Palm Announces Good Revenues, Layoffs
In a classic example of taking medicine with a spoonful of sugar, Palm announced today that its handhelds have been selling well and that it expects its revenues for the quarter than ends this month to be about 30% higher than the last one, and, oh yeah, it is reducing its headcount by about 250 employees.
The stock market reacted positively to the news, pushing the share price up 6% in after hours trading.
When all is said and done, Palm is going to lay off more than 250 employees and contractors but it is hiring at the same time. The company has hired 45 people as part of its acquisition of Be Inc.
The company said it expects to report revenue for its fiscal second quarter, which will end November 30, of between $250 million and $280 million. Palm had previously said to expect quarterly sales to be about the same as last quarter's $214 million or possibly a little better. During the same quarter last year the company had $522 million in sales.
It expects to meet consensus analyst estimates, with a pro forma loss of approximately 7 cents a share. The company does not yet know when it will return to profitability.
"We are pleased to report an improvement in our revenue outlook,'' said Eric Benhamou, chairman of the board and temporary CEO. `"Palm is executing better than a few months ago in both of our core businesses. And we are now in a position to further reduce our cost structure. Together, these favorable factors will accelerate our return to profitability.''
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News Editor
RE: I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.
HAHA What a loser!!
And to think i was actually thinking about not coming back to these boards...
RE: I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.
Thank you.
RE: I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.
Good, 'cause no-one does.
RE: I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.
There is a lot of duplication of job effort at the top, and it is clear that many top execs are useless at this point and need to go away and save the company a few million dollars a year.
RE: I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.
Actually, Palm's site lists 21 Vice Presidents:
Eric Benhamou
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (Interim)
Judy Bruner
Palm Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer
David Nagel
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Platform Solutions Group
Todd Bradley
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Solutions Group
Barry Cottle
Chief Internet (Net) Officer
Satjiv S. Chahil
Chief Marketing Officer
Doug Solomon
Palm Senior VP and Chief Strategy Officer
Steve Manser
Palm Vice President and Senior Vice President, Worldwide Product Engineering, Solutions Group
Paul Reubens
Palm VP, Pornography
Stewart Gill
Palm VP, Human Resources
Stephen Yu
Palm VP, General Counsel and Secretary
Osama bin Laden
Palm VP, Psychotic Jihad-waging
Philippe Morali
Palm VP, Affiliations, Mergers and Acquisitions
Michael Mace
Chief Competitive Officer
Michelle Mace
PalmInfocenter Poster and m505 Damage Controller
Marina Levinson
Palm VP and Chief Information Officer
Glenn Cross
Palm Vice President and Senior VP, Americas Sales and Enterprise Business Development, Solutions Group
Craig Will
Palm VP, Asia Pacific
Palm VP, Hell
Mike Lorion
Palm VP, Education
Ruth Hennigar
Palm VP, Software Engineering
(Currently unfilled)
Palm VP, Innovation
Angel Mendez
Palm Vice President and Senior VP, Global Supply Chain Operations, Solutions Group
Ken Wirt
Palm Vice President and Senior VP of Marketing, Solutions Group
Kevin Hell
Palm Vice President and Senior VP of Product Management, Solutions Group
RE: I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.
Sr. VP - Software
Sr. VP - Hardware
VP - Engineering - Hardware
VP - Engineering - Software
VP - Sales & Marketing - Software
VP - Sales & Marketing - Hardware
VP - Legal
And Definitely FIRE anyone who has "Competitive", "Internet" , "Strategy" in their current title! These are all BS FLUFF positions which simply obfuscate what needs to be done. And keep Benahoumou as far away as possible from the operation. He should be banned from the Palm building!
Palm is not big enough to justify all this FAT up top. It just causes a blurry focus with all of these knuckleheads pointing fingers at each other. They need to be lean and mean to survive!
RE: I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.
But we like him! He defends Palm at the drop of a hat in coffee shops, grocery stores and Palm discussion sites:
This guy is ESSENTIAL to Palm's survival. So just BACK OFF, BUDDY!!!
RE: I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.
ATT: Mike, CCO of Palm Inc.
Posted by: I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2001 11:13:05 PM
Gates must be laughing his head off watching the idiots managing Palm destroy the company for him. Palm will implode within six months because:
1) Their top level staff are incompetent
2) Their products lack innovation
3) Their OS is stagnating
4) They licensed the OS to Handspring and Sony, who have now produced better hardware than Palm
5) Their wireless strategy will fail as "smart" cellphone technology catches on over the next 12 months.
6) The m505 has a low quality screen and will flop
7) Poor sales will force further price cuts, resulting in even lower revenues than expected
8) Palm will not be able to replace the m505 for at least 6 months
9) Their revenues from OS sales are trivial - they need to sell hardware to succeed
10) Their top level staff are VERY incompetent
The boat has gone - byby Palm
There always the same stories, the same press releases about healthy sackings before a product folds finally. Some (as Potter at Psion/ Jankonowhere and dezillions of his useless as highnosed vice pres. at Palm) stuff some money in their pockets to leave the rest of the pack with useless gear on their board or worthless shares at the broker. Sorry to say that my drawer will become a little more crammed latest by March 2002, when Palm goues down the sewer. I only hope that Linux will take over - if not - the pda market has finally gone. M$ is no pda - its a shame...
RE: The boat has gone - byby Palm
I wouldn't hold my breath until March 2002. Your brain might suffer, and from the looks of it, you can't afford to lose the 2 remaining brain cells you have.
RE: The boat has gone - byby Palm
If your not living on the moon - this exactly how it looks. Shares ar below the cellar, no new product in the next 6 months - and the worst:
This sacking is not a cost reduction - this is basically a closure already = a company gets rid of basically all emploees - isnt it?
Get a grip on reality
You say their stock price is in the cellar. It is, compared to last year, when the company was valued higher than GM!! Palm still has a market capitalization of $2.01 BILLION.
You were also wrong about the new products. The new wireless model is expected early next year and so is the m525.
Have I pointed out lately that IDC, a major industry analyst, has predicted that the Palm OS will continue to dominate the handheld market through at least 2005? Pocket PC will have between 15 percent and 25 percent of the market this year. I have to give Microsoft credit for the marketing savvy to convince so many people that their slight recent gains were a trend.
But something tells me you aren't one of those people who are going to be swayed by facts.
RE: The boat has gone - byby Palm
That something speaks loud & clear, albeit with fragmented syntax.
I'd be willing to be that the original poster here:
1) Uses a Clie
2) Has never owned or managed a business before
3) Spouts off opinions about just about EVERYTHING without ever considering any facts
I wonder how much other idiocy this person tries to pass off as "obvious." Here's one:
>>"This sacking is not a cost reduction - this is basically a closure already = a company gets rid of basically all emploees - isnt it?"<<
Let's see--originally (as posted HERE on PIC) Palm had announced plans to lay off approx. 400 workers. Now they come out with about 250. Unless I've forgotten how to ADD & SUBTRACT, that means they've actually RETAINED 150 more workers than originally planned. I guess you need to personally go tell those workers that this is a closure...but you'd be lying.
Sorry for the laid-off
RE: Sorry for the laid-off
RE: Sorry for the laid-off
If you are riding a train that is headed for a cliff and you know this and continue to ride that train, no one should feel sorry for you when it goes over.
Im sorry, but employees should have seen this coming a long time ago. I can tell you if the stock falls $1.50 from $100, my ass is BUSY looking for another job.
RE: Sorry for the laid-off
RE: Sorry for the laid-off
RE: Sorry for the laid-off
Well, then, you'd have been looking for another job if you had been working for A LOT of companies this year, wouldn't you? Most tech-oriented stocks were overvalued since about mid-1999. Honestly, an employee shouldn't be primarily concerned with the stock value, except as an indicator that they need to WORK HARDER and be more productive for the good of the company. Beyond that, the stock value is something an "arm-chair businessman" like yourself uses to bash people mercilessly (let me guess - you own a Clie...).
The view is really good from the cheap seats, isn't it? Try getting into the game, instead of crapping on the people who have been in it for a while.
RE: Sorry for the laid-off
Please give it a rest
Then twerps like you wouldn't be able to spend their days griping about Palm.
Anyone know when the OS licensing agreements expire?
RE: Sorry for the laid-off
Actually, I currently work for a publically held company whose stock dropped from 20 to 12 post Sept 11. It is back up to 17. Want to know why? Because our CEO has made the right moves and knows what the hell he is doing. I havent had to work for multiple companies because the one I do work for is STABLE.
I'll tell you want wrong at Palm
RE: I'll tell you want wrong at Palm
Why do people keep bashing Palm?
RE: Why do people keep bashing Palm?
RE: I'll tell you want wrong at Palm
Whether you realize it or not, you are becoming a troll. You may think you have the highest motives but someone who worked for Microsoft and was being paid to spread FUD would write the same messages you do. That makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Ask yourself a question. When was the last time you wrote something positive on a web forum like this one. Helped someone with a problem, answered a question without using the word "dumbass". If you can't remember the last time, you're a troll.
If you actually want to escape trolldom, don't let yourself write something negative until you have written something positive or helpful about something. If you like being a troll, get used to everything you write being flamed.
I bet many anti-Palm trolls are actually working for M$FT
One Microsoft employee working two hours a day could spread a lot of Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt among Palm users by posting to Usenet and sites like this. There are perhaps 3 major Palm newsgroups and 5 main Palm info sites on the Internet, so it wouldn't take much effort to cover them all. If you've been around these sites very long you'll quickly realize how quickly rumors spread from one site to another and how quickly these rumors become fact. If something is said enough times then surely it must be true...
Take a look here for a prime example.
RE: I'll tell you want wrong at Palm
RE: I'll tell you want wrong at Palm
> happy?
I'd settle for putting you on some kind of quota system. Maybe only one anti-Palm rant a day. Couldn't you find some other web sites and bore them to tears for a while?
RE: I'll tell you want wrong at Palm
RE: Ed, any more facts?
Now that the M$ lackeys (who don't seem to understand that PPC sales are falling) have had their rants, some more facts might be interesting. Does the Palm press release say anything about expected profits? Sales figures are nice to see but, as one of the earlier posts mentioned, that's just part of the equation.
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- Like Deja Vu -T_W
I hope they get rid of a few of the18 USELESSVicePresidents.