2010 8:55:57 AM # Q
>>>can't you see the beauty of this????????????

Gekko, I've seen strippers. So your definition of "beauty" is automatically suspect.

Besides, where world this world be without wire/cable manufacturers? Oh, look, there's one knocking on your door right now!

Gekko: preaching the beauty of wireless while he still uses CABLE TV.

RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
richf @ 7/3/2010 9:51:24 AM # Q
I've been using my version of Gekko's cloud, since I got my macbook in december of 2008. I set my home page as my personalized igoogle page. When I got the Droid it synced with google everything I needed. When I got the Pre it synced with google and I have had to do exactly zero work on these two new devices. On the igoogle page everything google is available by a drop down menu. It is a good idea really, however I was leery of the cloud and was hesitant to put some things on the cloud as I am still today. I have convinced myself that you can live on the cloud by very carefully censoring what you put there. I like the idea that it replaces Palm desktop. Never thought of it like that, but in reality it is and works nicely.
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre
RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
e_tellurian @ 7/3/2010 1:13:38 PM # M Q
Gekko it's nice to see such enthusiasm and can relate to your desire to move forward. Let's not confuse dinosaurs with pioneers.


RE: Integrating EVO and Android onto the PC Desktop
mikecane @ 7/3/2010 4:57:22 PM # Q
Hey, you stupid intergalactic pinhead. STOP butting into EVERY DAMN THREAD. You add NOTHING. I don't even think you have a goddammed device at all these days. If you do, shove it down your throat and die already.
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