Sony Clie NX60 Discontinued, NX70V Lowered
Sony has discontinued the Clie NX60. The NX60 was the lower priced NX series model that lacked the built in digital camera. In addition the NX70V price has been lowered to $499.
Sony quietly moved the NX60 to it's list of discontinued handhelds. Sony never announces or gives reasons for price cuts and discontinuations.
The NX60 was the lower priced alternative to the NX70V. It debuted in October of 2002 at $499 USD. It shared the same form factor and features as the NX70V, but left out the digital camera. It ran Palm OS 5 and included a 320x480 screen, the 200mhz Intel PAX250 processor, 16MB of ram and an integrated thumboard.
The Clie NX70V model has been lowered by $100 to $499. Historically when Sony cuts prices and discontinues models, replacements are not far behind.
It is reasonable that Sony will use a faster processor and offer increased memoryin any future device. The PXA250 processor, which Sony has used in all of their Palm OS 5 models, was recently discontinued by Intel and replaced with the more energy efficient PXA255 which can run at speeds of up to 400mhz. Palm OS 5.2.1 has also removed the 16mb internal memory constraint, paving the way for more internal RAM for all Palm OS licensees.
Thanks to Devan for the tip!
Related Links:
Purchase the NX70V at SonyStyle
Find the lowest price on the NX70V
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RE: Battery life
cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
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RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
Thanks, robrecht
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
One thing I'm praying for is support for 320x240 video recording. 160x112 is starting to get on my nerves.
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RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
I do hope that the next verison (NX80 or whatever) still has a CF slot that's compatible with the drivers. It would make a great replacement for my T665C.
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
-Come with an open mind
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
"Why should I care about posterity? What's posterity ever done for me?" - Groucho Marx
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
But I update yearly, at around this time. I had my Palm IIIx (8meg upgd) till early summer, two years ago, when Sony released the N710. The first Hi-Res model, with MP3's. I waited a year to upgrade hardware (tho I did upgrade to the N760's flash rom) I passed by the T series, till the NR70V came out, at around this time, a year ago.
My trusty NR lasted me till now, but I am itching for a new model already. So this new NX, whatever it may be, will be my next Clie, for another year or so. Just staying at this sort of cycle helps me deal with "new product envy"
Sony's cycle is always rather interesting.
They generaly release a $599 model, and a $499 counterpart, at around late spring/early summer each year. They may follow up with an incremental upgrade by end of summer (ie N760). Then they release the "next-tier mid-range model" such as the T series, along with an upgrade to the lower-end model in the fall. Winter releases are more sporadic, but it seems a safe bet to count on them to release a "high-range" model at around this time yearly. Thats where I keep my chips anyway.
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
I think they are actualy. I never understood the people who complain that their model is obsolete, just because a new one is coming out. With Sony's current product cycle, there is a Clie for pretty much every budget, the connector is the same for all of them, my charger cable works on my NR70, my brothers T615, and my friends' NX70. With the product cycle, Clie are never far behind the technology curve, and as they only add things, and never remove them, I haven't really had any compatibility issues.
As for brand loyalty, check out sites like ClieSource and CliePlanet. Based on them, my answer would be that Sony is indeed doing nicely in that area. Just because a product is discontinued, doesn't mean there is no support for it, nor does it mean that it stopped working for you.
I'd much rather have a whole range of Clie to pick from, and to know that if I don't see something I like, I only have to wait a few months, for new offerings.
RE: cool! i'm looking forward to seeing new Sony handhelds!
It must be so terrible to feel obsolete because Sony continues to make new technology. That Clie in your hand must just fall dead the minute a newer model comes out!
I'm still happily using my 760C - and guess what? It still works great, has tons of space even though I've got 30 or so apps on it, I can still use new software and play the newest games (unlike when my PC gets old), and I haven't needed to buy any new add-ons for it in a while.
Try (I know, it's hard) being happy with what you have, and view the parade of new technology as something radical - like a *choice*, not a requirement. Sheesh. You'd be complaining just as bitterly if there was NO rapid new technology development.
- Miss Clie
A new NX should be better
What I've been waiting for
RE: What I've been waiting for
RE: What I've been waiting for
Main PDA: Sony CLIÉ PEG-NX70v
WiFi setup coming soon...
RE: What I've been waiting for
Is it technolust? I think so.
PS - Super expansion? A Sony model? Don't make me laugh :P *cough* memory stick *cough*
RE: What I've been waiting for
Lidocaineus @ 5/5/2003 6:34:24 PM
No offense, but why in god's name do people upgrade such new tech, ie the NX70V?? Even with stuff like BT and a better camera, more ram, and a faster proc, can you folks really justify a practical reason to upgrade a $500+ piece of equipment, or is it just more of the must-have-the-top-of-the-heap syndrome? I mean I survived with a Palm Vx from the time it came out until just recently when I upgraded to a T|T. But by that time, the Vx had paid for itself over and over ag
RE: What I've been waiting for
I got a lot of use out of my NR, but with OS5 out, there are things that it cannot do, that I would like to be able to rely on it for. In addition, I am a memory hog, so I need the CF memory, and with drivers now being avaliable, the upgrade makes sense. As I am using the camera a lot, getting an upgraded camera makes sense.
And no, I do not need a separate camera, as I like having it in my clie. half the time, I take "notes" with the camera, taking a picture of a book cover, an ad or a classified ad.
RE: What I've been waiting for
i bought an i704 for full price 18 months ago...$499. it can be had for less than $150.
i will never pay full price again...that i know for sure. i may get this new sony that is coming out...but i will wait til next year...when all the people who buy it this summer are crying that it is outdated and they wasted their money..
Hold your horses....
Have a POS kinda day!
RE: Hold your horses....
Your speculations are probably correct, however.
RE: Hold your horses....
Dum De Dum.
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Battery life
I guess the new "energy-efficient" means that the Clies won't have a shorter battery life than the Palms like they used to, doesn't it?