Sony Drops T415 Price Again
Sony has dropped the price of the PEG-T415 from $250 to $220. This is the second price drop on this device since it was released in late November. In January, Sony dropped its price from $300. As always, Sony gave no reasons for this and has a company policy to never call attention to price cuts.
This double price drop on a model this recently released is almost unprecedented. When a company cuts the price on a handheld, it's frequently because sales are weak and the company may be hoping to spur demand. That Sony has already had to do this twice for the T415 really isn't a good sign.
After this cut, the T415 is only $20 than the recently-released S360.
The T415 is a 320 by 320 monochrome model. Though only .39 inches thick, it has a Jog Dial and a Memory Stick slot. It runs Palm OS 4.1 and has 8 MB of RAM and 4 MB of Flash ROM. It uses the 33 MHz Dragonball processor from Motorola. Its infrared port has been enhanced to let it be used as a TV/VCR remote and it has an improved speaker and audio abilities.
Thanks to Ravi for the tip. -Ed
Related Information:
- PIC: Sony T415 Drops to $250
- PIC: Review: Sony PEG-T415
- PIC: Sony Forum
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RE: Screen Problems
RE: Screen Problems
No, if you want to start a fight, try any of the following:
"High-resolution isn't all it's cracked up to be."
"The buttons suck."
"The stylus sucks."
"Memory Stick sucks."
"Sony's technical support is non-existent."
Of course, only 1 or 2 of those statements is debatable, but it's my experience that the Sony-lovers who read this site will generally piss in their pants getting ticked off about those issues.
RE: Screen Problems
"High-resolution isn't all it's cracked up to be."
-No argument...high-resolution is all its cracked up to be, seeing as how 320x320 is the new standard, according to OS5
"The buttons suck."
-Personal preference...tried them out at a local Best Buy, the applications buttons are pretty normal to press, but the up/down rocker button is horrible. But with the jog dial, the up/down button is irrelevant
"The stylus sucks."
-Haven't tried it, tend to agree it would "suck" for many large-handed users
"Memory Stick sucks."
-Cheaper and more durable than SD/MMC
"Sony's technical support is non-existent."
-Haven't had to use their technical support yet
RE: Screen Problems
> new standard, according to OS5
I think you are a bit confused about OS 5. It's possible you aren't the only one so I wanted to clear this up. While it is true that the new operating system does support 320 by 320 screens, it does not enforce it as a standard. If a licensee chooses, it can use 160 by 160. I'm sure all high-end handhelds will use the higher-resolution but there will still be a market for mid-range and low-end devices.
One of PalmSource's goals is to eventually have the OS become screen-resolution independent. PalmSource would like to see the OS running on all types of devices, including watches, video games, etc, and these will need all kinds of screen sizes.
I don't want to turn this thread on the T415's screen into a discussion on OS 5 but I wanted to make sure more people don't think OS 5 will only be 320 by 320.
News Editor
RE: Screen Problems
"High-resolution isn't all it's cracked up to be."
I never heard that it was cracked up to be all that much. It's nice, and sure makes some of my Datebk4 screens easier to use, but other than that it just makes my family photos look better.
"The buttons suck."
"The stylus sucks."
"Memory Stick sucks."
Whatever... All cards suck in one way or another.
"Sony's technical support is non-existent."
I've gotten through twice with not issues. They helped me both times.
I can find as many problems with any brand or model PDA. None are perfect, least of all the T415, which has the bad looking screen.
RE: Screen Problems
My only complaint is that 8mb of ram is not enough when I want to install a dictionary software when I have other apps I want to install on my clie.
RE: Screen Problems
are you serious??
well I guess you still can return it and get another one for less :)
Anyway, personally, I think the 415 screen sucks. I can bet Sony is soon going to discontinue the 415 and release a killer-hi-res monochrome Clie.
-Clie fan.
RE: Screen Problems
> discussion on OS 5 but I wanted to make sure more people don't
> think OS 5 will only be 320 by 320.
The way Mike Mace is talking about it over on PDABuzz, it will not "only be 320x320", but he makes it sound like from the way that they're doing it that it may as well be only 320x320.
RE: Screen Problems
RE: Screen Problems
... all companies do that, you sometime even see a Mac screen on a supposed to be windows computer, hell you even see a Mac with windows xp's screen in microsoft's XP promotion flash movie ...
Somebody please tell me that this picture is not edited.
RE: Screen Problems
Gimme a break! dont be s
EVERYBODY uses fake pictures!
I remember the extremely beautful m505 screen pictures, with paperwhite background and when I first saw one I realize the truth: that lousy black grill
cannot compete even with the IIIc..
RE: Screen Problems
EVERYBODY uses fake pictures!"
Let's face it. There is a big difference between presenting a product in its light and an outright lie. Reputation is priceless. Sony should be more careful with their marketing in future, or they will suffer the consequences.
RE: Screen Problems
I don't quite get what you mean, Sony did state in their site that those are edited, what is outright lie !? Are you saying that the picture here is not edited ?? and handspring did not "outright lie"?? LoL maybe they are not "outright lie" coz they got the worse liars around in the industry, wtf is telling ppl that You'll stop making visors eventually, then the next day you popup and tell ppl that you are not going to stop making visor ??
RE: Screen Problems
Can't we all just get along (and enjoy kicking the guts out of PPC)?
Perhaps a new model on its way
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
Sony's top seller is still the S320, and I'm sure the S360 will carry on where it left off (there's your 16mb upgrade, BTW). Notice that the S360 hit the shelves at the same time as the T615C.
No, I think the T415 was a MAJOR mistake, and Sony will simply try to dump it off and pretend it never happened. In the meantime, they'll sell a number of T615C's, but they'll ESPECIALLY sell lots of S360s. No one wanted an 8mb greyscale handheld with a crappy screen. They're certainly not going to later on ignore the crappy screen and say, "Gee, it's got 16mb," are they? Use some LOGIC next time...
This leads me to wonder, though: if 320x320 is SOOOOOOOOO great, which many nimrods-posing-as-market-analysts like to say on this site, then why is Sony's top seller its model that only offers 160x160?
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
However, one of the big OS crash issues was if the OS need more memory internally and couldn't get it. The new method insures that 1mb stays free for temp memory and OS use, which is even more important with trying to run apps from a flash memory card.
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
Dude, give me ONE reason why 160x160 is better than 320x320? Don't let the market tell you what to get. 320x320 is great (compared to 160x160) and I doubt ANYONE would argue with that. Now as to how great it is up to personal taste, but $100 is better than $50 and 320x320 is better than 160x160. Period.
When is 160x160 better than 320x320?
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
What is rarely mentioned, however, is that with the backlight on, the screen is fabulous. Visor and Pilot lovers argue that the backlight shouldn't be necessary, but why? Perhaps because the Visor and Pilot backlights are useless. Sony's backlight is as good as indiglo. And with rechargeable batteries, most handheld users don't have to worry about power comsumption - as long as the device is recharged every 2-3 days, you'll have no problem using the backlight.
And anyone that argues that better resolution doesn't make a handheld any better is shortsighted. Plenty of applications are made much better with the resolution (map utilities, imaging utilities, and games among them). Of course memopad isn't any better off at 320x320, but many things are.
Long story short, the 415 is a pretty impressive device. Just not as good as the 615 :-)
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
Forget the T415 when discussing the superior nature of 320x320. Find someone who has a T615, ask them fire it up and do the following:
-- Dim brightness to lowest level
-- Set Launcher main page, under Options/Preferences to View By/List (Small)
Now look at the tiny fonts and icons, see how sharp they are and remember that you're viewing this at lowest brightness. Adjust brightness to highest level for spectacular effect. This demonstration tells you everything you need to know about why 320x320 on the T615 is the holy grail of PDA displays at the moment.
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
Cut the cr@p.
Of course (colour) 320x320 is much better than 160x160, that's a no brainer!
I have a Palm m505 and a Clie S320 but I must accept that the best colour PDA right now is the T615.
Unfortunately I bought my m505 two months before the T615 was released!
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
Ah, but this thread is NOT about the T615C. It's about the T415. I would thus offer the following opinion:
High-res is a wonderful addition to a COLOR handheld, especially for programs that do more than just enter text. For GREYSCALE handhelds, I would argue that high-res is "not all it's cracked up to be." Maps tend to look lame in greyscale, so low-res won't hurt them much, anyway.
And IMO, the T415 screen DOES suck, and anyone who says otherwise is simply fooling themselves into believing they made a good purchase.
And also IMO, the N series is still an excellent series.
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
> them much, anyway.
Oh please! Maps looks quite fine in hi-res using Mapopolis on the HandEra 330, and I wouldn't bother with them in 160x160.
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
> the screen is fabulous.
Sorry, NO. The backlight makes little difference on the T415, the screen still is dark even with the backlight on. Or do you use it in the dark?
Some people here are saying the T415's screen is the worst on any Palm OS device ever. I'd challege you to name ANY handheld/PDA with a screen as bad as the T415.
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
m500 ?? Don't make me laugh that POS, I'd rather save up my money and donate it to some charity.
Edge ?? Why buy a dead product ... LoL ... It might have a decent screen and stuff, but OMG, where the hell is the expansions and not dead product promise, don't tell me the slap some huge ducking thing on the back, that totally defeats the whole purpose of the thin form factor. And don't tell me that the Visor line is not dead because it is dead. I am pretty sure the executives in Handspring can't pass the lie detector test when asked about question like, Q:"Are you going to keep producing Visors" CEO:"Yes!" Q:"sir, that was a lie" CEO:"NO WAY YOUR MACHINE IS BROKEN, I DEMAND A SANITY TEST, I NEED TO PROVE MYSELF CRAZY"
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
Try it. For business use, it's pretty good.
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
you must be kidding!
BTW everytime I see Handspring's (RIP) expansion modules, it reminds me the old Atari 2600 cartridges
(anyone remembers?) LOL
RE: Perhaps a new model on its way
RE: bad buttons
If you are just using the clie for business then there is not so much of a problem but if you plan on playing games (which I do often on my 320) you will go crazy.
T415 at Costco
BTW, the Sony T415 was the only PDA they had at the store.
RE: T415 at Costco
They used to carry the Palm m505 and iPaq 3635. I suspect they simply cleared inventory of those in anticipation of a shipment of new iPaqs and *hopefully* of the supposedly forthcoming m515. I'm praying they'll offer a good deal on the m515 and/or carry the T615 at a good price. If so, it'll just be a matter of which one is cheaper for me.
Ya gotta love Costco...
Not suprising
RE: Not suprising
These units are too expensive. But they are very good for business use or any applications for which color/hi-res is just an expensive luxury.
I think that Palm would do better with the m500 by pitching it as the 'stylish' alternative to the m105.
If it was only a little more expensive, it would do very well against the CLIE 320/etc.
RE: Not suprising
> drying up quickly as can be seen in the poor sales of
> the m500 and the Visor Edge.
The m500 is selling just fine, as are other mid-range greyscale models. The screen on the T415 was plain and simply crap, and nobody was going to pay serious money for that. With the screen on the T415, it couldn't compete with the m105 in its price range for that matter.
Results of Consumer's Voice
It did not sell for the price point that Sony started it at. Sony lowers the price in increments till they reach a price point that sells an acceptable amount. If the price point drops below the cost of producing the item, then Sony will discontinue it.
In short people don't like the price for the features it offers. I tend to think reading the wants and needs of the low end market come from a different book then what the wants and needs of a high end user are. That is... a high end user is more technically savvy, they understand the benefits or drawbacks from the specs of a device. On the other hand, low end models probably appeal more to the budget conscious or low needs people.
Now my opinion of a low need person is two fold, a person that either knows they only need x functions to preform y, or a person that is placed in the low needs category because their knowledge of PDA's is based only on the low need specifics. That is to say that this type of person understands that PDA's can keep phone numbers, and addresses but does not have any further knowledge of PDA's, so they shop for a PDA that matches their technical proficienty.
Where does that leave the price point? Well if you believe that the majority of the people buying this particular PDA model are in the low needs category, there are other models that will preform the same tasks at a lower price then what the t415 is selling at.
That's my logic to this all... if anyone really cared. =)
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Screen Problems
On a side note, I found a site selling T615's for $225, and after researching the company, it does NOT look trustworthy. I won't post the link here, because I know how people can click on a link without reading about it first. It's a company called United Distribution, hosted on Andale's server.