Comments on: Using a webOS Device Without Active Service

Over the past few days, PreCentral member "dcorleto" has recounted the story of his previously-active Pre becoming a paperweight after ending his his Sprint service and moving to another carrier. Unlike most smartphones on the market, including all prior Palm devices and even the iPhone, it seems a previously-activated Sprint Palm Pre cannot be used as a standalone Wi-Fi based device or even as an offline PDA or media player once it ceases to function on the Sprint data network.
Article Comments
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RE: is it all about revenue?
Is it just me or was that whole article very unclear? Maybe too much coding for a day, but it reads like a pcworld article.
RE: is it all about revenue?
What are you unclear about? Ryan and I actually worked on re-wording the article to make it easier to read. IMHO, this is actually worse than the Apple + AT&T situation. At least old iPhones STILL function without any active service to them!
Go peruse the TC thread if you'd like to get a firsthand view of the whole situation.
To reiterate in a nutshell:
1. User buys a new Pre w/ Sprint (or other) service.
2. Initial device setup requires setup & establishes Palm Profile.
3. User terminates Sprint contract early OR the 2 years are up.
4. User decides to move his number to another device or to another carrier but wants to keep Pre around for old PIM data or web browsing over wi-fi or as a media player.
5. The Pre no longer functions AT ALL (not in wi-fi mode, airplane mode or anything else) because it's not receiving an active data signal "to the cloud" from Sprint etc. User cannot even log into his previously-created cloud account via wi-fi.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: is it all about revenue?
Palm is taking a very dangerous path obligating the user to work with wireless service for any feature and not just ones that require network connectivity. Eventually, a consumer group is going to sue on this one claiming over-extension of service agreements.
RE: is it all about revenue?
Just yesterday I spent another :20 or so with a Pre at the store trying to get a feel if the Contacts app would actually handle my daily business. Did not look good at all compared to my ancient Treo 680. The PIMs are mission critical and cannot be some crowbar functionality.
I like a lot about WebOS and some about the Pre. But, with the Palm's usage tracking, Sprint's "leased phone" reality, and toy-like PIM, it's looking more and more like the handwriting is on the wall for me. I held out a lot of hope for the "new Palm", but the reality for me may be Android, iPhone, or RIM?
Pat Horne
RE: is it all about revenue?
RE: is it all about revenue?
It appeared that the number of fields was more slim than in Palm OS. I found no way toIlist contacts by "category". That is absolutely necessary for me. 3,500 contacts make for a lot of scrolling, especially when you can remember a persons last name etc. I have serious doubts about functional one handed use.
The whole process seemed very cumbersome within the app as well, but I'll chalk that up to my learning curve. Are you finding the Contacts app as functional as on Palm OS? One handed operation?
With no DtBk app allegedly coming, then I don't see much hope on the horizon. And if Calendar is worse, then it does not look good
Pat Horne
RE: is it all about revenue?
Are you finding the Contacts app as functional as on Palm OS? One handed operation?
I am, but I never used categories - I've always just used find-as-you-type, so Universal Search is gonna be the shiznit for me. You might be screwed though :P
As for one handed operation, couldn't say. The emulator runs on my PC! So I suppose using the mouse qualifies as one-handed...
If you really want to give it pseudo test-drive Pat, without some sales droid looking over your shoulder, just download Virtualbox and the Mojo SDK. Easy install, and it comes with the full-fledged webOS emulator. You can try out all that tasty homebew goodness too. :) You can't use a Palm Profile but you can try out the interface, Google sync etc.
RE: is it all about revenue?
Read it and weep:
You should definitely post this news item!
good article
RE: good article
That said, I have an absolutely useless Pre sitting on my desk right now that I recently purchased (very long story) that I cannot even use for WebOS evaluation purposes for PIC due to not having a Sprint contract or service without resorting to some major hackery.
As things stand right NOW, when your contract or time with Sprint runs out or you move service elsewhere, the Pre turns into a lovely little smooth brick (err, river rock). Yet I can dig out an ancient Garnet-based Treo and merrily use it as a PDA, media player or whatever else I desire without any service on it whatsoever.
Even deactivated iPhones work nicely without service (after the initial activation & setup, of course) and basically emulate an iPod Touch over wi-fi. Palm's setting a new standard here with this maneuver and I don't like it ONE bit!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: good article
RE: good article
RE: good article
Weird though. There is a lot about webOS and developing for it that is "open", but then we keep seeing how a combination of the carrier and this whole "cloud" thing is being used as the lock-in. There ought to be a law......
RE: good article
But for God's sake, don't increase the power of government to extend into the private sector too deeply. This is in no way anti-competitive.
RE: good article
Sorry to have caused a false alarm.
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: good article
I figure it'll be cheap due to the "unluckly number 4" stigma...right?
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: good article
No one forces anyone to read the news headlines & subsequent comment threads that are clearly marked "RUMOR: Tungsten T4 Speculation"
All I can say is I'm glad I didn't leave comment about that article you can link to. :-)
Yeah, I did see one of those T4's just the other day...... Yeah, ..... I'll get that right out to you. Yeah, ..... that's the ticket.
"Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?" Oops, I need to change that: "Hey Palm! Where's my smartphone that I can use as a PDA with Wifi?" What's that? No, I can't do that? I have to pay Sprint forever if I want to be able to use my hardware for anything truly functional? And the two of you own all my data? Ok, thanks for clarifying that.
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: good article
rpa wrote:
Aside from the obvious commercial dilemma of "buying" a Pre that you can't use as you wish, Palm/Sprint would have access to anything you put in the cloud: contacts, calendars, memos, apps, etc etc and would know just about everything there is to know about you. Marketing types (and law enforcement) would love to tap into this data. This all sounds too 'big brother' for my liking.
This seems like all the more reason for Palm to let you keep using the device after you no longer have Sprint service on it. I'm sure they get $$$ for your data.
My comments
My question to Palm (and any network partners of theirs):
What is it about this arrangement (active service limitation) that I should find attractive as a consumer?
How does it benefit me?
Why would I knowingly agree to that arrangement?
I would ask it of Palm themselves (rather than here) - but I honestly can't be bothered as I have no expectation that they have the slightest interest in (consumers like) me (anymore).
Another point to the Android camp - assuming that even if carriers attempted to mandate such madness I could very likely find a hack around it from "the community".
Take issue with 'risky'
As of this writing, the original poster of the thread has managed to resurrect his Pre, but only after resorting to a rather unconventional and risky method.
Risky? As any of the Webos Internals folks can tell you, it is almost impossible to "brick" a Pre, as has been the case with prior Palm devices. The webOS Doctor which has been such an invaluable hacking tool (and is freely distributed by Palm, by the by) will fix practically anything you might have broke while tinkering.
I agree that this a crap situation. But IMO the real enemy is exclusive carrier agreement - and they're hardly unique to Palm.
(fully prepared to eat my words when I find out for sure that I can't use a UK GSM Pre)
RE: Take issue with 'risky'
RE: Take issue with 'risky'
RE: Take issue with 'risky'
Considering there are still plenty of "Please help, I want to plug my iPod into my Treo and copy over my iTunes library. Which cable do I buy" sort of requests, it's a good idea to always assume the worst as far as the general public's level of tech-savviness is concerned.
I would wonder that if you first put an activated Pre into "Airplane mode" and THEN terminated service if it would stay in that mode. But wouldn't that also render the wi-fi useless? Hmmm....
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: Take issue with 'risky'
Considering there are still plenty of "Please help, I want to plug my iPod into my Treo and copy over my iTunes library. Which cable do I buy" sort of requests, it's a good idea to always assume the worst as far as the general public's level of tech-savviness is concerned.
Heh. Good point.
RE: Take issue with 'risky'
I would wonder that if you first put an activated Pre into "Airplane mode" and THEN terminated service if it would stay in that mode. But wouldn't that also render the wi-fi useless? Hmmm....
I don't have experience with the Pre, so I can't say that it does this for certain, but after putting the iPhone into airplane mode, you can go back and turn on Wifi alone and use it as an iPod Touch.
Can someone confirm if the Pre does this?
RE: Take issue with 'risky'
RE: Take issue with 'risky'
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is it all about revenue?