Claudia Schiffer, Supermodel and Palm Model
Palm, Claudia Schiffer and PTN Media today announced a collaboration to design and market the Palm Vx Claudia Schiffer Edition. A prototype of the elegant, brushed handheld was unveiled today. It will be available exclusively online Fall 2000 at
Claudia Schiffer said, "I am excited to be working with Palm to bring fashion to technology and extend its reach to the wider population."
Schiffer is personally selecting her favorite add-on software applications to include on a CD that customers can use to install the programs on their Palm Vx Claudia Schiffer Edition handheld.
"Our goal is to become as essential in pop culture as we are in tech culture," Satjiv Chahil, chief marketing officer at Palm, said in a statement today. "We are delighted that as an avid Palm user, the multitalented Claudia Schiffer recognizes the opportunity to market an elegant, powerful and simple-to-use technology to the fashion-conscious public."
Thanks to ZDNet Inter@ctive Investor and to ZDNet for the image.
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RE: Who cares!
A device named after a supermodel is as friggen CHEESY as they come.
RE: Who cares! Me.
I think the Palm needs a balance of style and substance. Currently, I think they are keeping that balance very well. Yes, the Palm OS doesn't have everything in it that many people want but for every person who is clamoring for more features there is another demanding that they keep it simple. And I think the Vx looks cool and professional but if Claudia can come up with an improvement and make money on it without making the thing harder to use, more power to her.
The Claudia Palm is an interesting experiment. It will be just one of many options and I'm all in favor of choice.
RE: Who cares!
Palm where is the innovation....
RE: Who cares!
RE: Who cares!
What is Palm Thinking? It's no wonder that Handspring has reached 25% of Palm's market in the first year. Palm is too busy trying to color coordinate rather than innovate.
With moves like this one, Palm is going to wind up having to sell the OS back to Jeff to pull a profit by this time next year. Hmm... Wonder if this is something Jeff has already realized.
Just a thought...
Hey Palm, wanna hear a secret? Deliver the following and you just might be able to turn things around:
You were on the right track with the Palm VII (Probably Jeff's idea wasn't it?), but it was too costly for most, lacked enough memory to store anything you find from more than a handful of query apps and the service cost is highly uncompetitive.
To get it right, Deliver a Wireless, Color Palm Device with 8MB of RAM (minimum)/4MB Flash RAM and a CF Slot. Scrap the idea for creating a new standard in hardware attachments, you're too late. Learn from TRG here. By brining your own "New" standard to the market, you will only create confusion among your current/potential customer base. Keep it simple.
You've already realized that 2MB of Flash is not enough room to enhance your OS. This is why there is no upgrade for the Palm VII to support anything beyond Palm OS 3.2.5. The Palm VII is basically an "Un-Upgradable device". Any Palm VII owners care to disagree? Try finding an upgrade to Palm OS 3.5 for your P7. Won't happen and Palm knows it. If the VIIx includes 2MB of Flash, guess what, same problem different casing(black instead of grey I hear). Hardly worth considering.
Palm, if your Engineers can deliver a device that includes the following, you will make it another 2-3 years:
1) Wireless (Web Clipping/WAP) - Higher Data Rates needed though. A bit too slow.
2) Color. Why purchase a device that is B&W? You've introduced the IIIc, Palm VII users will not want to revert back to a VII even with 8MB of RAM on a greyscale display (Ok, maybe a few but not enough to stay competitive).
3) 8MB (Min.) with 4MB of Flash (Min.). You need room in the Flash to be able to upgrade previous OS versions, 2MB will not cut it as mentioned above.
4) A Compact Flash Slot. Learn from the success of your competitors. The only reason you are where you are today is because of Jeff's innovative ideas.
It's time you come up with some of your own or get left behind!
Get to work Palm, you are really beginning to slip. Stay focused and unlearn what you have learned. May the force be with you!
RE: Who cares!
What is Palm Thinking? It's no wonder that Handspring has reached 25% of Palm's market in the first year. Palm is too busy trying to color coordinate rather than innovate.
With moves like this one, Palm is going to wind up having to sell the OS back to Jeff to pull a profit by this time next year. Hmm... Wonder if this is something Jeff has already realized.
Just a thought...
Hey Palm, wanna hear a secret? Deliver the following and you just might be able to turn things around:
You were on the right track with the Palm VII (Probably Jeff's idea wasn't it?), but it was too costly for most, lacked enough memory to store anything you find from more than a handful of query apps and the service cost is highly uncompetitive.
To get it right, Deliver a Wireless, Color Palm Device with 8MB of RAM (minimum)/4MB Flash RAM and a CF Slot. Scrap the idea for creating a new standard in hardware attachments, you're too late. Learn from TRG here. By brining your own "New" standard to the market, you will only create confusion among your current/potential customer base. Keep it simple.
You've already realized that 2MB of Flash is not enough room to enhance your OS. This is why there is no upgrade for the Palm VII to support anything beyond Palm OS 3.2.5. The Palm VII is basically an "Un-Upgradable device". Any Palm VII owners care to disagree? Try finding an upgrade to Palm OS 3.5 for your P7. Won't happen and Palm knows it. If the VIIx includes 2MB of Flash, guess what, same problem different casing(black instead of grey I hear). Hardly worth considering.
Palm, if your Engineers can deliver a device that includes the following, you will make it another 2-3 years:
1) Wireless (Web Clipping/WAP) - Higher Data Rates needed though. A bit too slow.
2) Color. Why purchase a device that is B&W? You've introduced the IIIc, Palm VII users will not want to revert back to a VII even with 8MB of RAM on a greyscale display (Ok, maybe a few but not enough to stay competitive).
3) 8MB (Min.) with 4MB of Flash (Min.). You need room in the Flash to be able to upgrade previous OS versions, 2MB will not cut it as mentioned above.
4) A Compact Flash Slot. Learn from the success of your competitors. The only reason you are where you are today is because of Jeff's innovative ideas.
It's time you come up with some of your own or get left behind!
Get to work Palm, you are really beginning to slip. Stay focused and unlearn what you have learned. May the force be with you!
This is a Joke, right?
It is a Joke right? Surely it's a Joke. Either that or someone at Palm is getting paid big bucks to be a comedian...
Is this the same Blue Palm from Cannes?
Satjiv Chahil, chief marketing officer at Palm
What a coincidence that when he was "Steved" the company's marketing strategies and commercials became decent and they were profitable again.
I remember seeing this guy describe Apple's Pippen game console as the best thing since sliced bread. What an idiot.
RE: Satjiv Chahil, chief marketing officer at Palm
Yo, Claudia? Do you even know how to use one of these things? I hear they are great for breaking into Limo's through the advanced IrDA Communications port... (that thingie/window at the top, similar to the remote control device used on your TV)
I'd love to see a video-based interview (Quick Time, AVI or some other format that is completly foreign to you) with you sharing your expert opinion on how the Vx has changed your modeling career. Better yet, on how your little black book has turned to green (or whatever that color is that you recommended to Palm, or so they say). I guess silver is not good enough for the millionaires of the world. I would have thought Gold or see-through diamond would have been more appealing. Oh well... I'll have to wait until next years line-up of Palms when they sign-up Christy Brinkley.
What an innovative idea, to ask Palm to turn into Chameleons! They obviously don't have anything better to do. Sure haven't pounded out a line of code since this time last year. At least it kept their Art department busy. I'm sure they are glad you stopped by with your request! They obviously aren't listening to the average customer.
Since the senior management there is totally brain-dead anyway, it sounded like a good idea to them and look! Here it is, Aug 7th and your new line has just surfaced! Palm Vx the Claudia way... Honestly, did you ever really waste your time on one of these gadgets before the morons at Palm asked you about this?
Wow! Thank you for contributing to the advancement of the handheld computing industry. I look forward to seeing you at the next PCExpo...
fashion conscious?
Satjiv Chahil is a moron.
so what?
RE: so what?
Just a thought:-)
Visor targets women
Re: Who Cares
If Palm's marketing department were smart, they would be working really hard at preventing the majority of their existing market share from swithing camps to other, more feature rich platforms (that are now even just as sexy), rather than scrambling over selling cheaper or more colourful devices to potential new users.
wow :-/
How 'bout, say, a cool blue backlight? ;-)
what i aml
Posh Vx is a good start.
But when Cosmo has shown it - let's hope palm put out xxx freak version in black carbonfiber and blue backlite and (hello) glowinthedark stylus and . . .
I can't see any difference
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Who cares!
If Palm or someone doesn't get thier shit together, and soon, then I'm going over to the Pocket PC side of the fence! The iPaq is incredible...thin and light!
Come on Palm, get your act together now! The clock is ticking. I'll probably wait until October or November to make my final decision. But if no significant changes or improvements have been made by's bye bye Palm...hello Pocket PC.
Here's hoping :(