Sony N610C Drops $50
Sony has cut the price of the PEG-N610C by $50 to $350. This applies to both versions of the model, which are really just two different casing colors. The new price for the N610C has already gone into effect.
It didn't publicize the change but it isn't Sony's company policy to publicize price cuts or give reasons for them. While it is mostly speculation, the most likely reason for this change is that Sony is planning on phasing out the N610C in favor of an U.S. version of T600C.
The N610C sports a 320 by 320, 16-bit color screen, 33MHz Motorola Dragonball VZ processor, 8MB of RAM, and 4MB of flash memory. It runs Palm OS 4.0 and is available in silver and violet. It doesn't have the built-in MP3 playback capability of the N760C.
Last week, Sony announced in Japan the T600C, which is similar to the N610C but has a smaller casing and 16 MB of RAM. It has not yet announced whether there will be U.S. version, though one is widely expected.
Related Information:
- PIC: Sony PEG-N610C Review
- PIC: Sony Announces PEG-T600C
- PIC: Sony Forum
Article Comments
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RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
As for the T615, we shall see... (no pun intended)
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
Please clarify. Where's the pun in that? Im an idiot.
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
Get it thru your heads people.
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
we shall see = visually
we shall see = anticipation
I guess i got use to unintelligence on these boards that i didnt expect a witty comment like that. A comment like that actually requires more then two brain cells to develop. For most people who post on these boards i'd be very surprised if they even use one..
As for the guys who said there is no PUN. It it through YOUR heads!! Do you guys even know what a PUN means? Dont even try to make an argument when you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what the f*ck your talking about. You'll just look stupid...
RE: T615 is coming out - sweet!
Only hi-res color available
RE: Only hi-res color available
RE: Only hi-res color available
RE: Only hi-res color available
And you base this on...
...oh, yeah...your own pea-brained assumptions. No real basis--typical for this site's discussion boards.
RE: Only hi-res color available
RE: Only hi-res color available
But see, it appears that the Sony users who post to this site believe, "I carry a Sony, and therefore I am a god, and you're NOTHING." And therefore Sony must be some type of idol to be worshipped, even though their latest offering (T415) pretty much blows when compared to the hype.
I really find the so-called "logic" hard to believe:
Sony drops N610C by $50, which MUST mean they'll release a US version of the T600 (which hasn't OFFICIALLY begun selling even in Japan yet), which MUST mean that EVERYONE will go out and buy it, which MUST mean that Palm will be dead & buried by Dec. 31 (and all Palm users must inherently be retards), which MUST mean that Handspring had BETTER release a COLOR Treo in 2 weeks, or they'll be dead & buried, too. What kind of a dumb-a** thinks this way?
RE: Only hi-res color available
RE: Only hi-res color available
Cell phone user "O look at taht thing ... handspring Tero ?? phone ?? what is that .... probably some Motorollat Ericsson wannabe, I'll just get the nokia phone with EPOC then ...."
Handhelp user "O look at that Tero ..... I'll wait for one with color screen and expension, O look, there's the cool nokia phone with EPOC OS, awesome"
RE: Only hi-res color available
The Kyocera is huge. The Visor Phone required the user to combine 2 pieces of hardware, which was bulky. The Palm V add-ons eliminated the small form factor of the V itself. The Nokia Communicator was apparently difficult to use and unreliable, and it required a whole new OS.
The Treo will combine the ever-popular, easy-to-use Palm OS with a cell phone that's as small as the state-of-the-art devices currently available. It addresses the shortcomings of its predecessors.
RE: Only hi-res color available
For me, i'd still stick to a good pda, and link my cellular thru IR or cable. If a new PDA comes, I can sell my PDA and get the new one. Same with my cellular.
RE: Only hi-res color available
If I am a cellphone user
1) I won't care if it syncs with my PC or not, so the OS doesnt matter much to me
2) Epoc looks cooler, and all new nokia phones with EPOC is color, as a consumer, I'll think cool I'll go on a 3G network with that :)
3) The Tero looks really ugly and bulky comparing to any Nokia or Ericsson phone
RE: Only hi-res color available
I agree. That's why I believe the two shouldn't mix. With the two together, it will now be very limiting on two categories already PDA and cellular. Please, one is enough!
By the way, you can connect thru bluetooth too, while your cellular is in your pocket. :)
RE: Only hi-res color available
> boards.
Talk about the POThead calling the KETTLE black !?!
This site is about opinions, POThead.
And frankly you're the VIDIOT if you believe your opinions are FACT.
You are a great example that EDU-MA-CATION is a dangerous thing for POTheads like yourself.
RE: Only hi-res color available
RE: Only hi-res color available
I love Handspring and wish them the best, but this phone ain't it.
RE: Only hi-res color available
RE: Only hi-res color available
2) Ummm, haven't you gone a bit off topic here? This article is about the N610C, which has no wireless options at this point. We've got Forums where you can discuss anything you want:
News Editor
RE: Only hi-res color available
> boards.
Talk about the POThead calling the KETTLE black !?!
This site is about opinions, POThead.
And frankly you're the VIDIOT if you believe your opinions are FACT.
You are a great example that EDU-MA-CATION is a dangerous thing for POTheads like yourself."
WHAT on EARTH are you so UPSET about, and WHY do you HAVE to use CAPITAL letters for so MANY things?
I THINK you NEED to lay off the CAFFEINE for a WHILE...
RE: Only hi-res color available
Actually, the site is called Palm INFO Center. Yes, INFO - you know, news, information, etc. The comments are welcome, but I assume said comments/opinions should INDEED have a basis in fact. For instance, "the Sony Clie has a better screen because it's got higher resolution and a brighter, adjustable backlight." THAT'S an opinion based on facts. In contrast, "The B/W Treo will flop" is merely just some punk Sony user bashing other brands--not really based in fact, and not really productive.
RE: Only hi-res color available
Why not go away and try and learn a new trick? We might get a few months peace then...
Regarding the price drop on the N610.. I agree. Look out for a new product fitting that niche from Sony in 2 or 3 months.
RE: Only hi-res color available
Was the Kyocera successful? Hell No. It even has more functions than the Treo without the keyboard of course.
The Treo is limited to its functionality and expensive. It is more of a gadget than a true business tool. Bottom line is that I would rather buy a color gadget than monochrome.
bad idea
RE: bad idea
they are different lines of product, T series are Clie palm device with a slim form factor
N series are Clie Palm Device with bigger form factor, a bit cheaper than T series at the same spec.
Have you ever think why sony is the biggest consumer electronics maker on this earth? Why people are so "loyal" to Sony that they'll go back and buy another sony TV when their old on broke down? There must be a reason there, if they are so "unloyal" to their customers then all their customers must be really be $uckers, or maybe you are the only on who's not a $ucker.
RE: bad idea
RE: bad idea
RE: bad idea
"Last week, Sony announced in Japan the T600C, which is similar to the N610C but has a smaller casing and 16 MB of RAM. It has not yet announced whether there will be U.S. version, though one is widely expected. "
I've read through a lot of insanity on this board, but I never thought I would hear any kind of heresey like THIS! What do you want to do man, put a quota on innovation?? Do you want to keep things comfortable so your favorite company can keep up? Are you mad? The faster this industry turns around PDA models, the sooner we get the Holy Handheld Grail. Shame on you! If it irks you to have your latest purchase made obsolete in 6 mos, kindly step away from the bleeding edge. You're blocking our view!
RE: bad idea
> and buy another sony TV when their old on broke down?
> There must be a reason there, if they are so "unloyal"
> to their customers then all their customers must be
> really be $uckers, or maybe you are the only on who's
> not a $ucker.
I'm not the original poster this response was to, but anyhow. I have bought Sony TVs and monitors because they tend to have better/brighter/flatter/crisper screens than anything else available. Lately with flat panel monitors and HDTV that has been less true. Unfortunately TVs have little to do with PDAs.
Many people buying PDAs expect OS upgrades to be available for it. Many people buying PDAs with an expansion slot expect devices for that slot to work with it. The past few months have already shown that Sony has quickly dropped that type of support for anything but their latest device. It is going to be hilarious listening to the Sony fanatics who dropped $350-$500 on the 610/710/760 in the last few months moaning when Sony no longer supports updates, expansions, whatever for their device 4 months from now.
RE: bad idea
do you see any S-series owners complianing about no Cam module or no GPS modules for them ? probably no/ very little, coz when they buy it, they understand that they bought the low cost, low res device, and those new modules probably requires a higher res screen to display
I've never hear anything about Sony not support any of their devices, seriously I could take my 4 years old MD player back to Sony, and they'll still fix it and fully support it.
I think Visor users should be more worried about Handspring not supporting springboard modules 6 months from now, and release new thin device that don't even have springbaord slot at all, than sony users worry about they can't use new mem stick modules released 6 months from now.

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T615 is coming out - sweet!