Users Report Problems with NR Series MS Slot
Since Sony released the NR series a few months ago, some users have begun to have problems with its Memory Stick slot. They report that after owning the NR70 or NR70V for a few weeks, it will occasionally lose contact with the Memory Stick on the slot.
When it first begins to happen, this will be be a momentary problem. This means that the user will be doing something unrelated to the Memory Stick when it will suddenly beep like it has been ejected, then beep again and the application launcher will open as if a Memory Stick had been reinserted .
Some users have reported that the problem became progressively worse until the unit would no longer read any Memory Stick or even acknowledge that one had been inserted.
The NR70 series units with this problem should be reported to Sony's Technical Support people. After they have confirmed that it isn't a software problem, Sony will replace the unit. Depending on their policies, some stores will also accept them as returns and exchanges.
However, for those who willing to accept that this will totally and utterly void their warranty, individual users can fix this problem themselves. It appears that the problem is caused by the contacts in the slot no longer coming into contact with the ones on the Memory Stick. Opening the back of the handheld and putting a small piece of paper on top of the Memory Stick slot housing will put a small bit of pressure on it, bringing the contacts together. Again, opening the casing of the handheld will completely void its warranty.
Sony didn't respond to questions about this issue in time for this report.
Thanks to Reggie from ClieSource for first bringing this to my attention. -Ed
Related Information:
- PIC Forum: NR70 Memory Stick Issues
- ClieSource: MS is resetting on its own on my NR70V
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RE: Cause: Design of Power button and MS slot
Ted Tschopp
RE: Cause: Design of Power button and MS slot
Even you never put your other finger in the back when you turn on the power, you still pushed the power button from the front.
It's going to give the MS slot certain of pressure, too.
RE: Cause: Design of Power button and MS slot
RE: Cause: Design of Power button and MS slot
If this is not due to the pressure, why would putting into a piece of paper to *PRESS IT MORE FIRMLY* will fix the problem?
Finally happened to me....
I called Sony last night and I'm awaiting for my 'box' so I can ship it back and get it repaired. Can I still visit while my Clie is in the shop? hehe
Any Cracked Hinges or Blank Dead Screens?
RE: Any Cracked Hinges or Blank Dead Screens?
Still love it...
Sony UK clueless
RE: Sony UK clueless
It happened to me a couple of times - however
MS used - blue Sony 128Mb, device - NR70
RE: It happened to me a couple of times - however
many users here in Hong Kong have experienced this problem few months ago and rest assured that this is not some software problem.
Read your manuals before you ask!!
RE: It happened to me a couple of times - however
Got it too
RE: Got it too
RE: Got it too
RE: Got it too
Sony needs to find a fix - not just send out new ones. Once they do I will return mine. But the bigger problem is that I use it every day, they need to send out new ones first then allow us to send the old one back. Of course take a credit card number so incase the user doesn't return the old one they can be charged, but asking us to go without it for weeks is not good business
Warranty-preserving solutions
1. Putting two stickers on the memory stick, which thickens it enough to make the connection snug again.
2. Applying pressure to the back of the case at the "C" in the printed "CLIE", just enough to flex the casing in a little, similarly tightening the stick slot.
Number 1 I can vouch for.
And this is exactly why...
Bravo Sony... :-{
RE: And this is exactly why...
nice pun, whether intended or unintended.
RE: And this is exactly why...
Sony continues to push PalmOS's envelope, developing PDA's that are head and shoulders above ANY others out there, and all I read are crying...
I doubt that most people who purchased the NR are having this problem and most would still be within the warranty period.
Personally, I always spend the extra bucks, and purchase from Best Buy, along with their extended warranty, so if ANYTHING goes wrong during the first THREE YEARS, I can always exchange it for a new unit, or another model.
Stop crying and be glad that Sony is developing hi res, MP3 built in, etc. etc.
Or, go get a Handspring with tooty fruity colors as their biggest innovation!
RE: And this is exactly why...
As someone directly involved in manufacturing I can assure you that your attitude is just plain wrong. Quality should always be paramount. The consumer should never have to "spend the extra bucks" to insure satisfaction. These Clie owners have every right to 'whine' about their $600 purchases. Do you really believe that they would have bought these units had Sony included a "you might need to wrap scotch tape securely around the NR70 for it to function properly" disclaimer?
If Sony manufactured a defective product, then Sony needs to hear about it. Who better than the owners themselves? Keep complaining!
RE: And this is exactly why...
Sales people love you. do you always buy the extras when you shop for a car? the undercoating, the upholstery protection. These extended warrranties are the most expensive part of any purchase. Just read consumer reports.
RE: And this is exactly why...
Hey, the truth be told, there are a lot of us who are simply sick of hearing the "Sony worshippers" telling us how their Clie is God's gift to man and every other hardware company is "too little too late/lacking innovation/poor service/ugly/heavy/old/etc., etc., and so forth."
Well NR70 users, Sony's "best" can suck sometimes too. You paid $600 for a Palm OS unit that has a design problem. Sure the NR70 has a billion "bells and whistles", and you paid for them too. Problem is, Sony is making "consumer" electronics. It appears that the NR's are just going to get "consumed" a little more quickly than some other makes/models. And if you haven't yet figured out that the life cycle of a Sony product is the shortest around, get you head out of the sand.
If you've go to have the latest/greatest thing that comes down the pike, then go for it. But you are going to pay for it in more ways than one. Stop whining about it and admit you're a sucker for "chrome trim." And if you are pissed off enough, then learn from your mistake and buy differently in the future.
But Sony knows they can make a lot of money off of people just like you, so don't expect them to change.
RE: And this is exactly why...
My Sadie Mae Plam is looking pretty darn good tonight in her flannel jammies....
Thanks for all of the life you've breathed into the Palm OS and community.
Yes, the NR70V is flawed. But while the affair lasted - what a thrill - maybe even worth the $600.
However, NOW you have all of these products in the field now. They are in the hands of what the market calls "early adopters." This segment of customers are vicious. And they are all holding something in their hands that is no different than a bad Bridgestone tire except it says "S O N Y."
It is time to take a deep breath, confess to the problem, and take care of your customers.
If you don't fix this mess - you can kiss your market share goodbye.
All those in favor, say "aye."
I was one of these early adopters and I felt dumbed. When OS5 comes out - I am returning back to Palm.
I bought the NR70V about a month ago. European model. Since the European model came out more than a month after the US model, and 3 months after the Japanese release - I assume Sony knew about these defects. I haven't paid yet (the credit card bill is coming in 2 weeks) and now my unit has developed the problem. Should I hold out payment until Sony fixes the problem? I know I am protected against fraud and this looked like one. If Sony knew about these defects and insisted on putting it on the market I will treat it as a fraud. I now have a semi dead pixels (which will flash a ddifferent colour), the power button looked out of place and the hinge looks like it will fall apart and my MS stops working every few hours. I doubt sending it to Sony to fix it will work as many at various forums said that all Sony will do is send another defected unit. Should I bring this up to my credit card company?
Nobody cares, you are a lone voice crying in the wilderness
O.K., but let's not get carried away. I own a house full of products manufactured by "powerfull corporations", the vast majority of which serve me well. If Sony made a defective product they need to make good on it. And hopefully they will learn from their mistake (though, I won't be holding my breath).
go there to hv a look
and u will know how to solve it
Sony Ranks # 2 for Service & Reliability - Palm is Last.
Handspring got A+
Sony got A
Palm got B-
So No Sony does not have poor service like everyone thinks, and No Palm does not have the best service like everyone thinks.
RE: Sony Ranks # 2 for Service & Reliability - Palm is Last.
RE: Sony Ranks # 2 for Service & Reliability - Palm is Last.
All reader polls are terribly "flawed" if you have any intention of trying to generalize the results. Reader polls only poll people who:
1) choose to subscribe to that magazine
2) are willing to answer that poll.
The furthest you can generalize those poll results are to say that the readers of PC Magazine that chose to reply to that poll felt a certain way about those companies and their products. All in all it might be interesting (or not), but it certainly doesn't mean much of anything beyond that very limited scope.
So ask yourself:
1) Who chooses to subscribe to PC Magazine?
2) What might be motivating those particular people to respond to that particular poll?
Since you don't know, there really isn't much that the poll is worth other than selling more PC Magazines and giving PIC another topic to write about.
Incidentally, I choose not to subscribe to PC Magazine because I do find their articles to be completely biased in favor of M$ and other large companies that invest advertisement dollars. With that bias, their information is of dubious values to me. I would venture to guess that there are significantly more Palm OS users who don't subscribe to PC Magazine than who do. So, yes, the results of their poll are also of dubious value.
RE: Sony Ranks # 2 for Service & Reliability - Palm is Last.
RE: Sony Ranks # 2 for Service & Reliability - Palm is Last.
Sony and Handspring, combined, have sold fewer units than Palm. The more Palm branded units, the more people to criticize the service.
If they all sold 500,000 exactly, then I would be more inclined to believe it.
My 2 cents.
RE: Sony Ranks # 2 for Service & Reliability - Palm is Last.
i also find polls and surveys stupid. We here too much of surveys nowadays.
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Cause: Design of Power button and MS slot
Whenever theh user press the power button, the other finger pushed the MS slot from the back, too.
Gradually this is causing the bad contact problemm of memory stick.
Didn't see this problem in S, N or T series of CLie.