Quickies: PC Expo, EEG Monitoring, HandEra Case, How-To
Don't miss VisorCentral's PC Expo 2002 Report with pictures and videos of new products from the expo part of TechXNY. -Ed
Nicolet Biomedical has introduced SNAP, a single-channel EEG monitoring tool built into a Springboard module. It allows the Visor to track anesthesia's effect on brain activity and display it in a time-based trend. SNAP has been cleared to market by the FDA, with commercial shipments expected to begin in July. -PR
Piel Frama is now listing a leather flip-case for the Handera 330 on their webstore. It comes in black, tan, or a combination of the two and offers an opening for the jog dial and slots for business cards. It sells for $60. -Wollombi
A collection of all the Palm OS Minutes can be found on the PalmLoyal site. These are brief how-tos explaining some facet of the Palm OS. -Ed
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RE: i'm surprised...
Upon asking some of the developers, many cited that the support that they get from Palm is lesser and lesser and as the saying goes, business still to move to stay alive many started supporting PPC 2002 platform too.
It is such a sad situation.
And now here at PC Expo in NYC, Palm is not making enough noise at all....and to think that Palm OS5 has just been released.
RE: i'm surprised...
RE: i'm surprised...
I hope there are no nasty surprises
My nightmare: Msoft buys up Palm....
Come on PALM HURRY UP!!!!!
don't be surprised. PC Expo was a dud this year
umm looks like an announcement to me
Springboard is dead
Not that attatching anything to a PDA to make it something else was ever really a good idea. As a rule, I think that a PDA peripheral should enhance the PDA functions rather than turn it into something else. Most of these devices are novel, however, they aren't anything that anyone was really asking for. Where, exactly, did you hear of the demand for a single-lead EEG pray tell? They built it. That's nice, however, they aren't really solving any kind of problem.
RE: Springboard is dead
RE: Springboard is dead - sad but true
12 lead ECG?
What good is it during a transport if you don't have a defibrillator? "Oh, look, multiple PVC's to V tach to flatline. I hope I got it all on my Palm ECG module!"
RE: Springboard is dead
NOw, I'll admit that the Springboard seems to be winding to a close, but there has been A LOT of medical springboards for the Visor, so it will probably stay viable in that particular market for quite a while.
I do wish they used a more accepted standard (like standard CF cards or PMCIA cards. Oh well.
James Sorenson
RE: Springboard is dead
RE: Springboard is dead
ECG for the Family Physician: good or idea or a terrible one, in an increasingly litigionous world its a BAD idea because you might iagnose one of those terrible arythmias, but I like the idea of keeping a certain skill set alive of reading 12 lead ECG, checking for LVH, checking axes giving printout to keep in the wallet if LBBB was discovered etc.
Anyway that's my take, I guess IM Anonymous was from the States i'm from the UK we are still a bit behind in litiginous dept.
RE: Springboard is dead
Not millions but the Visor Springboard slot was just the right size for these kind of specialty products and I hope a company like Handera picks up the productline and continues it for just these users. Because SD is too small and CF is close but only Handera supports it in a reasonably priced device. The Visor with Springboard was the perfect match.
Wither Treo
I don't think Treo can compete.
RE: Wither Treo
At present, Treo proves itself in terms of usability. It is so far the only "usable" PDA-phone combo. Yes, it is not prefect, and there are ample room for improvement. But Handspring executes the phone-PDA integration just better than anyone at this stage. Yes, 6 months from now we will see better products and more competition. But this is future.
Treo's major problem is pricing, especially in European countries. Just too expensive for most prospective buyers.
Just my 2 cents.
RE: Wither Treo
RE: Wither Treo. yep!
RE: Wither Treo
RE: Wither Treo
RE: Wither Treo
RE: Wither Treo
RE: Wither Treo
and no There is NO new treo model, just treo 270 with CDMA tranceiver. What is the chance Handspring will create something to out do Kyocera in 5 months time (or at least announce it)
The rest are smartphone from Microsoft and Nokia.
RE: Wither Treo
RE: Wither Treo
Personally, features like MP3, 16bit,(likely)longer battery life, and true 3G speed is not worth giving up the larger screen, pocketability, thumbboard, and price(definitely will be cheaper by the time 7135 is released) of the Treo. This is all assuming you're GSM/CDMA agnostic.
RE: Wither Treo
it doesn't make sense.
RE: Wither Treo
Impressive Handera Case
US$60 is a bit steep, but I guess they are positioning against the likes of Vaja. In this regard, pricing can be considered reasonable, though the product is a bit late.
RE: Impressive Handera Case
Cause they are too LATE.....
RE: Impressive Handera Case
RE: Impressive Handera Case
RE: Impressive Handera Case
RE: Impressive Handera Case
Here we go again. It only took you ~2 hours to turn this thread to trash.
You know, some people did buy them, find them useful and they do fit a need. Not everyone wants the exact same model and people do like a selection to choose from.
If you can't contribute something useful to the discussion, grow up & go away.
RE: Impressive Handera Case
Troll, and not even a good one. What an idiot.
RE: Impressive Handera Case
Pretty pathetic actually that a comapany with such a large lead in just 18 months has gone from one of the best to an insignificant blip in the Palm OS world. Just goes to show just cause you have great engineering does't mean squat.
By the way make it 4 users, I dumped mine on eBay 3 months ago. LOL
RE: Impressive Handera Case
BTW, broke is not really a good prediction with the Handera. I dropped mine about five feet face down on concrete with NO damage whatsoever, not even scratches on the finish.
You trolls can't even say that about your NR70's, even though they are nice machines.
RE: Impressive Handera Case
I'm not sure where you get "most users", but EVERY company has a no comment policy when it comes to future products. If you think otherwise, you are the moron.
> They have not [...] assisted 3rd party developers
I have never had a situation where HandEra has not answered a development related question. I would say you have no clue what you are talking about with regrads to this.
> By the way make it 4 users, I dumped mine on eBay 3 months ago. LOL
If you buy a device and manage to keep it far less than a year, then it was never for you in the first place. I've had my 330 for a year now, and it still does all the things I need that you cannot even get today on another Palm OS device.
I'd suggest learning some new strategies in how to purchase the right device for you. Your failures are clearly costing you some money, and causing stress that cannot be good for your heart.
Handera service?
I've never had more than a 24 hour turnaround on my (Rare) problems with Handera. More than I can say for Rand McNally, who have stuck me with two dud GPS's in a row, and are now failing to answer emails. Lovely.
I /am/ the eggman.
They should call it PPC expo.

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