Comments on: Variety of New Centro Colors Spotted

Palm Centro New ColorsCapping a busy week of Palm Centro activity is a hint as to what might be some upcoming new colors for the Centro. An official Palm training guide for Palm retail channel partners has revealed no less than four colors of (presumably) unlocked Centros alongside the existing AT&T 'glacial white'. This varied color palette should give GSM customers the world over plenty of opportunities to find a Centro to suit their particular aesthetic style.

The Centros shown on Palm's online resource tutorial appear to be an arctic white with grey buttons (similar to the existing white Treo 680), a bright red similar to the red Treo 680 formerly offered, and dark blue seemingly identical to the Sprint Treo 755p. A matte black Centro is also on display, presumably the "obsidian black" model and the current white with green buttons scheme from AT&T rounds out the lineup. All of the units depicted are GSM units, based on their GSM-exclusive phone app screen. Read on for a larger screenshot of all five colors.

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Step Back Henry Ford

LiveFaith @ 2/22/2008 10:35:45 PM # Q
Palm, there you go again. Rocking the tech world with innovation. Tough act to follow. :-D

Actually, they probably are aggressively pursuing a 12 month survival strategy until the mighty Nova explodes onto the scene. Of course, that 12 will become 18. Then we'll find out Palm has decided not to use it's own OS. Then they will release the Treo 850p on an enhanced Garnet OS which will double the bugs and cut the specs in half. Then ... oh never mind, this has already happened. I must be having a flashback.

Pat Horne

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
PacManFoo @ 2/23/2008 8:28:48 AM # Q
Palm: Another week another *NEW* color.

Reminds me of the old Sony days except with Sony it was new devices.

How many shades of lipstick does it take to put on a pig until it's pretty?

PDA's Past and Present:
Palm TX (Number 2)
Palm - IIIxe, Vx, M500, M505, Tungsten T, TX
Handspring - Edge, Platinum, Deluxe
Sony - SJ22, UX50
Apple - MP110, MP2000, MP2100

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
Gekko @ 2/23/2008 11:02:06 AM # Q

Step back, step back. Step back to where you once belonged. Step back, step back. Step back to where you once belonged...

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
TooMuch @ 2/23/2008 3:28:48 PM # Q

The constant diatribe about Palm's recent past product delivery delays and failures is getting old. How many hundreds of times does it have to be said? It's getting REALLY old. It's just a little "drive-by" at this point don't you think?

It seems the new guys at Palm (last few months) have done well recently to deliver from its current capacity what most critics have not even expected. The majority postings of critics in months past certainly didn't predict the growing success of the little Centro for Palm. And in the end its success may play a significant role to enable Palm's future and success with Nova and hardware products.

Usually, I am fan of your posts. But I had to shout out a little on this one. :)

Your faithful servant,

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
Gekko @ 2/23/2008 3:52:23 PM # Q

>It seems the new guys at Palm (last few months) have done well recently to deliver from its current capacity what most critics have not even expected. The majority postings of critics in months past certainly didn't predict the growing success of the little Centro for Palm. And in the end its success may play a significant role to enable Palm's future and success with Nova and hardware products.

tell that to shareholders.

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
TooMuch @ 2/23/2008 4:28:42 PM # Q
"tell that to shareholders."

I will tell you that since stock was bought in mid January that investors have made 28% profit. Tell that to those who passed on $4.59 a share.

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
SeldomVisitor @ 2/23/2008 4:31:52 PM # Q

Well, gee, if one can simply decide which lowest point to pick in order to show a dramatic stock price increase, then...


Maybe simply reading "How To Lie with Statistics" would be an appropriate suggestion (a-GAIN!) right now.


RE: Step Back Henry Ford
Gekko @ 2/23/2008 4:37:26 PM # Q

yup. it's called "data mining".

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
TreoAnon @ 2/23/2008 4:55:57 PM # Q
I think Palm was surprised by the success of the color options on the 680 and have learned the importance of having attractive color options on the Centro. The choices the customer sees are driven by the Carriers, and there are three choices at Sprint and two at AT&T (when black becomes available), but only one in Europe from Palm.

Palm needed a successful PalmOS phone in 2008 in order to bridge into the future, and it looks like the Centro is doing that for them.

The OS zealots who post here tend to forget that most people buy phones to use and to be seen using, and don't much care what OS is under the skin. The success of the Centro just supports that view of life.

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
TooMuch @ 2/23/2008 5:36:30 PM # Q
There is always an angle on stock value. One can mine it from when or where they want. For instance, people love to talk about how much money they made on Apple stock a few years ago when they bought it for only $3-8 per share.

I find it interesting that instead of addressing the substance of my main point above (mocking Palm about their future is getting old while ignoring the success of the Centro), the talk is to selectively slam the stock. So, I echoed a "selective" stock value reply.

Either you missed the point or don't want to comment on it. Either is fine.

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
TooMuch @ 2/23/2008 5:42:41 PM # Q
"Palm needed a successful PalmOS phone in 2008 in order to bridge into the future, and it looks like the Centro is doing that for them."


RE: Step Back Henry Ford
SeldomVisitor @ 2/23/2008 9:24:18 PM # Q
Well, ya know...most people would "value" PALM stock from the date of The Transaction.

PALM stock was $8.50-ish at that date.

It is $6.75 right now and that's a strangely pumped-up price from a mere few trading days ago.

Or to look at it another way...about a 20% loss so far.

Like it or not.

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
joad @ 2/23/2008 10:28:24 PM # Q
Lipstick on a pig.

But if it keeps Palm alive to get some serious work done on their OS and finally releasing a "smart" Treo then yippee for hot pink Centros.

**Another vote for a >100MB RAM Treo**

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
PacManFoo @ 2/23/2008 11:46:50 PM # Q
Some things never change. The following is from comments from a PIC article on Special Edition M505's. Funny how it still applies.

Great Job Palm!
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/18/2001 6:05:29 AM #

Once again Palm, you continue to amaze me in your Innovation! As if the Claudia and Jordan Palm's weren't enough... I'm quite disappointed. This is likely Carl's last big idea before getting the boot. I think this is a bad idea for Palm.

Many customers are likely to look at this move as Palm trying to profit over the current situation as opposed to Palm trying to be innovative and actually being "Patriotic". If they were being "Patriotic" it would be accompanied by a big drop in price or portion being donated to help the victims in NYC. No such "Patriotism" here. Simply, a desparate effort to improve sales.

Obviously, innovation has been lacking for quite sometime. This was confirmed at this year's COMDEX. No new products from Palm. Palm's stock was riding off of Handspring's TREO Innovation.

I sure hope this isn't the future of Palm's management decisions. Why not actually add new features rather than new colors!

PDA's Past and Present:
Palm TX (Number 2)
Palm - IIIxe, Vx, M500, M505, Tungsten T, TX
Handspring - Edge, Platinum, Deluxe
Sony - SJ22, UX50
Apple - MP110, MP2000, MP2100

RE: Step Back Henry Ford
OnTheVisorsEdge @ 3/13/2008 2:25:11 AM # Q
Say what you (all) may want regarding "lack of innovation"...

In a PDA world where Mobile Windows 6.x continues to be problematic, I continue to be happy with my old friend. No freezing. No resets. No pulling a battery out (dork!!) in the middle of a meeting...

Sure the Palm OS is getting long in the tooth. But it is elegant enough to continue to get the job done... with enough third party apps to keep value and usefulness coming.

Reading most of the above posts, I laugh as I do everything on my $100 Centro that a $500 iPhone does...

Go ahead, wish for and pay for that flashy crap, I'm not gonna fix it if it isn't broken.

See you at the next meeting.

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hkklife @ 2/22/2008 11:20:07 PM # Q
Wait a minute, Pat. Won't the long-rumored Treo 800g precede the 850p? Or did they decide to go ahead and shelve the 800g in favor of a simultaneous 850g and 850p launch? Remember the original Treo 180? It shipped in both "g" (Graffiti) and regular keyboard versions.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Verizon Treo 700P-->Verizon 755p

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