Sony Cuts UX Prices, UX80 Rumor
Sony has reduced the price of their high end, UX50 and UX40 handhelds. The cut comes amid rumors of an updated replacement model currently circulating the internet.
UX50 and UX40
The models have a mini laptop like design with a large swivel screen, digital camera and built in keyboard. The PEG-UX50 has both integrated in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless, while the UX40 only includes Bluetooth. Read the full PalmInfocenter review here.
After the price reductions the UX50 is now $649 and the UX40 retails for $549 USD. Both can be ordered directly from You can also use our comparison shopper to find an even lower price.
UX80 Rumors
PDA 24-7 and ClieSource are citing anonymous sources that claim a new updated UX80 model is on the way. PDA 24-7 reports, "Expect a UX80 or 90 with 64MB of usable RAM, a better keyboard (bigger keys) plus a key arrangement to mimic current Palm models, 1.3 MegaPixel Camera and the same size screen as the UX40/50."
The above referenced picture of the rumored UX80 is likely a fake or user mockup. PIC can not confirm the validity or accuracy of the rumor, so please take it in stride.
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RE: Keep 'em comming!
If you think it is quick here in the States, take a flight to Akiabara in Tokyo or hang around the intersection of Ginza and Sony Street. There are some Soney product models that never make it out of Japan with some very pecular features.
RE: Keep 'em comming!
Also if you saw the review on the Gadgeteer, a regular portrait screen like the new HP actually shows MORE screen real estate on web pages than the UX50.
Jer 23:29
RE: Keep 'em comming!
Second point: Kudos to Sony for sticking to their wild release cycle, even if they do encounter some bumps in the road along the way. And to Palm, I say....bring on a refreshed T|T3 with all of the bugs squashed! To heck with Palm's traditional April and October product intros! Or at least, have the "new" units come out at the traditional times and then have one mid-period in January and July (like they did with the T|T2 this past summer).
A fixed T3 in January would be a nice follow-up to the (presumably) almost-finished patch that should come out in the next few weeks.
RE: Keep 'em comming!
Still hoping.
I wonder how Sony decides which model to really rock on. They never bumped the TG50 and there was a lot of folks that loved that. Do they see the UX50 as what the TG50 user was actually asking for? Rumors have it that the NZ90 upgrade will be the same spec but smaller (technology rolls on) and OS6 - due out mid/late next year.
My wife has to sell a lot of candles ( to buy her new Palm.
RE: Keep 'em comming!
My blog:
RE: Keep 'em cumming!
Now they need to do something about the "optimistic" pricing and also get cracking on that PalmOS Sony Ericsson lineup.
PalmOS + Sony Ericsson P900 x 70% = Dead Nokia.
Sometimes the truth just isn't pretty™
RE: Keep 'em comming!
I believe PDA24-7's news though. It sounds plausible (and very Sony) to have at least the specs for another UX-style PDA with more RAM and a better camera. What makes the story particularly plausible is that PDA24-7 reported that the source said the screen would be the same size. Don't expect it until after x-mas though.
RE: Keep 'em comming!
Sony also denied that *any* changes would occur with Memory Stick. The original CNet article was *100% correct*, despite Sony's assertions that it wasn't.
Repeat blindly after Sony: "We trust Sony. Sony is trustworthy. Sony always tells us the truth."
RE: Keep 'em comming!
-Sony invests big money on 'Handheld Engine', I doubt they will abandon this chip only after single model. Tho' IMO HE is a total loser. It'll be so primitive compared to upcoming intel's Bulverde, it's not even funny.
RE: Keep 'em comming!
Didn't a few years ago a Fortune m505 company announce their new product and ended up losing a couple hundred million dollars in the process?
RE: Keep 'em comming!
RE: Keep 'em comming!
I've always liked your comments MC, but lighten up a bit. Unless you are actually predicting that Sony is coming out with something called the UX80, and that it will look like those photoshopped pics from ClieSource...
RE: Keep 'em comming!
I hear it's less than a month away. (So you may be right for the wrong reason.)
RE: Keep 'em comming!
If something comes out next month I'll eat my UX50. :)
PS don't confuse my impertinent tone for actual hostility. I'm just engaging in some friendly debate.
PPS if something like the UX80 DOESN'T come out in the next month, who's going to eat what? Hippocrates? Memory Stick Pie?
RE: Keep 'em comming!
Somehow, I think it will easily fit in your mouth. Sideways.
Don't make me send the Chupacabra to your house...
RE: Keep 'em comming!
Please let me feed it to you!
List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
-400 MHz and 128 MB with over 100 MB usable RAM for storing PRC's and PDB's with the rest reserved for heap space. I'm competent enough to backup my own PDA, thanks. Let me use that space.
-3.5" screen AT LEAST. 4" is preferable. This is self explainatory. Although the dot pitch is really nice on the UX50, come on, 3.2" is a disgrace for $700.
-Bluetooth and Wifi with standard API's so developers can actually write applications for it. I don't even have a hotspot sniffer for my damned NX80v for God's sake!
-Portrait and Landscape with PAINLESS conversions with the standard OS 5.2 API.
-1.3 MP camera. At $700, I shouldn't even have to say this. I should be asking for 2 MP, really.
-Retractable CF slot that can make use of peripherals. The $600 model has dual slots and your $700 model doesn't? I want to be able to slap on a Pharos and a Microdrive onto this thing and have it not miss a beat.
-Better stylus. I'm so desperate for a better stylus that I ended up trying my hardest to win that PDA247 contest for a Proporta 3-in-1 stylus for the T-Series, and I've been carrying it around like an antenna in my Palm. Yes, the NX/UX stylus is that bad.
-Four Buttons and a D-Pad Nobody at Sony must actually use the product they churn out, do they? If they did, they'd realize how much of a pain side-scrolling really is. And I'd like to be able to play Zap on this.
-Jog Dial placement What they have now is wrong, all wrong. Maybe try implementing two different jog dials for ideal finger placement while in portrait, landscape, and clamshell modes?
-Make it look nice. This is not hard. The UX50 is the Honda Element of PDA's. Is that a loophole for a wrist-strap or a necklace in the corner?? Good God..
If Sony prices the UX80 with these adjustments at $600, they'll have a smash hit in the high-end.
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS web browsers.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
As for it being a limitation of the OS, it was a limitation back before OS 5.2 when these standards were set. There is now a standard sound, screen, and wireless API. Sony used a version of OS 5.0 in the NX80v when 5.2 was perfectly normal. That's Sony's own fault.
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS web browsers.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: List of ... -- The LOOPHOLE is from charms.
While it may seem stupid to western PDA power users, putting charms on consumer electronic items are very popular in Asia. This is specifically true with cell phones and other Japanese only PDAs and electronic organizers.
Also, for some reason here in the Bay Area, I have seen a lot of UX50s in the WiFi hotspots in the area more than other PDAs. Several have even had charms on them. One actually had a rabbits foot attached to their UX50. Now that is making it personal!
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
The Clie is actually profitable. Sony's Clie division was in the black for quite a while.
And I totally agree that adding these features are sure to make the UX a little bigger. But I'm willing to make a tradeoff. I think if anything, it can be a little wider, so that when it's in your pocket, it's like an extended TT3. Imagine all these features with really good battery life. Wow. But I'm sure we'll just get a watered down Zaurus C760 as the next UX. Man I hate Sony.
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS web browsers.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
Riiight. Then why isn't this listed?
I just love bashing widdle kiddies...
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS web browsers.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
Kids these days never get the job done right... why in my day, we had to use typewriters! And yet we could compile a *complete* list of available web browsers for it!
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
God, it's like The Godfather all over again. "I'm Mike Cane, damn it! I made my bones when you were still dating high school cheerleaders!" And then I come in and shoot you in the eye. Man I rule.
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS web browsers.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
Alec was still watching Power Rangers when I first wrote for PIC. (Oooh, alec, that's called *history*. See, the world existed *before* you became dimly aware of it!)
Wish he was still watching Power Rangers these days...
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
You know, I've supported some of your predictions, helped with your incessant bitching about ska, even defended a thing or two (without any debt of gratitude), and yet you still turn your back when an age figure is wielded. You take a lot of **** from people, and it looks like you'll be taking it from one more. An apology would be accepted, but is not expected. After all, you are MikeCane(c).
Now where the hell did I put my pacifier..
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS web browsers.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
No, you need to be ****ed by some prick instead. Hard.(I *ed out the words myself since you've shown elsewhere that you're too dull to figure it out.)
Too bad you can't tell the difference between tongue in cheek humor and a real insult.
You seem to become very defensive whenever anyone points out the fact that you're just a child. If you were over 13 years old, you probably wouldn't be as insecure as you are. Baby Bosco: you need to grow up. Literally.
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS pron.
S320+ nothing + nothing + payphone
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
Oh damn, I'm sorry, I thought I was 16. My fault.
I get defensive about my age because I *was* treated like everybody else until my age was brought up in conversation. Now my points are moot, despite whatever true validity they have.
Sorry, but your insults just didn't touch base with me. Probably would have fired up someone else, but I'm a little different. I found your post funnier than mikecane's, but that's because his seemed laced with truth. Anyway, I think I'm done here. The UX80 hasn't even been brought up in the last five posts.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
Oh damn, I'm sorry, I thought I was 16. My fault.
I'm referring to your mental age.
I get defensive about my age because I *was* treated like everybody else until my age was brought up in conversation. Now my points are moot, despite whatever true validity they have.
Your points were always moot. It's just that no one had the heart to tell you.
Sorry, but your insults just didn't touch base with me. Probably would have fired up someone else, but I'm a little different. I found your post funnier than mikecane's, but that's because his seemed laced with truth. Anyway, I think I'm done here. The UX80 hasn't even been brought up in the last five posts.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
Nice to see you've suddenly developed thick skin, Baby Bosco. But I just don't believe it, kid. By the way, what happened to your "hey look at my PalmSource article, doesn't it validate me and give me credibility" signature? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS pron.
S320+ nothing + nothing + payphone
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: List of ... -- How to handle Winers like this.
* Throw the problem back at them and ask them how it should be solved. Many times, that will occupy them and let them review how reasonable or not their suggestions are for implementation.
* Give them a hard dollar figure of what it is going to cost them to have this done. Either ask for a big NRA in the tens of thousands of dollars or ask for a hundred unit commitment (thousand unit commitment if it consumer products.)
* Ask them how many people they have been in contact with that also want similar features. If they come out as a minority or unique request, tell them they need to implement it themselves or refer them to someone that does custom work.
And to top it off, you just need to please enough people to make a profit and survive. It is great if you can do that with majority market shared but that is not always the rule.
There are people out there that will complain no matter how wonderful your work is case a) they are scared of your talent, b) they are hiding something in their professional live and attention is drawn to you instead of the or c) they are have someone around them that they should be dishing this out to instead of you but have no courage.
If you think it is bad here, go to a MacWorld convention. These PDA guys are amature compaired to Mac snobs!
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
Hippo...etc is ska trying to imitate me. He is not cruel enough and not stylish enough.
RE: List of Things that SHOULD be in the UX80
Hippo...etc is ska trying to imitate me. He is not cruel enough and not stylish enough.
And not stupid enough.
PalmSource SC
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Palm OS pron.
S320 + nothing + nothing + payphone

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