Palm Centro Software Apps

Centro SoftwareThe PalmInfocenter Software store carries thousands of Palm Centro software applications for your Centro smartphone, Palm Treo or PDA.

There is a rich variety of third party Palm software apps that can greatly enhance your productivty and your device's usefullness. The store carries freeware, shareware and commercial titles and most apps include a free trial period.

- 10 Apps to a better Treo (or Centro)
- How To Add MP3 Ringtones to your Centro
- Five Tips to Improve the Blazer Browser

Centro Software Applications

Most Palm devices run the Palm OS. You can find our full catalouge of Palm OS Software here.

Tip: Did you know that you can wirelessly download and purchase apps on your Centro smartphone?

It's easy -- simply visit the mobile version of the PIC store directly on your Centro.

Open the web browser and type in and you're good to go.

You can also browse our software by category, best sellers, new software, updated software and what's on sale.
We also have software RSS feeds and a mobile version of our store.

Some of Palm's latest Treo smartphones run Microsoft Windows Mobile. The PalmInfocenter software store also carries many Windows Mobile software and Windows Mobile Smartphone applications.

Popular Palm Centro Software Apps

Touch Launcher Cento Software
CorePlayer - Palm OS
Quick Memos - Centro Software
Quick Memos
Callrec - Centro apps

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