Palm User Club is launched

Palm User Club was launched on Thursday April 6th. The new site takes a look at the different ways that Palm computers are used in everyday life and Sammual James - McLoughlin the creator of the site keeps a daily diary of his experiences. The aim of the Palm User Club will provide inspiration, ideas to fellow Palm users whilst users are encouraged to submit and share experiences. Palm User Club can be found at the following site URL:

The site is updated on a almost daily basis and is different to many other sites in the fact that Palm User Club celebrates the many different ways Palm Organisers are used. The site will expand over the next few weeks and there plans to be many informative editorials from Sammual, who not only will keep readers up to date with his own experiences but will illustrate different uses through his informative articles including a forthcoming "day in the life", of which Sammual heads a Public Relations operation and readers will be able to see how he uses his Palm organiser to tackle his job. as mentioned readers are encouraged to share their own experiences and are warmly encouraged to do so.

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