Quickies: Sales and Rebates, Dallas/Ft. Worth

Best Buy is selling the Sony T615C in silver and blue for $380, down from the regular $400. -Harley

Circuit City is offering a $25 mail-in rebate on any handheld till February 16. -Anon

Target is offering the Visor Neo for $170, down from $200. -Doug

The next meeting of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Palm Users Group will be tomorrow at noon. The speaker is Brad Barton from Handable.com and the topic will be wireless networking -Rossman

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I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 11:15:13 AM #
Do I see new units coming in...possibly soon;)

RE: Ahhh...
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 11:27:01 AM #
i cannot believe that handspring would not announce a new unit, or Palm for that matter... for Palm we know that they have an inventory of m130s and m515s, for handspring the story is less clear, but they have to have something in the works, I mean what could they have been doing for all these past months, sure the Treo has kept them busy, but they certainly have other things in the works...I like Palm better so i hope it has better products than Handspring, but Palm has got to step up...

yo Palm, step up,
Yo Benhamou, STEP OUT!

m525 -> m515?

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 12:40:33 PM #
I thought the m525 was going to be released, now everyone only seems to be talking about the m515. What features were dropped from the m525 that caused the name change? Will a m515 be out and then a m525? Will the m515 be available in patriotic blue and cranberry red when it comes out? Will the palm hard case be available in those colors as well anytime soon? Anyone around to comment?

RE: m525 -> m515?
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 1:35:52 PM #
You're talking like the m525 was an actual product name, it was just the nicknamed for the rumored m505 update, which is going to be called the m515.

RE: m525 -> m515?
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 2:42:49 PM #
Speaking of which, I guess we are looking for a March 10 introduction, but no retail availability to May 1 or so?????

RE: m525 -> m515?
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 3:07:59 PM #
what makes you say this, Palm could announce it tomorrow and be in retail distribution by Monday...Palm doesn't announce on Saturdays, but you get what i'm saying..

RE: m525 -> m515?
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 4:07:45 PM #
when it comes to Palm, don't hold your breath. Never an upside surprise......only downside disappointment. Sorry, but I'm so jaded.....jaded....and Palm's the one who's jaded me...

Why the new color Palm will s**k

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 3:50:08 PM #
If the new color Palm will be brighter that means the grid will be even more visible. Look at a Visor prism, the grid is like looking at everything through a screen door.

RE: Why the new color Palm will s**k
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 8:20:16 PM #
Stop crying! Donīt buy it then!

RE: Why the new color Palm will s**k
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 10:30:06 PM #
Wrong, the grid is very obvious on the Prism because the pixels are very far apart. This isn't true on the m505 and probably the m515.

How fares the Clie?

Foo @ 2/15/2002 3:55:29 PM #
I wonder if this price reduction by Best Buy is a sign that the 615c isn't selling well? It would be a shame, since it is a wonderful little handheld.

RE: How fares the Clie?
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 4:39:07 PM #
I was told by a salesperson (Chicago) that the T615 is a hot item, shipments are usually sold out during the same weekend!!

RE: How fares the Clie?
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 10:49:24 PM #
Best Buy is running a promotion on all PDAs this week only.


I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 4:45:16 PM #
Does anyone know if Circut City carries the 330? How about if retailers have already passed on the price drop announced on the 330 this week by Handera? Anybody have any "inside" info on if this means a new model?

PalmPix cameras for the III - $30.

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/15/2002 10:32:22 PM #
At the CompUSA next to the South Dadeland metro stop in Miami, FL. They had five or six left.



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