Resco Explorer for Palm OS Updated

Resco Explorer - Palm OSResco Explorer for Palm OS has been updated to version 3.2. Explorer is a powerful and feature rich file system browser, image viewer, launcher, zipper, backup utility and FTP/LAN browser. New in this version is support for secure FTP logins and active mode, AES encryption for zipped files, https downloads, time synchronization improved favorites and much more.

Resco Explorer 2007 v.3.20.1 is available now with a free trial period. It regularly sells for $29.95, but is currently on sale for $24.95 for a limited time.

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atrizzah @ 9/24/2007 4:00:16 PM # Q
Wow, that screenshot sure does highlight how inadequately small the Palm OS screen is

Peace Out
RE: Tiny!
VT-Vincent @ 9/25/2007 2:38:09 AM # Q
Actually, the Palm OS screen is larger (in terms of resolution) than 95% of the Pocket PCs on the market. Try making the screen physically larger and then lowering the resolution to 240x320... it's beyond fugly.

The high 320x320 resolution is squandered by oversized fonts, which can be easily fixed within most programs or by 3rd party applications such as Fonts4OS5.

RE: Tiny!
justauser @ 9/25/2007 4:18:06 AM # Q
Actually, Resco Explorer has quite good font options built in. You can choose an extremely tiny font if you'd like to see more. Probably more practical to choose the second smallest font. Screenshot above doesn't do justice to Resco - it is quite a nice looking app even on a square screen

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great app!

xpan @ 9/25/2007 8:52:22 AM # Q
Resco Explorer is by far the best application written for the PalmOS. Swiss army knife!

"home is where my computer is..."

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