Indian Palm Users Group Launches!

The Indian Palm Users Group (IPUG) has officially launched a new web site! We are looking to bring together all users of the Palm OS, specific - but not limited - to users in India. The purpose of the group is to offer a network through which to share information and resources.
The group intends to schedule informal meetings from time to time, at which to meet other Palm OS enthusiasts. Every meeting provides members with the opportunity to discuss Palm OS hardware and software, ask questions, seek advice, learn tips and tricks, and view demos of products and accessories. For more details on scheduled meetings check out the Meetings Page.

The Indian Palm User Group consists of members of all types. Non Users, new users, simple users, power users, and developers. and everybody in between. That means you DO NOT have to own a Palm or handheld device to be part of the group.

It is hoped that your passion is not passive. In this light, any inputs from you would be greatly appreciated. However, this is not a prerogative. Take your time to walk around this site...with stealth at first, if that's your style...but do let us know when you're ready to leave your PUG marks behind...we'll pursue the hunt. And as most hunts end up, there's no catch. it's free. Join Us.

To learn more, please visit our website at

Ashish Gupta
IPUG Coordinator

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