Peripheral Makers Move to Support Sony T Series
The Sony T615C is just starting to get into customer's hands but for many people the actual handheld is only the beginning. A complete setup requires accessories, like keyboards, modems, and cases. Some peripheral makers are already planning to develop products for either the T615C, the T415, or both. This has been slightly complicated by the need for a new HotSync port on the T series, needed because the T415 is too thin for the one used on other Sony models.
For various reasons, many users aren't satisfied with entering text into their handheld with Graffiti. To these, a keyboard of one kind or another is necessary.
Certainly the most famous of these is the Stowaway folding keyboard from Think Outside. According to a Think Outside spokesperson, the company is currently working on a version that will work with the entire T series. This should be available "in late 2nd Quarter of this year".
TT Tech is the maker of the SnapNType clip-on keyboard. At this point they don't make a version for any Sony models or have definite plans to do so. However, it will be making plans for future models next month based on the popularity of the various handhelds.
The flip-covers that come with the T series provide some protection for the screen but only a hardcase can provide any real protection.
Vaja Cases is planning to release a case for the T615C but no details are available yet. It should be available somewhere around the end of February.
RhinoSkin is in the process of developing both aluminium and leather cases for the T series. It hasn't yet decided whether it will make cases designed for the entire T series or for the individual handhelds. At this early stage of development, the company can't yet say when these will be available.
DS International, which makes cases for other Sony models, also plans to make them for the T series, though no planned release dates are available yet.
Extreme Limit, who makes cases for other Sony handhelds, has a "body-suit" case coming soon for the T615C.
Sony offers a case that fits both the T615C and T415 already.
Of course, just about any one-size-fits-all case will do fine for either model, like the SmarterCase. Naturally, this is only for those who don't mind a bit of extra bulk.
LandWare, which makes the FloatingPoint stylus and other peripherals, says it has no definite plans at this point for products for the T series but will reconsider based on future demand.
Pentopia is still looking into making styli for the T series. Of course, they already make full-sized sylus-pen combinations for those unhappy with the T series very small stylus.
There are plenty of other peripherals available from Sony. The T series can use the Memory Stick digital camera introduced in November, as well as the MP3 Audio adapter. Sony sells a HotSync cable and an AC adapter. In addition, there are replacement cradles and styli.
Related Information:
- PIC: Sony PEG-T615C Review, Part I
- PIC: Sony T615C Becoming Available
- PIC: Sony Forum
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RE: Peripheral overkill costs!
RE: Peripheral overkill costs!
News Editor
RE: Peripheral overkill costs!
Visit - Where Palm OS users and developers meet.
RE: Peripheral overkill costs!
Peripherals have higer profit margins than the PDA itself.
I like my Palm!
RE: Peripheral overkill costs!
RE: Peripheral overkill costs!
RE: Peripheral overkill costs!
That's why I think MemoryStick is such a bad direction to take. A couple of years from now SD and CF are still likely to be standard on most handheld devices, much like PCMCIA currently is with laptops.
Of course, everything will soon have Bluetooth and the only thing you'll really need to hardwire then is maybe memory cards, or when you require something faster than Bluetooth. For everything else, you won't need to worry about what hardware interface it uses.
Gone for three days...
And I am casting my vote for a SnapNType keyboard and that Landware stylus. Boy, does the T615C need both!
RE: Gone for three days...
RE: Gone for three days...
Although Sony's new 625XD will introduce a "Virtual Stylus."
RE: Gone for three days...
Thanks, Robrecht
Thank you!
Jeff Meyer
New Case Coming Soon.
New Case coming soon from Extreme Limit (they have cases for the N/S series too).
RE: New Case Coming Soon.
If anyone knows of any others I missed, please let me know and I'll add them, too.
News Editor
RE: New Case Coming Soon.
RE: New Case Coming Soon.
Here's the resulting URL from posting the comment if it helps:
"The page cannot be displayed"
RE: New Case Coming Soon.
About $48 for the horizontal.
Trying to decide on a case - need something that will really protect my handheld.
suzanne biegel
Pentopia Chameleon
they will make a model for the T615 and T415, but I wonder
if they can fit a pen/stylus combo in that small hole.
Will they be able to do it? They have a great product.
RE: Pentopia Chameleon
News Editor
T Series modem
RE: T Series modem
Just say NO
Most of these things were just toys that I ended up not using. I'm saying "No" to peripherals and saying "Yes" to a new PDA every year.
RE: Just say NO
Serial Cable?
RE: Serial Cable?
bluetooth ?
RE: bluetooth ?
btw even if there will be infostick available I would like to know if its theoretically possible to communicate via bluetooth with my phone and at the same time to type on external keyboard. If someone have a clue... thanks in advance.
You only list two real peripherals. The camera and the MP3 module. The rest, AC adapter and replacement stylus are, for sure, not "peripherals".
If this is to be considered as "plenty", how will you call all what's available for others? Thousand? Millions?
Just let be serious. The reality is that there are nearly _no_ peripherals to play with the Sony's. Sony has made more models than peripherals.
And the rest, made by third party, are essentially cases & cables. By sample, none of theirs models has any wireless capabilities (internal or external). So, if you think about that with your handeld, just forget Sony.
Panache Stylus
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Peripheral overkill costs!
I mean consumers can't shell out money for new peripherals every 2nd PDA generation. Look at PCs, they standardized it there...
All of that is "cost overkill"! Besides what on earth is so hard about keeping a common interface (I know, don't stone me...the "industry" wants to earn...)? Consumers aren't milk cows though.
C. Steinitz
Basel, Switzerland