Quickies: For European Users

philmair sent in this report, "I've just picked up my m505 from Ryman store in Altrincham, Greater Manchester. They only had one in stock but they say they can get others by next-day delivery."

Developers in Europe can now buy older Palm models at the same discounts that U.S. developers were given a few weeks ago. For example, registered developers in the U.K. can order up to three Palm Vx for £142.47, IIIc for £142.47, IIIxe for £86.30, m100 for £70.98, or m105 for £86.30. These prices are good until August 31. -Ed

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I.M. Anonymous @ 6/12/2001 3:26:02 AM #
The 505 was released in the Netherlands about +/- 1,5 month after the us release... Anybody knows when or if the Sony color Clie hits the stores in europe ???


uvdude @ 6/12/2001 3:35:43 AM #
you can get the m500 and the m505 in israel through two places:


Palm ... Ireland

hshortt @ 6/12/2001 3:42:30 AM #
Palm direct in Ireland continually give different release schedules. The latest news from them is that the m505 will be available in Ireland at the end of June. However, for anyone waiting, please note that it will cost £512.00. or EUR€649.00

Palm in Poland

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/12/2001 4:23:04 AM #
Palm's m500 and m505 are avalible in Poland in stores and on-line form a week now.


m505 in Europe

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/12/2001 5:21:37 AM #
The m505 is availiable everywhere in the shops in Luxemburg. Got one myself last Saturday!


John Lewis

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/12/2001 8:49:25 AM #
Having broken my trust Vx this morning I went to Peter Jones in London (part of the John Lewis Partnership). They have the m505 in stock (quite a few of them) and, although expensive at £399, they will match anyone else's price as long as their units are available. This lasts for 28 days so if you find even cheaper units during that time you can get that difference back too. However, and possibly the best news for me, is that you have 28 days to return the unit in. I'm not sure about the screen (they hadn't charged a demo unit yet) but I now have four weeks to evaluate it.

m505 in Hungary

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/13/2001 12:17:24 AM #
The m505 is quite popular in Hungary. I saw many ad's on the internet in the last couple of weeks. I don't know the retail price, but you can get a "used" one for about 50000-70000 HUF, that's about $170-240. I recently brought my IIIc for about $170. I knew I should wait... :)


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