Comments on: Palm to Settle Treo 600 & 650 Class Action Lawsuit

Palm Inc. has sent out a class action settlement proposal legal notice to users who registered a Treo 600 or 650 smartphone. The class action settlement applies to United States residents who purchased a Treo 600 or Treo 650, experienced two or more repairs or replacements (in lieu of repair) on that device. If the settlement is accepted, Palm will be providing extended warranty repairs and issuing rebates to qualified "class members."
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Only the 600 and 650?

CFreymarc @ 1/23/2008 8:44:41 PM # Q
With how much a dog the 700 series was, it will be interesting to see if anything like this pops up there. I want to know how much the attorneys are cashing in on this compared to the Treo owners.
RE: Only the 600 and 650?
RussianGuy @ 1/23/2008 9:53:18 PM # Q
$1,554,000 according to press release

New Palm OS device by end 2008
RE: Only the 600 and 650?
LiveFaith @ 1/23/2008 10:28:57 PM # Q
Lawyers win again. Victims get pocket change and violators spend millions. Justice served.

Pat Horne
RE: Only the 600 and 650?
rmhurdman @ 1/23/2008 11:15:31 PM # Q
My T|C failed three times. The third time, I gave it away so someone else can get a refurbished POS. I've jumped ship because of the lack of quality control (and innovation).

RE: Only the 600 and 650?
DarthRepublican @ 1/24/2008 2:24:35 AM # Q
I went through three Treo 270s in order to get a one that actually worked but at least it lasted for three years until the cover broke. Before that, I had been stuck with a Treo 180g which would reset whenever I switched from the calculator to any other application. When I finally upgraded to the Treo 600, it had been around for almost two years and my 600 was rock solid, never giving me any problems for another three years until I wore out the volume keys. I upgraded to the Treo 680 last year and so far, so good. I haven't had any problems whenever I waited a a long time before moving to a new device. But when I try to play early adopter, I get screwed. I think that this is a pretty typical experience.

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Fairly significant payoff

SeldomVisitor @ 1/24/2008 6:31:36 AM # Q
If you can jump through the hoops to prove (however one does - I haven't read that part) the payoff is fairly large - $75 is nothing to sneeze at when talking class action settlements.

And $21,000 extra to the folks who were the original plaintiffs.

RE: Fairly significant payoff
dgbrock @ 1/24/2008 3:45:59 PM # Q
That's not exactly correct: The settlement proposes an aggregate fund to cover "the settlement and attorneys' fees and expenses totaling no more than $1,554,000..." That amount includes all the $50 and $75 payouts.
Additionally, the settlement includes - from that total - "incentive payments to the named plaintiffs in the aggregate amount of $21,000." There are 7 named individual plaintiffs who would presumably get $3,000 each for being the lead. All in all, not a bad return for a lousy Treo.
Seeing as I went through 7 650 replacements before they broke down and gave me a new 700p, it was a lot of hassle.

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Read the fine print

sbono13 @ 1/24/2008 4:47:59 PM # Q
You don't get $75-- you get a $75 rebate towards buying yourself a replacement Palm product. As if!

RE: Read the fine print
DarthRepublican @ 1/24/2008 8:47:01 PM # Q
I don't know. Apply that rebate to a new Palm Centro combined with the other rebates equals $24 for a shiny new smartphone. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

RE: Read the fine print
1palm1 @ 6/4/2009 9:06:27 AM # Q
Under the terms of the proposed settlement, class members who are current Sprint subscribers are eligible to receive a $20 bill credit. Class members who are not current Sprint subscribers are eligible for a $27.50 credit that may be used for a purchase at Palm's online store. The deadline to submit a claim form is September 15, 2009. You may obtain additional information regarding the settlement, as well as a claim form by visiting the Settlement website,
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settlement email and rebate offerred

1palm1 @ 6/4/2009 9:05:32 AM # Q
Under the terms of the proposed settlement, class members who are current Sprint subscribers are eligible to receive a $20 bill credit. Class members who are not current Sprint subscribers are eligible for a $27.50 credit that may be used for a purchase at Palm's online store. The deadline to submit a claim form is September 15, 2009. You may obtain additional information regarding the settlement, as well as a claim form by visiting the Settlement website,
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