Sony Drops Price of N760C by $50
The price of the Sony PEG-N760C has dropped from $500 to $450. The new price is available now. Sony never announces price cuts or gives reasons for them so it isn't known why. Sony might simply be feeling some price pressure, as the N760C was the most expensive Palm OS model by $100. The slowdown in the world economy has forced other manufacturers to try to increase demand by lowering costs and Sony might be in the same condition.
Also, this model has been out for several months and it might simply be time for a price cut. The N760C is essentially a N710C with an updated version of the Palm OS and the N710C was announced in May, so this handheld has been priced at $500 for over seven months. That's a long time for a model to hold the same price.
It is a long shot but Sony might have made this change to pave the way to replace the N760C with a new version. This could be a member of the T series with built-in MP3 playback or simply an update with more RAM. Sony's new T600, announced in Japan last month, has 16 MB of RAM built-in and the N760C's 8 MB of RAM is starting to look out of date for the company's top of the line product.
This is not the only price reduction Sony has made recently. In November, it dropped the N610C by $50, too.
The N760C includes Palm OS 4.1 and its screen has 16-bit color. It has a built-in audio player so it can play music in both MP3 and ATRAC3 formats. It comes with an external control wand and clip-on headphones to make listening to music easier. Of course it has a Memory Stick slot and comes with an 8 MB Memory Stick.
Sony has some holiday-related specials for this model, too. Sony is offering a free 32 MB Memory Stick and a leather case. These deals are good through January 9.
Related Information:
- PIC: Sony PEG-N760C Review
- PIC: Sony N610C Drops $50
- PIC: Sony Kicks Off Holiday Promotions
- PIC: m505 Drops to $400
- PIC: Sony Forum
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RE: The ''T615'' is near?!
RE: The ''T615'' is near?!
m525 and C-T615 is coming soon!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!
RE: The ''T615'' is near?!
RE: The ''T615'' is near?!
It's about US$380. I'm really surprised as I thought it would at least get launched in US first, I was seriously considering the Jap version prior to this news.
It's just a competitive price cut
RE: It's just a competitive price cut
RE: It's just a competitive price cut
The pro-Sony trolls must be falling down on the job...
N760C is a FLOP!
> If Palm is cutting the price on the M125 this soon,
> that's a good sign that its not selling well at all.
> Not surprising, given its lack of features.
> Same old story.
And I thought it was so [Sarcasm]Insightful[/sarcasm] that I thought I'd mention this fine, sterling example of logic here.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, you bunch of memory (fu*k)sticks.
RE: N760C is a FLOP!
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RE: N760C is a FLOP!
Go and get a life.
RE: N760C is a FLOP!
RE: N760C is a FLOP!
RE: N760C is a FLOP!
It's funny how everybody position themselves as the Mr knowitall on the web.
Let me try :) hehe Accroding to the current situation, looks like Handspring will be out of the PDA business about 2-3 times faster than Sony. Because accrding to reports handspring never really made any money from day one till now. And they are betting their future on Tero, a mono, no expansion PDA/Phone device.
According to news Danger ( is going to come up with a new Wireless device, pretty much like treo (function wise) but with better design and it got a built in camera. Will that device from Danger kick Tero's ass ?? no one knows
Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
<<The m125 debuted in late September so this is a rather quick drop in price. Even at its release, many thought it was a bit over priced compared to models with similar features, like the Sony S320 or Visor Pro.>>
When Sony realizes that it's screwed all the early adoptors it can find, and lowers it's machine from the insane price of $500 to the just ridiculous price of $450, Ed says:
<<Sony might simply be feeling some price pressure, as the N760C was the most expensive Palm OS model by $100. The slowdown in the world economy has forced other manufacturers to try to increase demand by lowering costs and Sony might be in the same condition.>>
Fine - When Palm lowers the price of one of it's middle-level machines, that's a pointer to an obvious flaw. When Sony lowers it's flagship device by the same amount, it's just an indicator of a poor economy.
Which one is it, Ed? You can't have your cake and fling it at Palm, too.
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
Caught in the Middle
I still think there's a big difference between reducing the price of a product two months after it was released and reducing it seven months after its release. Your opinion is obviously different.
News Editor
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
The m125 was released in late September at $250. Just over 2 months later, the price was lowered by $50 (20%).
The 760C was released in May at $500. Over 6 months later, it was lowered by the same amount ($50), but a much lower percentage (10%).
Ed's arguments seem perfectly reasonable to me. Any way you slice it, all the Palm OS manufacturers seem to have products at appropriate price points now and the PPC manufacturers will have a very un-merry Xmas, IMO.
Palm m125 doesn't even wroth $199
Who will pay $30 more to buy m125 to get:
-- smaller screen
-- crappy backlight
-- old design (when was the time m100 came out??)
I can't see any valueable point of Palm m125 at this price.
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
Gotta look at it like this....Sony is not out to save you money. They wouldn't lower the price unless there was something in it for them. No company will lower the price of a product if its doing well. Thats just stupid. You lower the price of a well selling product to get less money..... I think not
Stuffing feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken.
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
Yeah, right. Anyone's entitled to disagree with an opinion, although I think Ed's response exposes a lot of hypocrisy that's flung about. Either way, do you really want all the posts to essentially be "You're right, Ed," "Absolutely, Ed," "I agree, Ed?" That would get REALLY boring. You must be a Rush Limbaugh listener...
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
Stuffing feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken.
RE: Please, Ed - Feel free to make more excuses for Sony.
Thanks for the heads up
Thanks again for the info; That's one of the reasons I visit PIC every day.
RE: If the M505 had 320*320 hires LCD... What happened??
Stuffing feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken.
RE: If the M505 had 320*320 hires LCD... What happened??
RE: If the M505 had 320*320 hires LCD... What happened??
Get your info straight.
RE: If the M505 had 320*320 hires LCD... What happened??
Stuffing feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken.
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The ''T615'' is near?!
Is this an indication the economy is so bad we are seeing deflation?