No Palm Processor or Screen Resolution Changes Anytime Soon
Writing On Your Palm is reporting that Ted Ladd, Palm Evangelist, recently disclosed that Palm isn't intending to leave the DragonBall chip to move to the StrongARM family of chips until sometime in 2002.
Mr. Ladd also said that Palm intends to stay with the 160x160 screen resolution for "the foreseeable future". They are concerned about compatibility with the huge number of already-created apps that were written with that screen resolution in mind. They are considering switching to a 160x240 screen with the Graffiti area used for screen display when needed, though this isn't planned anytime soon.
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RE: No changes for Palm!?
RE: No changes for Palm!?
I suspect that one reason Windows CE and Pocket PC share is so much smaller that Palm's is that fact that Microsoft and partners have made a number of significant OS and hardware changes over a short period of time leaving users with no real upgrade path and obsolete software.
Palm didn't say that they are ignoring the requirement for faster more capable devices. They simply said that the timeline is a bit longer than some people may be comfortable with.
In the meantime, Handspring has just announced a 33 Mhz Dragonball product. TRG is hinting at a vastly more readable B&W screen. These licensees are working hard to extend the functionality of the device and the OS while maintaining the core simplicity that has made the platform the success it is today. This is consistent with Palm's strategy. Seems smart to me.
RE: No changes for Palm!?
BTW, Compaq has just released a gray-scale iPaq which unfortunately is not available in the USA. I'm guessing the price will be very close to that of the Palm V and it has 16MB with expandability options. If Compaq can bring the price down to this level then the future doesn't look too good for Palm.
RE: No changes for Palm!?
"There is a new PDA from TRG Products coming out early 2001. Unfortunately, all I can tell you is that it is not color. The screen will not display colors. It will be a very improved high contrast screen."
The current screen is basically the same one you will find on a Palm IIIxe or any other late model Palm for that matter. I don't know how TRG will be improving the screen (resolution, contrast or both) but it should be interesting.
RE: No changes for Palm!?
Bottom line is we're all different individuals, with different needs. As we all have read many articles before on comparisons (example: has one right now) they all came to the conclusion that users' needs play an important part and there's no right or wrong. So there's no need for bashing.
I'm still interested in Palm news, and that's why I stay around my favorite sites. Just b/c I change devices, doesn't mean that I don't care anymore. If I buy an Apple computer tomorrow, I won't stop using a PC.
Can't we all just get along? (ha ha) :)
Someone has their head in their *?*,;-)(&!!!!
More pics of Handsprings new Prizm.
The Future not so bright anymore I suppose
In my opinion this will hurt Palm. Right now the average PDA buyer is buying Palms because that's what they've seen and understand, it won't be long though before the first time buyers become second and third time buyers and set their sights on something more powerful, not to mention the fact that Windows CE is developing rapidly in features and ease of use. I would wager Palm might release an ARM based "Power Users" Palm if they see themselves about to lose alot of market share and indeed I hope it's the case.
Screen Res option?
RE: Screen Res option?
In practice -- it would be difficult to do this well. Well-behaved apps could be marked as high-rez friendly, which would have things still be laid out on a 160x160 grid, but using higher resolution drawing primitives to actually draw the UI elements. Unclean apps would have to be run in true 160x160 mode with the hardware doing the bit doubling in both directions. New apps could be HR OK, taking full advantage of the bigger screen. That's a lot of coordination, but I think it could be done in the next 12 months.
The bigger issue: how expensive are 320x320 displays with twice the pixel resolution of the Palm displays? Especially color ones.
RE: Screen Res option?
Quit yer bitchin...
Palm knows what its doing; Microsoft does not, and never has. Make your bed where you may, but you'll be the one who'll have to lie in it.
RE: Quit yer bitchin...
I think the way for Palm to go is to create a PDA based around what most are asking for in this forum and at the same time continue with their current line. Another words let the consumers and developers decide which one they will stick with. IMHO they should have done this instead of spending all of their money on M100 development.
More pics of Handsprings new Prizm.
RE: Quit yer bitchin...
More recently the G4 cube comes to mind.
Palm has, thus far, proved that it has a pretty good grasp on how to make end users and developers happy with its products.
As someone else has mentioned, this is only the opinion of a "Palm Evangelist", don't mark Palm down and out before the dust settles.
I remember several months ago a my local PUG hearing from a Palm expert that there "wouldn't be a PV color any time in the near future due to the technical difficulties", yet the buzz is that there will be a color PV before the end of the year.
I, for one will stick with Palm OS until I find an iPaq that's anywhere near as user friendly as a Palm device. Every Pocket PC unit I've tried has just ended in frustration. I'm quite computer literate and I still find the interface cluttered and confusing.
Well, that's enough of my ranting for now.
RE: Quit yer bitchin...
RE: Quit yer bitchin...
RE: Quit yer bitchin...
Palm is arrogant, overpriced and headed up by a bunch of morons. The fact that the PALM Modem is shit and 3Com owns PALM proves that.
As Palm shoots but yet another bullet into their foot.
(Point of Fact, there are more medical students who use Palm devices then any other PDA. Most medical students do not have enough memory on their Palms to load half of the software many of them feel they need. Palm could easily add more memory addressing the EVER EXPANDIBILITY needs of todays user, but has not, nor give any path to upgrade, but to buy a Palm device from another licensee which has this capibility. This is not smart business, but show arrogants to users needs, not wants).
So to the rest of you die hards out there...Go ahead..Make your bed where you want..(to qoute from another)..The market will sort out the wants verses the need, but I will place my bet with the Pocket PC.
RE: As Palm shoots but yet another bullet into their foot.
LOL. If anything is dying hard, it's Windows CE. Microsoft simply has too much hubris to give it the coup de grace it deserves.
>>The market will sort out the wants verses the need<<
It already has.
>>I will place my bet with the Pocket PC.<<
I hope it's not your life savings.
RE: As Palm shoots but yet another bullet into their foot.
Since when did all these WinCE users hang out on Palm sites?
RE: As Palm shoots but yet another bullet into their foot.
Oh, spare me the attempts at lame analogies. Nobody who uses Windows ever left DOS behind. Give me a fucking break. Why not compare the PDA market to something else...say, the automobile market? That's always a popular one. Or, how about the breakfast cereal market? Or perhaps feminine hygiene products? They're all about as relevant...
RE: Since when did all these WinCE users hang out on Palm s
Palm Infocenter
Jesus Christ!!!
Carl Yankowski should have stuck to what he did best...sell athletic shoes!
Take it with a grain of salt
Fine by me!
All you guys who dumped for WinCE are just loving the battery life on those babies huh? :-P
RE: Fine by me!
RE: Fine by me!
RE: Fine by me!
This also just might be basic strategy
RE: This also just might be basic strategy
Palm Infocenter
RE: This also just might be basic strategy
--And he said, "Ah, the Palm!"
Re: Quit Yer Bitchin'
If you're going to bitch about Palm on a Palm site and root for the Evil Empire, you might as well get simple facts straight.
Screen Resolutign
I sure hope Handspring continues to innovate!
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No changes for Palm!?
I sold my Palmpilot Pro 2mb on ebay and couldn't find another Palm b/c they were all over priced. Also nothing has changed dramaticlly with the OS anyway. So I kept an open mind and tried a WinCE device. My Philips Nino (real cheap$$$) does more than any Palm can new or old. It's not as bad as everyone says it is after all. Sorry Palm, but I have a better device now and more money in my pocket.