Rumor: Two New Cheaper Clié Versions Coming
CDW appears to have jumped the gun on Sony and is allowing pre-orders on a couple of new Sony handhelds that haven't yet been announced. CDW's webstore is offering the PEG-S320 for $189 and the N610C/V for $377.
The PEG-S320 looks like Sony's first handheld aimed at the low-end of the market and is possibly a replacement for the black and white PEG-300. The N610C/V is likely the N710C without the DSP, which allows MP3 and ATRAC3 playback.
CDW doesn't give any details or have any pictures available. Sony's own SonyStyle site doesn't yet have any information at all on these two new handhelds.
SonyStyle still lists the PEG-300 at $300. It is not yet known if Sony will discontinue this model to be replaced by the PEG-S320 or if they will keep it on to be their Palm Vx equivalent.
Sony recently stopped selling the PEG-S500C in Japan. This was the color version of the Clié that was never released in the U.S.
Update: More information on the Sony PEG-N610C/V is now available.
Thanks to Rod and Edward for the tips. -Ed
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RE: No wonder Palm is worried.
i can't wait for palm to *please* release a fix/hack for adjusting the front light. that should at least satisfy m505 supporters like myself.
i'm not much for the audio since i have a minidisc, but yeah, the 320x320 hi-res screen is killer.
RE: No wonder Palm is worried.
RE: No wonder Palm is worried.
RE: No wonder Palm is worried.
- N700c is the best -
RE: No wonder Palm is worried.
Sony and Handspring Worried, too
So you N710C buyers need to accept that the fate of future Sony handhelds is closely tied to Palm's financial health. Rather than regarding m505 buyers as your enemies, you should realize that we are all in the same boat. Just part of a boat can't sink.
-Dr. Bob
RE: No wonder Palm is worried.
RE: No wonder Palm is worried.
RE: When Palm goes bankrupt, Sony will own the Palm OS
[ No Subject ]
RE: Thinner Sony
RE: [ No Subject ]
RE: [ No Subject ]
SInce I already have an MP3 Player and don't care about video playback, the promised 610 seems to be just the thing - I'll buy it at below $350. ;-)
Palm in trouble
1- The resolution screen its not so good.
2- The bright its poor.
3- Dont come with mp3.
4- Dont come with microphone.
5- The Palm OS doesnt have many new features.
6- The most of the programs doesnt support the expantion card.
7-The free programs that come with the Palm are not the best programs for his area.
8-The grafitti area its not removable.
I dont understand why they want to give the buisness to microsoft.
I hope the new versions are less cheesy looking
The only knock most would ive the 330 is it has no color screen.
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No wonder Palm is worried.
Not trying to start another Clie vs. m505 war, but you have got to admit that Palm is in trouble.