Sony Updates Clie Software
Sony has posted several new software updates for their Palm OS 5 models. A new build of NetFront is now available as well as the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player. Sony has also released a update for the integrated camera software for the NZ90 handheld.
The new version of NetFront (Rev.1.1.36 ) fixes some minor bugs and improved overall application stability. The update requires 2.1MB of free memory and is only intended for the NZ90, NX70V and NX60 handhelds.
Macromedia Flash Player
The Macromedia Flash® Player5 update has a number of audio improvements and fixes. It can now handle flash content with mp3 audio, improved audio replay and adds a adjustable volume bar. The update is for the TG50, NZ90, NX70V and NX60 models and requires 1MB of free RAM.
NZ90 Camera Software
Sony has made a number of improvements to the software that runs the 2 Megapixel camera on the Clie NZ90. Sony has added a upload function to their ImageStation Service that works with a internet connection.
The viewfinder screen refresh rate has been improved and Sony has reduced the camera application load time to under .8 seconds. There is a now a White Balance User setting, an option to rotate the display and a focal mode from the main screen. This update is only for the NZ90 and requires approximately 147KB of available memory.
All of the above files can be downloaded from Sony's Handheld support site.
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RE: What??
But right now there are no other models on the horizon...
RE: What??
These aren't OS updates. The Macromedia and NetFront folks probably insisted on providing fixes for their bugs.
Sony wants people to use ImageStation, so that's the reason for that update.
RE: What??
RE: Old
RE: Old
TG50 Netfront
I would love a few things changed in NetFront, it's very close to being the best hand-held browser. I wish it would scale the frames on a page when using the zoomed-out views though. It's quite frustrating that it does such a great job of letting you see the resized contents of individual frames, but doesn't resize the frames themselves.
A 'view source' would be useful too. And support for pop-up windows (on request only, of course).
Anybody else got wishes for it?
RE: TG50 Netfront
Yes: fix the bugs. NetFront fails in various ways on some web sites (for example, I can't display with it--Yahoo!'s mobile home page). It also crashes the TG50 with some regularity, although that may be more due to general flakiness in the PalmOS TCP/IP implementation (the mail program also crashes the system).
I would love a few things changed in NetFront, it's very close to being the best hand-held browser.
I disagree. Both Opera and Konqueror on Linux PDAs are far more stable and less buggy, and they have display engines that are at least as good. And they have a much more intuitive UI as well.
Don't get me wrong: NetFront is usable and the TG50 is a sleek little handheld--otherwise I wouldn't be using it. But let's keep things in perspective: these are far from the best quality software you can get for handhelds.
RE: TG50 Netfront
I was being a bit over-enthusiastic about it I suppose. Even though Opera is my main browser at home and at work, I've never used it on a hand-held. Netfronts UI is definitely a bit quirky. It's impressive in what it DOES support though, after my previous browser (Handsprings Blazer).
RE: TG50 Netfront
It isn't; it works fine in every other handheld and desktop browser that I have tried.
It's impressive in what it DOES support though, after my previous browser (Handsprings Blazer).
I think people are a bit too easily impressed with these devices. The TG50 has the compute power and memory of what used to be a powerful desktop machine just a few years ago. There is no technical reason whatsoever why something like the TG50 shouldn't be capable of running a complete web browser and reliable operating system.
The real reason why Palm software is in such a primitive state compared to desktop software is PalmOS itself: it still imposes limits that may have been appropriate to the original Palm 1000 but that have no place on current Palm handheld hardware.
Let's hope that PalmOS 6 finally fixes that; Palm's UI is still nicer than the competition, but technically, it is just falling further and further behind all the alternatives (PPC, Symbian, Linux), and it just can't survive on its UI forever.
RE: TG50 Netfront
>>assumed that was because it was a WAP site.
>It isn't; it works fine in every other handheld and
>desktop browser that I have tried. resolves to It just has a confusing URL then...
>I think people are a bit too easily impressed with
>these devices. The TG50 has the compute power and
>memory of what used to be a powerful desktop machine
>just a few years ago. There is no technical reason
>whatsoever why something like the TG50 shouldn't be
>capable of running a complete web browser and reliable
>operating system.
>The real reason why Palm software is in such a
>primitive state compared to desktop software is PalmOS
>itself: it still imposes limits that may have been
>appropriate to the original Palm 1000 but that have no
>place on current Palm handheld hardware.
>Let's hope that PalmOS 6 finally fixes that; Palm's UI
>is still nicer than the competition, but technically,
>it is just falling further and further behind all the
>alternatives (PPC, Symbian, Linux), and it just can't
>survive on its UI forever.
At the time I was using a 200MHz desktop, I don't think browsers were any better than Netfront. Really, I did use Netfront as my prime browser on a weeks vacation a while back, and it didn't crash once. What sites are you frequenting? My prime site uses lots of javascript, and works fine, I just wish it resized the frames better. Netfront displays it much better than my IPaq's IE. I haven't tried Netfront on the IPaq however.
I find it hard to accept that PalmOS is falling behind PPC. I do have both, and prefer PalmOS. I hope PalmOS 6 does keep the good points of PalmOS. Really, it is pretty damn close to what I need in my pocket. I know there are some serious internal memory management issues, and people don't like the lack of a conventional file system...
Anyone know how to turn the volume bar off in Flash?
-Davy Fields
Flash 5 at last
Would be worth buying a clie for...
HUGE UPDATES!? and no flash rom to stuff them into
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