Microsoft to Put its Muscle Behind Bluetooth
According to Cnet, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates will announce later today that this company will release numerous products that support the short-range wireless networking standard, Bluetooth. Of particular importance to the handheld world is the update planned for this fall which will add Bluetooth support to Windows XP. The company will also release some peripherals with Bluetooth built in, including keyboards.
Palm is already shipping an SD card that adds Bluetooth support to many of its models now and is planning to build it in to future models. Sony has released a similar Memory Stick in Japan. Microsoft's support will make it easier for Palm OS users to connect to their Windows PCs.
While the networking possibilities of Bluetooth have gotten a lot of attention, it was originally designed to allow computers to easily connect to peripherals. If drivers are created, a Palm OS device could use a full-sized Bluetooth keyboard.
Microsoft also plans to release a development kit in May to aid in the creation of Bluetooth apps for Windows. This will almost certainly lead to the creation of new apps to allow Palm OS handhelds to connect to Windows PCs for a whole range of purposes.
This is a change of opinion for Microsoft. Until now, its interest in Bluetooth has been fairly low, as demonstrated by the fact that Windows XP shipped without support for it.
This vote of confidence from the owner of the desktop OS monopoly is a big boost for Bluetooth. Some have already declared Bluetooth dead on arrival. At this point, any such pronouncements are premature.
About Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a low-powered, short-range wireless network technology best suited for mobile devices, as they may not have enough power to support 802.11b signals. It creates a Personal Area Network (PAN) by directly connecting two devices together within a range of approximately 10 to 100 meters depending on power levels. It is also being used as a networking option for mobile devices.
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RE: First this story and now this BT stuff. What is M$ strategy
RE: First this story and now this BT stuff. What is M$ strategy
Sun has a good idea. Microsoft licenses it, then Microsoft changes it to muddle the standards. Sun starts a lengthy court battle to stop Microsoft's conduct. Microsoft then refuses to ship its products with Java capability because Java is "inferior," chosing instead to stick with ActiveX and other proprietary solutions.
Hmmmm. Remove "Java" and insert "Bluetooth."
RE: ActiveBlue
Good to see MS support. Guess I'm being an optimist - Microsoft's history would certainly support what you're saying...
Just don't think it will happen this time.
RE: ActiveBlue
Bluetooth is a ratified specification created by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (of which, Microsoft is a member, with 8 other companies I believe -- which includes Nokia, Ericsson and a few others).
Java was never really released as an open standard. Merely, we were given ways to write code in Java. Microsoft licensed the technology from Sun and then bastardized it. Because Java is completely software based (as someone mentioned earlier), there are no severe interoperability problems. Code changes can be made much easier than hardware changes.
Bluetooth is a much more open specification, and Microsoft would not be able to change the specification without the permission of Bluetooth SIG member companies. If Microsoft started changing Bluetooth, devices would stop working with Microsoft products, and therefore would waste the money that Microsoft is spending on the advances to their OS's to support Bluetooth. Interoperability is the key behind Bluetooth.
Regardless, don't you already think that Microsoft has already had their hand in creating the software requirements for the hardware already (remember that they are part of the Bluetooth SIG)? They don't need to change anything now...
RE: ActiveBlue
And now I must say that I'm irritated with the originator of this post because you've forced me to actually *DEFEND* Micro$oft! Auuuggghhhh....
RE: ActiveBlue
> Merely, we were given ways to write code in Java.
I didn't copy all of your post, but your view of how Sun manages Java is very limited. No, Java isn't a completely open standard (few things are), but all of the Java standards go through committees with 3rd party (both company and individual) members for input. To claim that Sun just hands developers Java and says "this is what you get", which is what you seem to be implying, would be a very, very inaccurate statement.
RE: ActiveBlue
OK, Microsoft could not ship the new JVM with XP because of the ongoing legal battle with Sun. However, the actual basis for the Microsoft defense of its violating its Sun Java license was that the Sun implementation was inferior. Here is a quote from a news article on the subject:
Microsoft hopes to overturn Java ruling
"Hanging in the balance of today's hearing is how much control Sun can exert over Microsoft to make its Java products compatible with competitors. Sun contends that JNI is necessary if Java is to run uniformly throughout the industry. Microsoft, on the other hand, says that JNI is an inferior technology that is not covered by the Java license it signed with Sun in 1995."
RE: ActiveBlue
News Editor
RE: ActiveBlue
BT is radio protocol and MS is a software company.
MS has adopted 802.3 (Ethernet) and Ethernet remains unchanged.
RE: ActiveBlue
It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.
RE: ActiveBlue
RE: ActiveBlue
I doubt it!
I doubt that. Microsoft will come up with some thing like MSBlueTooth, and pollute the standard.
I am a developer - do I make my app work with the MS standard or the original standard? Oh look, a free IPAQ! My decision is made!
RE: I doubt it!
However, it is only a spec, not a standard. Therefore they could change some things, but it would be pointless. While MS deserves a bit of bashing, it's not really appropriate in this case. Think about it this way: most of the other companies created the hardware requirements for this, Microsoft probably created the software requirements (gee, ya think?). The damage has already been done. Why go and undo all the work you've already done?
RE: I doubt it!
The other players in BT are pretty much all 600lb gorillas in their fields, giving them ample funding to take MS to task (i.e. yet another lawsuit) should they try anything amiss.
I don't think MS will futz with this one. Both for the reason just stated, and because they stand to benefit from BT also.
Just my $0.02.
It is not very comfortable to have the gift of being amused at one's own absurdity.
-Somerset Maugham-
First APPLE, now M$
Microsoft Reveals Bluetooth Desktop Solution
Commitment to Wireless Technology Is Supported With New Keyboard, Mouse
SEATTLE, April 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Today at the Windows® Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) 2002, Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT - news), the leading innovator in desktop peripherals, will unveil the world's first commercially available Bluetooth(TM)-enabled wireless mouse and keyboard solution. Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates will demonstrate the devices during his keynote address, which is scheduled for 9:30 a.m.
The Microsoft® product suite is expected to be available later this year and will include a Bluetooth-enabled keyboard, mouse and transceiver, as well as support for the Windows XP operating system. This desktop solution will highlight the benefits of the Windows-based PC platform, making the latest technology innovations accessible and easy to use.
RE: Microsoft Reveals Bluetooth Desktop Solution
1. Microsoft will charge heavily for it - witness the cost of and M$ Mouse and non-M$.
2. How long do the batteries last - I use cells at an alarming rate on my Logitech Keyboard & Mouse combo.
Docking station for keyboard and mouse when not in use to charge rechargeable batteries anyone?
palmist and visionary
RE: Microsoft Reveals Bluetooth Desktop Solution
"Logitech has a long-standing commitment to the development of wireless peripherals for the PC platform and believes that Bluetooth wireless technology is a key factor in the evolution of wireless connectivity,' said David Henry, senior vice president and general manager of Control Devices at Logitech. ``Logitech is continuing our development of Bluetooth capable input devices and expects availability of an initial product next year.'
from Bluetooth Wireless Technology Addresses Desktop Computing Market
Microsoft Corporation outlines integration plans as Bluetooth SIG announces enhancements to include Input Devices for Computing Industry
Embrace. Adapt. Extend. Control. Dominate. $$$$.
People will buy them by the truckload - I mean, Microsoft already makes cordless mice and keyboards, and they sell fairly well - Why not? Heck, the keyboards and mice might come with a free USB capable BT adaptor. If it isen't free it'd probabaly be really cheap, and might even have a built-in hub.
And as any student of computer history can probably point out, the standards are often ad-hoc creations based on what the market has already decided on. Having their hand this deep in the first step of BT onto the desktop is probably a really good idea on their part, for them. I doubt it's going to be good for consumers.
The whole point of Bluetooth is interoperabilty of devices. Let's use the internet as an comparison medium - Not too far of a stretch, I'd think.
Most of the truly interoperable applications are based on long-exsisting standards (FTP, IRC, early HTML) or standards that were dicated from relatively open groups or Open Source initiatives (SSH, Gnutella).
It seems that when a large corporation invents a standard - Even if it's just a reimplementation of a exsisting standard (AIM, MSMessenger, ICQ ex:reinventing Talk), the first thing they want to do is prevent interoperability (ex - MSM vs. AIM, ICQ vs everybody, etc...) - Interoperability prevents their having a monopoly - Why download AIM if you can use your exsisting message client?
The courts don't trust Microsoft. Why should we?
I /am/ the eggman.
input device profile?
I can't wait to grab one of these and start typing on somebody else's computer/PDA.
RE: input device profile?
More on MSFT Bluetooth approach (HID/IPv6 support)" rel=nofollow target="_new">
Bluetooth 1.1 Version and Additional Profile Specifications (including the Audio/Video Profile)
There's a special Bluetooth Special Interest Group's Human Input Devices (HID) Working Group.
Blue Mice
14:15 PM GMT on Jan 02, 2002
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group's Human Input Devices (HID) Working Group has released a definition for how Bluetooth wireless technology will enable input devices such as mice and keyboards.
These enhancements are part of the new Human Input Device Profile and are expected to be adopted by the Bluetooth SIG membership. Prototype products using the specification are expected by the middle of the year.
Meanwhile, Microsoft announced plans to provide integrated Bluetooth support for Windows XP next year (2002), including adoption of the Human Input Device profile. And input-device maker Logitech is busy developing Bluetooth-capable input devices.
RE: input device profile?
Down with Censorship!
RE: Down with Censorship!
RE: Down with Censorship!
Ignore the Wacko
RE: Down with Censorship!
RE: Down with Censorship!
Damn, I forgot I said I was done talking to you.
RE: Down with Censorship!
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First this story and now this BT stuff. What is M$ strategy
So what are they (M$) up to now. Hmm...